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Posts posted by mdutch

  1. At my OA meeting the question was raised of weather or not you can use the names of the Principles at Crossover and Call-out ceremonies. I remember reading on either the OA National, or Regional website that it was not allowed. When I went to find it, I couldn't. Does anyone know of someplace official that discusses this?




  2. We have done mystery campouts for the past three years, and are about to have our fourth.


    The trips occur during april break, leving thrusday morning, returning sunday evening. These tend to be one of the larger trips of the year, with the cost ranging from $70-$100. Prior to the trip we give clues to the destination. Scouts try to guess the location based on the clues. The first scout to correctly guess the location gets to go for free.

    The first one was planned by the SM and one JASM.

    Each one after that has been planned by the scout who guessed correctly on the last trip.

    I was the one who planned the last one.

    Destinations we have used (from upstate, NY) have been:

    Mystic, CT (seaport, aqurium)

    Pennsylvania (Hershey, Phillidelphia, Valley Forge)

    Washington DC (Capitol, smithsonian, Annapolios Naval Academy)


    If you want any more details about these trips, just ask.



  3. At our last campout, during lunch, I found one of the new parents cooking lunch for his sons patrol. As he was a new parent, whom I had never met before, I didn't feel comfortable approching him about this (and our SM was unable to attend that campout, so all of the adult leaders were new). Any suggestions on how I, as SPL, should handle this situation, if it occurs again in the future.

  4. I just planned a trip to DC form my troop this past April. Greenbelt worked out nicely for us. They have a Boy Scout Rate of $2 per boy, per night. The park is a short drive to a Metro Station, which you can take into DC. I advise you to get a day pass ($6 per person) unless you are going in early (day pass doesn't work until 10:00AM). If you need any more help feel free to PM me.


  5. I have looked through the uniform and insignia guide, and can't figure out what an official hat is, and what isn't. I know that the expidition hat is, and that the campaign hat is. I can guess that the Boy Scout Cap (WW543) is also part of the uniform, but can't find that in the guide. Does anyone know where some official document says what is allowed, and what isn't?




    (This message has been edited by meamemg)

  6. In your troop when do you require scouts to wear there uniforms? My troop seems to be a bit laxed about our policies. In my troop they are required for BoRs (they will not be allowed to have a BoR if they are not in uniform). We also request that scouts wear their uniform to all meetings, although their are usually a few who don't. At campouts they are not required, unless we will be having interaction with other people (anywhere other than one of the Scout camps). What do you do to enforce your policy?

  7. Yes. My first campout with boy scouts was a council camporee. We were at an air field. Scouts were allowed to participate in all sorts of activities, and earn several aviation merit badges (maybe even flight, I don't remember), if you signed up a gizzilion years in advance. There was enough space in these activitites (combined) for maybe 50% if the scouts there. The rest of us

  8. You are probably right that most youth aren't interested in finances, I am probably unique in that aspect. (although it is a good skill to have, and isn't one of the points of scouting to prepare us for the future?) You did, however, make me remember an idea a had a while back, that I was hoping I could get the forums opinoin on. SPL Roundtables. I roundtable meeting for the SPL's, just as we have them for the adult leaders. It seems, from your post, that your council has implimented them. Any ideas on how effective, or practical, this would be?

  9. Eamonn,

    While I usually find myself in agrement with you, I must, on this issue, disagree. You said,"Each and every person at that meeting is trying to get what he or she sees or thinks is the best thing for the youth that we serve". But, wouldn't it be best to have the youth tell you what they want, rather than you having to guess? When the youth go to a council or district event, most of them have suggestions for how to make it better. We may mention it to our SM, but none of it ever gets heard by anyone of importance. You mentioned that the communication in the OA is mostly one way, but isn't that also true with the rest of the council (with regard to youth). We may get told (threw our Scoutmasters) what new ideas are brought up, but we never have a chance to comment. The council has no way of getting imput from the youth. Shouldn't you value the imput of the youth you serve?



  10. Bob White said


    I doubt that the council would allow you to expose yourselves or them to the liability.

    What do you mean by this? That they wouldn't let us start one? If so, you are probably incorrect, since the District Direct and Commisioner came to us to encourage us to do this(This message has been edited by meamemg)

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