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red feather

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Posts posted by red feather

  1. OGE, right on the mark. A Scout IS. Page 47 of the current handbook states :


    Scout Law

    A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverant.


    Any one of the points of the Law is a good thing, many are better but when they are all put together they are what being a scout is all about. Remove one and the Law is weakened, as is the Scout.


    Once a scout or scouter understands that they are living all twelve points of the Law then they have reached the knowledge of who and what they are. The simple word is ties all points together.


    A Scout IS.



  2. All good, well thought out responses but not quite on the mark. To be able to quote the Law is done by first year scouts and as they age and mature they are able to go from rote to understanding. I know I am vague but, this is somithing I have learned from being aroung scouts from their start to Eagle.


    There is still a word or to expand the envelope a group of words of which one is important.


    Keep thinking and please post your thoughts to this 'campfire'.



  3. Yes all words are the legs of the stool. But there is still one that is above the rest. Please think on this as it has caused many scouts and scouters to re-evalute their understanding the Law.

    (at least as they became of an age to really think about it)




  4. ditto with tjhammer.


    As a youth his scouting peers and adult leaders awarded him with rank, authority and eventually Eagle.


    As an adult he is held to higher scrutiny and as the system is now, must adhere to it. To think of removing his Eagle should not be even considered, it was earned as a youth and approved by BSA.


    Tempest in a teapot. 'this too shall pass'



  5. Cub_Dad. welcome to many future years of scouting fun, achievements, memories and grey hairs.


    My youngest son just turned in his Eagle Packet and I am working on finding a new way to be involved with the troop and scouting. In some ways I envy you the scouting future you have ahead of you and hope that you take full advantage of the experiences that you can have in scouting.


    Welcome to forum and come back often. Let other scouters know of this resource also.



  6. We use individual patrol boxes with one dutch oven, two iron skillets, a griddle, cooking utensils, condiments, hot chocolate mix (if they wish), crisco and paper towels. It is the responsibility of the PL or Acting PL to ensure the correctness of the box, if something is missing or not restocked they are to find a way around the problem (Analyze, Adapt, Overcome).


    Each scout is responsible for their own eating utensils. We also use currently two wash buckets shared by the troop, I hope to begin the three bucket system. We use metal buckets as they seem to hopd up better during the winter and in storage.


    Tents are currently not assign to a particular patrol but I have been trying over the years to get that started.


    BobWhite I like your idea of the cleaners are the next cooks. I will bring it up at our next PLC.



  7. exbsapro, thank you for your post. You put into words what I could not. I was called at Bartle in 1968 and currently attend camp at Geiger. When we have OA troops attend camp they are very interested in Mic-O-Say because of the enthusiasm of the boys involved and the intentness of the adults involved. Many of the boys and young adults that volunteer for camp do so because of their involvement in MOS, usually without monetary compenstation.


    Yes, ASM7, the customs and traditions of the Tribe are not to be discussed with non tribesman. However, any adult that has concerns about the Tribe is welcome to discuss their questions and they will be fully answered. Any scout that is not mature enough to understand the ceremonony or the purpose of Mic-O-Say is likely not to be called or tapped until they are able to do so.


    I have spent time with such boys and their parents explaining the reasoning behind such a decision. Have not had a bad experience yet and all boys that have not been nominated and the boys try that much harder to be nominated the next year.


    Also ASM7, you left out the third paragraph of the Mission of Mic-O-Say.


    The purpose of Mic-O-Say is to reinforce the principles of the Scout Oath and Law, and to foster continued participation in Scouting.


    Also to answer one of your questions about rank for advancement Yes, Eagle is required for one of the higher paint stations. The coveted blue of Runner. ( or should I say Mighty Runner) ;)



  8. sctmom, the troop that I am involved with for the last 8-9 yrs started out as more of a social gathering and high cuisine was beenie-weenies and hotdogs. But with interest and great adult participation and change we now are one of the top troops in our area. Change comes slowly and from example from the adult patrol. Not to say our troop does not have its own problems. Believe me, we do.


    To me troop one seems to be very similar from the information provided. Sounds to me like an oportunity to be involved and slowly change the expectations and abilities of the troop. I am sorry that BSA is offering so few choices in your area.



    Undercurrect of your posts that I think I caught pointed out that your son did better when you were not there and did not so good when you were. Maybe a little space until he learns what he can and cannot do? Don't know for sure just a feeling and thought.


    As for parents night during camp, I wish I could get back the hours not sleeping spent after parents night that I spent talking to young scouts about their homesickness.


    Whichever way you go, goodluck and just remember that whatever you decide it will be right for you and yours.




  9. Yaworski, you got me going in this forum thanks. ( I think) As Y you put forth debatable ideas. If you need help, good luck. If in fact you double posted then your efforts sunk you not the forum.


    By the way your ghillie did not work.


  10. Without knowing how many groups or attendees it is almost impossible to lay out a tent city. Best bet is to leader the leaders of each group know the situation and ask them not to spread out too much.


    Might want to thank about a central promenade for access to the individual group sites.



  11. Many scouts have mulitiple commitments, it is up to them to set priorities. A scout that makes overnights as they can is better than one that quits and never shows up.


    As the boys grow older sports, etc. can be more of an influence in their lives and until scouting can provide comparable scholarships we can't compete.


    Most of the boys in my troop do not have an issue with a boy leaving early or arriving late. Part of the normal routine for them. If they don't see a problem I don't either.


    I guess my pet peeve for leaving an overnight early is when they leave early sunday morning for church because their church requires their attendance. We hold non denominational services every o-nite sunday, but that is not enough for some churches. Oh, well.


    To strict rule base and it will limit the experience of the boys.



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