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Posts posted by ASM1

  1. Well, lets put it this way. The tape, "Truth and lies about 911" is a shocker of facts. The tape does make the case that Bush knew about and attacks of 911 and prevented the CIA and FBI from acting on information they had. George Tennant (director of the CIA) is documented as going ballistic two days before 911 because he had information of an imminent attack in New York by passenger airliners.


    Now this should be known about me, (ASM1). The point of this post was NOT to accuse Bush of knowing about the 911 attacks. He probably did, who knows? Some say FDR knew about Pearl Harbor before 12/7/41. Who knows? The point of this post and more importantly, the reason of this vedio tape is to present the very hard facts about Bush, his family history of involvement with the Bin Laden family, the Carlyle Group, the facts about the Haliburton, the Board of Directors of Haliburton and their sales of WMD to Iraq during the sanctioned imbargo against international law and the Bush's administration attempt to now take the oil fields of the Middle East. The facts in the tape are undeniable and the sources are verified. My point of this post was only to warn the people here, that Bush is NOT a Repulican, but a criminal. John McCain is a Republican who I wanted to vote for. But Bush used the political system of our country to control the resourses of our military in order to steal the worlds oil supply for his own agenda. That was my point, nothing else.



  2. Sure, most news agencies around the world. But I bought the video tape and the proven, documented evidence in it is compelling. It may be worth buying if your mind is open to beleive not what your told, but what the fact prove to be.



  3. "Narrow vision lacks the full scope of truth" Oh My! How true. Here is the latest from the "world opinion." Oh yeah, sources are proven, and it is true. Sorry, garbage does not fly. Don't you find it funny that the entire world is now acting like Americans? All of a sudden they have caught this fever in every city in the world of, "We the People." How dare they protest to their governments. HOW DARE THEY? Just who do they think they are?


    Read and learn.



    - Belgian Court Ruling Saying Sharon Can Be Tried as War Criminal is the Biggest Blow Ever to the "New World Order" - Israeli Gov't Reaction Reveals Global Power Play Over Iraq


    - Global Coalition Shatters, Resistance Mounts


    - Fangs, Rage and Fury of Administration Signal Deepening Danger


    The Fig Leaf Comes Off



    Michael C. Ruppert


    Copyright 2003, From The Wilderness Publications, www.fromthewilderness.com. All Rights Reserved. This story may NOT be posted on any Internet web site without express written permission. Contact admin@copvcia.com. May be circulated, distributed or transmitted for non-profit purposes only


    Feb. 13, 2003, 2330 PST, (FTW) - The clearest signal, among many, of a major fragmentation of the global economic power bloc that had until recently supported the Bush Administration came today when a Belgian court ruled that, after he leaves office, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon may be prosecuted for war crimes. The charges stem from his role as Israeli Defense Minister in facilitating a bloody 1982 massacre of hundreds of Palestinian refugees by the Lebanese Christian Phalange militia at the Sabra and Shatilla camps in Israeli-occupied territory. Other recent signals of a massive global break up include efforts by three NATO members to block NATO support for Turkey once the invasion of Iraq begins, a lawsuit filed today by members of the U.S. Congress seeking an injunction to prevent military action against Iraq, a resolution introduced in the House of Representatives seeking to revoke the war powers given to President Bush after 9-11, the refusal of some British military reservists to be called up for deployment to the Middle East, growing international refusals by first responders and military personnel to receive controversial vaccinations, and even open opposition from British and American intelligence agencies.


    In response, the administration has bared it fangs, revealed its rage and - as described in some press stories - expressed its "fury" at former allies. All of these signs taken together are ominous because they reveal an administration that is out of control, groping, and fundamentally lacking in the operational skills to behave as a world manager. Each new sign of resistance produces only more muscle flexing as the world inches closer to a replay of 1914, but with a different cast. The bottom line is that Europe is quietly demonstrating power with increasing success every time the Bush Empire screws up. In response, the Empire inches closer to simultaneous overt military aggression on two or more fronts. This is the only skill which it really possesses.




    A flurry of stories released today by the Associated Press, The New York Times, in Europe and in Israel disclosed that a Belgian court had ruled that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, previously exempted from prosecution under Belgian law for war crimes, could be tried as a war criminal after he left office. The ruling came after a court decision last year dropped a lawsuit against Sharon by Palestinian survivors on the grounds that he was a sitting head of state and not in Belgium at the time.


    The instant response from Israeli Foreign Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was explosive. Quoted in stories by the Times Netanyahu described the Belgian decision as, "an affront to truth, justice, and the right of the state of Israel to defend itself against terrorism."


    "We in Israel and the Jewish people as a whole have had enough of blood libels on the soil of Europe, and we are going to fight this one with everything we have."


