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Posts posted by ScouterRob

  1. I finally caved in and got a ipod touch for work. Now I have download a few scouting applications and found out that the ipod does provide usefulness at a campout, esp with recipes from a dutch oven and also having the new scout book in my pocket on a hike helps alot.


    So can anyone recommend any good applications for a leader to download to his ipod? I want to start with boy scout handbook, meritbadge list, and Guide To Safe Scouting.

  2. Can anyone recommend liter/ci on a backpack for a weekend camping/hiking trip? 2 Mile hike to camp and back out, taking only the basics.


    Also what features would you look into a internal frame pack? I am looking at the sleeping bag that can be accessed from the bottom.


    I found some cuscus backpacks that might fit the need. I am trying to go low-end pricing to learn more about packs then buy more upper end when I am familar with them.

  3. Can anyone recommend a good internal frame backpack to be used for a scout that is going to do weekend trips only with causal hikes to the site. I am looking for a pack that has an internal sleeping bag compartment and can be used for a petite adult or large child (5'2) height. Also this is going to be used as a beginner backpack and will be passed down to about 2 other kids.

  4. Woodbadge is the bootcamp of scouting with tons of fun added!


    I feel it is never too soon to take Woodbadge. I feel Woodbadge should be the first step in Scout Leadership Training because it teaches a leader to become a team player. The same way a scout leader teaches a scout to become a team player.



    Also getting the Woodbadge uniform parts will make the scouts pay more attention to you and ask more questions about scouting.


    My two cents.

  5. The reason why Council contacted me is because I am in Council at least once a week. The council like using me (SM) at a point of contact for the troop and pack since I follow through(A Scout is Helpful).


    About selling the restricted items(CS, NOT BS) without Advancement reports, seems to becoming more of a common practice. My son in another state received all of his CS ranks and there is no report on his record with that Council. His mother bought his bear rank at the shop since his cubmaster told her that she can do it without an advancement form.


    The CS did not know about the form, so the CS wants me to give him an example of what to put in the form. The CS does not have access to internet yet(6 month). So can anyone give me an example or suggestion what should go on an advancement form for a pack? Ranks, Belt Loops, Pins, LNT, Summertime Camp, Arrow of Light?





  6. I been approach from Council that the pack is not completing the advancement forms for the pack. The pack is buying the awards but not submitting the forms.


    I am the SM for the troop and was asking for an advancement form for the Webelos crossover and found out no paperwork has been done for a year. There are Arrow of Light boys with the badges but not listed with the council.


    The CM, I beleive, does not know how to fill out the advancement form for the pack. Does anyone has an example of an advancement form for Webelos?



  7. I really appreciate the information that all of you have given me. It is nice to know this is a place to go to ask questions. I am going gather this information and make a specialize training for my boys. I will be doing Woodbadge this month, so I will have alot of different ideas to train my boys. Hope I don't scare them.. lol


    Another question, what do you recommend for the term for youth leaders and job positions(scribe, quartermaster, ...)? I know it is supposed to be 6 months. I just like to know your feelings.






  8. My SPL is 16 year and been scouting since a cubscout. My troop never really had steady PLs or SPL. The adults alway ran the show, so scouting was just a camping trip with no jobs for the boys.


    I was assigned as a varsity leader for the older boys and found out that without training I could not provide a decent program. But also at the same time, the SM was leaving for another state, so I stepped in and was choosen to become the SM.


    Now, the boys are doing the work. They don't mind alot but they are unsure about what to do. Most boys has lost their scoutbooks and they are First Class Scouts with no leaderhship or non-parent camping exp.


    I am also short on leaders and the current leaders are Scout Parents. So I do not have time to keep tell each boy(20 boys) what specific to do. My SPLs and PLs keep asking me what to tell the boys. I do not want to Micromanage.


    So I do have an opportunity to turn this troop around but I been having issues to have my SPL or PL to lead, because they feel they need more training on how to lead first.


    I have done a TLT with the SPL and the PL, but my SPL and PL keeps saying they don't understand.

  9. The youth leaders keep coming to me and saying that I do not know how to do my job. What do I do?


    I have given the SPL the handbook for this job and the PL the handbook for their jobs. We are doing PLC now and I am trying to do the Patrol-led methods. The main issue comes back is when I let the boys go, they freeze up because they are unsure what to do. They have a Troop meeting plan, but they just fall apart at that time.


    The other issue is the SPL and PL does not how to communicate to keep the boys turning into a mob. So nothing in the meeting gets done.


    I have assign several jobs (QM, Librairian, Scribe, Historian). When I ask my ASPL to work with them to get their jobs done, they just sit there and talk while none of the work is being done.


    The last issue is my SPL and PL has never done real camping, hiking, or outdoors activites, they have always been do family level activities. They have not done an overnight without parents doing everything. I have cut that out.



  10. I am moving my troop over to the patrol-led method. I am having some confusion from my scouts to learn accountability. My SPL came to me and understand what I am trying to do, but he and his leader wants to get advanced training.


    Can anyone recommend any training that can be done at the PLC or Troop meetings? I know there is the troop leadership training, but it does not see to be enough for the scouts.


    Any suggestion is highly appreciated.


    Robert Crisco, SM

  11. I have 3 new adult leaders that has no training with scouts. The older leaders that were trained has left.


    There is no training for new leaders in the district for a couple of months and they have all completed all of the fast track and online training.


    So I am looking for any recommend reading to start the new leaders with?


    My list has started with the following:


    Boy Scout Handbook

    Scout Master Handbook

    Boys Life


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