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Everything posted by Peregrinator

  1. Compass, Swiss Army knife, multi-tool, flashlight, headlamp, walkie-talkies, batteries, landjaeger (might not want to put that in the stocking though!), belt bag (my son carries one as he has allergies - it's where he puts his EpiPen), backpack, flask, canteen, rope, watch, cord Rosary (if you're Catholic - they are virtually indestructible), utensil kit, whistle with lanyard, notebook/sketchbook (something durable like a Moleskine), fire-starting kit (3-4 cotton balls soaked in vaseline) for bad weather, decks of cards, a copy of the Jungle Book or Kim.
  2. Well I guess I owe Christians an apology. I just wasn't aware that there can be exceptions to God's words as long as it comes from a Saint or a King or if you believe in the dimness of Jews. The Jews certainly had the death penalty (for numerous offenses) so it is clear that the Fifth Commandment has never been interpreted the way you think it ought to be.
  3. By all means, if I missed the theology that explains how some one can ignore a basic precept in the Ten Commandments and call themselves a true Christian You've misunderstood the precept. Probably the best description of it can be found in the old Roman Catechism: http://www.catholicapologetics.info/thechurch/catechism/TenCommandments-fifth.shtml Your absolutist reading of the Commandment would also rule out killing in self-defense.
  4. It's not "Thou shalt not kill." That is a mistranslation (St. Jerome did a poor job on that one). The better translation is "Thou shalt not murder." I don't think we can pin this one on St. Jerome (how might we blame him for an English translation anyway?). Exodus 20:13 in the Vulgate is "non occides", and "occides" isn't simply "kill": http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/occides Now "murder" isn't exactly accurate either as it isn't a broad enough term.
  5. If your a Christian and support the death penalty, or war, then frankly, you;re not a real Christian - you're a fraud. How do you figure?
  6. So what you are saying is Atheists can not be trustworthy. Atheists can not be kind, loyal, helpfull or brave? Atheists can not go camping, hiking, or teach kids orienteering or first aid skills. Atheists posses no leadership qualities and are on par with what, pedophiles? No, I am saying that atheists can do all those things, but that scouting is more than just those things. Tough, argue the point of what scouting is with the person who founded it. I don't see any need to argue with Baden-Powell -- I think it is pretty obvious what he thought. But don't you dare for a mom
  7. Without the scout promise then what is it that they're practicing? It isn't scouting.
  8. By the way, the X is simply a Romanization of Chi, the first initial for Christ in Greek orthodoxy. Well, Greek period -- not just Greek Orthodoxy! Χριστος (Christos) Chi rho iota sigma tau omicron sigma
  9. If you are a devout Christian and study scripture you would know Jesus was not born Dec 25th or even close How would one know that from studying Scripture?
  10. by beating them Who said anything about "beating" them? Your own Catholic religion teaches violence is never the answer especially in dealing with your children No it doesn't.
  11. Eggs were symbolic of the resurrection (rebirth) of Christ, but we don't worship eggs or bunnies. Also the old Lenten fast was severe - eggs were among the things from which Christians would fast - so eggs are symbolic of the end of that fast.
  12. What is truly sad is how for so many people, Christmas ends on the 26th of December, when in fact that is only the second day of the Christmas season.
  13. And from where I sit I don't understand how it isn't completely obvious that striking, hitting, slapping, harming others, be they your kid, the kid next door or the little old lady down the road. Or worse still me! -Is just plain wrong. It's not obvious that it's just plain wrong because it isn't wrong, at least where parents and their children are concerned. It's a question of authority.
  14. But why the exclusivity to parents? Because parents have authority over their children. One might as well ask why the exclusivity of punishing crimes belongs to the State. Why shouldn't everyone have the right to put criminals on trial and then put them in prison? If corporal punishment is beneficial to the child, why withhold others from granting benefit to your child? Because others don't have authority over my children, and (to put it in very practical terms) because others don't know my children and don't know which punishments will work and which ones won't.
  15. I don't understand why you feel it is okay for you to use corporal punishment on your child but not me. Because I have direct authority over him and you do not ... you have only the authority that I delegate to you. I rather suspect that when parents sign their kids up for scouts they don't give scoutmasters the authority to use corporal punishment. I don't understand how this isn't completely obvious.
  16. what it is about gays that creates this phenomenon Disposable income, few children, and a willingness to put up with things that many families would rather not. Also probably has something to do with wanting to be close to downtown, restaurants, nightlife, etc.
  17. If we ever get the effective 3rd political party some want, one that gets enough Electoral College votes so that no Presidential candidate gets a majority, who knows what happens then? Then the House of Representatives chooses the President, as happened 1824 when Andrew Jackson won a plurality of Electoral votes (as well as a plurality of the popular vote!), but John Quincy Adams was elected President.
  18. I'd report it because I see /think that hitting other people is just plain wrong. Always? You don't believe parents have a right to discipline their children, even corporally if they believe it to be necessary? I can think of a few things kids would do that where getting smacked in the mouth would be a just punishment.
  19. So you bet were I to see anyone smack their kid across the face. I'd step in and report what happened to the authorities. For what reason?
  20. Can you prove anything you just stated about Planned Parenthood PP employees have been caught on video during "sting" operations. I hasten to add that I don't approve of the "stings" since they involve lying. Nevertheless, the evidence is there.
  21. Your comparison to all Catholic troops of long ago is no longer valid There aren't many of them around any more, that is true; but there are some. And there are certainly troops that are all-Muslim or all-LDS. the AHG in practice does hold to a very regimented ultra conservative type of Christianity They seem rather liberal and ecumenical to me! :-)
  22. Also, strictly speaking, AHG is not sectarian since it is pan-Christian. That is, it doesn't adhere to any one sect.
  23. Your scenario is just openly false and prejudicial, and goes against the DRP of the BSA. It might be unusual now but it certainly wasn't unusual even a couple of generations ago. For example, Catholic troops with all-Catholic membership were common.
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