    He also directly linked the ruling to resistance by several European nations, including Belgium, to the U.S. plans for an invasion of Iraq. He called the decision deeply immoral and deeply distorted.


    Netanyahu seems to have forgotten that Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) under Sharon's command launched illumination flares from a distance so that the Phalangist militia could see to commit the massacres and that - as reported by Reuters today - two groups of Israelis have used the same Belgian law to file suits against Yasser Arafat. Sharon was disciplined and forced to resign after the incident. America is not the only country that likes to put acknowledged criminals back in power.


    But Netanyahu was absolutely correct about the fact that the ruling, coming when it did, signaled that a major realignment was forming to counter the Empire's military strategy and heavy-handed conduct of foreign policy.




    Three members of the 19-nation North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) moved on February 10th to exercise veto power to prevent NATO resources from being used to defend NATO member Turkey when the Iraqi invasion begins. France, Germany and Belgium were joined by Russia, which is not a member of the alliance, in endorsing the veto and supporting more time for inspections. NATO headquarters is located in Brussels.


    One key impact of the veto would be to prevent the U.S. from sending key equipment like Patriot anti-missile systems, AWACS surveillance aircraft and biological and chemical units into Turkey.


    U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld responded by stating that France is not an American ally and throughout the administration a number of undiplomatically harsh criticisms were leveled at France. An AP story published on February 12th quoted Republican Congressman Peter King of New York as calling France, "A second rate country" that should be left out of any future defense coalitions. King's statements gave breath to the deeper sentiments that administration officials had been suggesting since the veto was announced. "We may have to restructure the alliance, form a new alliance which the French will not be a part of. We cannot allow a second rate country to have a veto power or obstructionist power over American foreign policy."


    Criticism of German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder was significantly more muted than that directed at France. Since the end of World War II Germany has been the rock upon which every aspect of U.S.-European policy has been based. Since taking office Schroeder has steadfastly opposed U.S. invasion plans for Iraq, reflecting the opinion of an overwhelming majority of the German people. The German economy is too powerful for the administration to ignore.


    And in all this, Russian President Vladimir Putin remains the consummate chess player and judo master who recognizes that the U.S. cannot effectively function without Russian acquiescence or Russian oil. Additional signs of strain have been suggested by an indictment in Britain and the U.S. of Russia's Alfa Group for tax evasion just three days after British Petroleum (BP) and Alfa agreed to a $6.7 billion merger. BP's future has been as fragile as exploitable oil reserves are few and dwindling oil supplies remain the dominant theme music to all of the current instability.


    It seems clear that NATO's future is uncertain and that a possibly epochal realignment of global alliances is in the making.




    Britain's The Independent reported this Monday that one in five British reservists being called up for service in the Middle East was either requesting a deferral or actually ignoring their orders to report for duty.


    All over the world, many who are being asked to receive highly controversial and dangerous anthrax and smallpox vaccinations are refusing. As reported in The Sydney Morning Herald today, 11 Australian navy personnel, already en route to the Persian Gulf have flatly refused to receive their injections. They are now facing disciplinary actions and being transported back to Australia. FTW has previously reported on widespread vaccination refusals by Israeli first responders and throughout the U.S. Journalist Jon Rappoport has also documented vaccination refusals by members of the U.S. Army stationed at Fort Hood, Texas.


    Rappoport's revelations come even as this writer is investigating widespread illnesses being caused by anthrax and smallpox vaccines recently given to member of the 1st Air Cavalry and 4th Infantry Divisions. In an unconfirmed report received today I was advised of massive absences of elementary school children from schools servicing that base who may have been infected by their recently vaccinated parents. A number of press stories and medical reports have confirmed that those receiving the vaccinations might be contagious for as long as three weeks afterward. FTW's investigation of this incident is continuing and we expect to produce a report within a week.


    What will happen if Bush sends sick soldiers into battle who know that they have left sick children at home who they themselves have infected?




    A spreading contagion of domestic opposition on a number of fronts is also backing the administration into a corner.


    On February 10th Representatives Pete De Fazio D-Oregon and Ron Paul R-Texas introduced a bill (HJ Res 20) that would repeal the war powers given to President Bush immediately after 9-11. This was the measure passed days after the attacks with only one opposing vote, that of California Representative Barbara Lee of Oakland.


    On February 11th, New York City Comptroller William C. Thompson called for a review of General Electric, Conoco and Halliburton for their financial dealings with "terrorist-linked" companies doing business in Iran and Syria. The move was made on behalf of New York City Police and Fire pension funds which also lost billions as a result of their investments in Enron.


    On February 12th a coalition of members of the House of Representatives and military personnel headed by Michigan Democrat John Conyers filed suit in U.S. District Court in Massachusetts seeking an immediate injunction preventing the administration from going to war in Iraq. Quoted by the AP Conyers referred to the U.S. Constitution which says, "Congress shall have power... to declare war."


