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red feather

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Posts posted by red feather

  1. I have a friend who teaches american government and politcal history and will recommend that they get his students to review this thread. Excellent. All of the ideas proposed and discussed are valid and worthy of the effort expended. As an observer of this thread I must say that it has made me appreciate the priveleges and freedoms we have to discuss, argue, agree and disagree that we have here in our country.


    This entire thread is an example of what this country and we are all about.


    Tjhammer... please allow me to quote you from a different thread, I hope I got it right;


    "By plurality and relative perspective or mores. And by mutual respect for each other, tolerance and standing on common ground."


    This is what we are all doing. Thnak you.



  2. In 1976, while on REFORGER, a military exercise in Germany and Europe, I was sitting in my truck in a small Belgian vile tying knots. After a while I had a group of youngsters standing there watching me and soon were showing me what they knew and teaching me new knots. After a whil of doing this an adult came up to me and asked if I was a Boy Scout. Yes was the answer and he respnded to me that he thought I had to be since I was tying scout knots. Had a great time with the young ones telling each other about scouting in our home countries. Quite the experience, me sitting there in combat gear, camoed, armed and playing at scouts. Knots... the universal language in scouting.


    Hope to read more stories about experiencing international scouting.



  3. I remember two ways to do it. One is carve a grove it the toggle (about 1.5 to 2 inches long) place the toggle at one end of the rope and tie a crown knot around it. the other end of the rope goes through the handle and you tie an eye splice. The other way is similar but using leather thong.

  4. Young at heart, oh so young at heart. But so creaky of physique,and recovery seems to take much longer. Quetion... is it just me or is the floor getting farther away?


    kruggiano, its all a matter of perspective and the number of marbles you have left. I am down to one and it's cracked.



  5. With two boys in scouting, one 19 plus now, Eagle and other interests adn the other doing his paper work for Eagle, I tried to treat them as the other scouts. I did find myself going to them when there was a situation or problem and I wanted it handled and was not sure of the other scouts that were available. Did not go on the high adventure trips with them, Boundry waters and Philmont. Partially to ensure it was their adventure and not mine to hover over. Not sure if that was good or bad. Dads that did go had mixed experiences. I think your son enjoys having you involved but not too close.

  6. As I look at the active users it is 1223. come on folks give it up on the knowledge and experienes. Don't live in the shadows, come to the light and let it go.


    OK, Question...If that boy stays in this troop we are leaving.

    True sory, bad history.



    another one: This troop does not have community envolvment.


    Post, please, increase the base.




  7. It took me several minutes to calm down before posting this. Your scoutmaster ASM1 is not a scout, not a scout leader, and as a past member of elite military, not a leader I would follow down the hall. IF he is willing to post in this forum I wish he would, and explain his behavior. Until this post SF members that I have known have always been courteous, giving, and forgiving. If there is a probem outside scouting, let it stay there. ASM1, I would like to encourage your son to stay in scouting and earn his eagle. It is one of the few awards that businesses, colleges, and the military award extra points for. If he would like to discuss this situation with someone outside of his circle, please ask him to contact me through this forums personal message option (I have two boys, one eagle and one working on it. Been is scouting for 36 years). A mind is a terrible thing to waste, so is a scout.


    Deep breath. Whew...




    after thouht, No SF has ever ignored a direct question from his peers.

  8. A scoout is trustworthy..... I trust a scouts word until I have been proved wrong.


    Way too much info on peyote...I won't continue that thought.


    Bob White keep posting, keeps me on the way. Also gives me the rules that I might need to work around, through, over.


    Keep on postin.



  9. The beaver is a very compassionate critter, havin concern for the poor other critters of the forest. We provide a place that enables the eagle, and owl to eat. Water for the buffalos and antelopes, clearings for the grass to grow so the bobwhite can hide from the fox.


    But we are shy critters who provide this service while watching from the house that only we can build.


    No, no thanks please it would just embarras us. Send money instead.



  10. Howdy Loki. Our adult patrol is called the Crak'd Pot patrol. Our totem is a cracked dutch oven. We also lead by example on overnights,if the boys have questions on how to set up they are requested to take a look at our setup. Sometimes we will set up poorly and have the scouts critique our set up and let us know how we could improve the site. good forum.



  11. In the troop I work with , a common comment of new parents is they look at he current leaders and they say they are intimidated by us. Uniforms, confidence etc, etc. My response to them is that they do not have to know more than the boys just stay ahead of them, easy. As for the current leadership, we look good only becaure of repitition. Sell the on an experience they will get no where else. Also the good quality of leaders they will get to know.

  12. Weekender, THANK YOU!!! After a long day your post was just what I needed and gave me a new scoutmaster minute.


    When cooking a turkey on an overnight insert aluminum tent pegs into the body of the bird. This gives you strong attachment points to hang the bird while cooking and decreases the time it takes to cook it.


    Keep them coming.



  13. As I look at the number of active users it is currently 447. That represents a wealth of information, tidbits, hints, how-to that needs to be tapped into. Come on folks join in post your information or start a new thread. I am new to this also and enjoy learning knew things. Don't let yourself be chased off by the hard core posters!! Consider the gauntlet thrown, the flag raised or whatever it takes to get you in here. Come on in the waters fine and the sharks have no teeth. (or at least they are digital teeth)

  14. Sounds like your troop is turning into a factory for merit badges. Which is reasonable doses is not a bad thing. However scouts spend all day in a classroom being taught things while they sit. Troop meetings should not be a repeat of the same thing. Granted, when they are all sitting, scouts are easier to control and monitor but that is NOT they way to do it. Scouts need to be up and moving. Recently one of our older scouts came up to me and said that they new scouts were not being taught what he was --survival, cooking, high adventure skills, advanced first aid etc.-- and were turning into "soft" scouts. The trick is to include training (classes) that allow them to do other things--spelunking, sailing, cycling, aviation--these are things that are being done in the troop now. It is my responsibility to start including the other skills that scouts need. I am currently planning an emergency rescue and first aid situation at the meeting that the boys know nothing about. Adult fell off ladder with hot wires visible and various injuries that need tending. Wish me luck.

  15. Used after a particlarly hectic Court of Honor


    The only difference between this place and the Titantic is they had a band.



    No plan ever survived contact.


    If your parents didn't have children odds are you won't either.


    One of favorites:


    Remember this, foolish mortals, when ye stare headlong into the mind-paralyzing void, the inky black nothingness of existence, the he--ish yawning maw of the abyss--it's pretty d--n dark, so give it a few minutes for your eyes to adjust.

    Frank M Carrano


    An oldy, goody but full of training.


    Lead, follow, or get out of the way.



  16. I have found many uses for kite string. Strong, comes on easily stored holder. Useful for sewing, frapping rope, liteweight fish line, floss, etc. Also, carry small amount of contruction warning tape, last used on overnight when it was discovered that we were camping in a just opened hunting area. Tied to boys backpacks made them very visible, bells on packs helped also, hunters complained all the way out of the area.

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