    "Get it? Only Congress," said Conyers at a Washington news conference.


    The other members of the Congress joining in that suit were Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio; Jesse Jackson Jr., D-Ill.; Jim McDermott, D-Wash.; Jose Serrano, D-N.Y.; and Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas. The military members, on active duty and facing service in the invasion, were not identified to protect their identities.




    Recent stories in The New York Times and The New Zealand Herald have revealed that even intelligence professionals in the U.S. and Great Britain are both privately and publicly expressing anger and concern at the politicization and falsification of their findings. Just days after a hugely embarrassing scandal in which it was disclosed that the Blair government had plagiarized a graduate student's research paper to formulate its "intelligence dossier" on Saddam Hussein, it was disclosed that members of the British Defense Intelligence Staff had leaked a classified intelligence document to the BBC showing that there were no ties between al Qaeda and the Hussein government in Iraq.


    This followed on the heels of a highly suspicious tape recording of Osama bin Laden in which U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell and American major press organizations conveniently overlooked the fact that bin Laden had called for Saddam Hussein's removal from power.


    Powell's troubles don't end there.


    On February 1st, James Risen and David Johnston of The New York Times disclosed that members of the CIA and the FBI were complaining that "senior administration officials have exaggerated the significance of some intelligence reports about Iraq, particularly about its possible links to terrorism, in order to strengthen their political argument for war."


    It is becoming increasingly difficult to hide the growing fragmentation inside the government and Powell should perhaps take a look at two of his own schizophrenic statements. When he testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in October 2001 he said, "We cannot let Usama bin Laden pretend that he is doing it in the name of helping the Iraqi people or the Palestinian people. He doesn't care one whit about them. He has not given a dollar toward them. He has never spoken out for them." Yet on February 11, 2003 Powell testified before the Senate Budget Committee and said, "...Once again he [bin Laden] speaks to the people of Iraq and talks about their struggle and how he is in partnership with Iraq. This nexus between terrorists and states that are developing weapons of mass destruction can no longer be looked away from and ignored."




    FTW has been warning of developments like this since the Bush administration took office. They are not trivial.


    This administration has presented itself to the globalized world economy as a business manager that was capable of putting together an acquisition and merger of all of the world's major assets. While the Bush administration has acted as CEO it has still reported to a globalized board of directors which includes the major economic corporations and financial interests of Europe, Russia, China, Israel, Japan and possibly Saudi Arabia. These should be distinguished from the governments or peoples of these nations. What it has demonstrated is that it is incapable of transferring the assets of a significant portion of Europe into the portfolio. It is operationally incompetent to manage its way out of a wet paper bag. The corporate histories of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld demonstrate only the ability to acquire other companies, pump the shares prices, commit fraud and reap billions in profits.


    The administration's management of world affairs since 9-11 has been laughable and unbelievable on the world stage and increasingly at home. It is losing credibility by the moment. The two most recent developments which indicate a global power realignment are the major shot taken at Israel today by Belgium and North Korea's increasing belligerence which is making a mockery of the U.S.'s hypocritical rhetoric. Netanyahu's statement that there was a link between the Belgian court's ruling and the pending Iraqi invasion was an incredibly revealing admission.


    The Sunday edition of The Los Angeles Times on February 9th carried a huge story on how a two-front war in Iraq and Korea was winnable while trying to hide the fact that U.S. casualties would be enormous. This after it was disclosed by Britain's Mirror that the United States had just ordered 100,000 body bags and 6,000 coffins.


    Those who would naively look on these developments should remember the lessons of history. When Adolf Hitler's Third Reich began to realize that it would lose the Second World War - after its defeat at Stalingrad in 1943 - it commenced its "Final Solution," the extermination of 6 million Jews and two million other victims. When its management skills and economic power were revealed to be inadequate, Germany's allies fell away and with each new defeat the Reich became more vicious, more vindictive.


    Now is the time, especially if dissent further weakens the U.S. position, when people like me, people like you, anyone who is known to be an "Enemy of the State" can be expected to disappear. Now is the time when people in potential combat theaters should begin to feel like cannon fodder and pieces of meat. Now is the time when an administration which stole an election, which encouraged and helped the attacks of 9-11, and which has turned the world inside out is revealing itself for what is. The fig leaf has come off and, naked to the world, fangs exposed, saliva dripping from its lips, the regime of George W. Bush will reveal what energy beats it heart and what its only true ability is.


    What happens from here on out is anybody's guess.





  4. Despite the accusation, I do not support or endorse smoking in front of any Scout. It is wrong! Plain and simple. We set up an adult area away from the Scouts for our smoking. Scouts are not allowed in the adult area which is always out of sight of the youth camping area.



  5. Ed,


    how is this unclear:


    "Adult leaders....may not allow the use of tobacco products at any BSA activity involving youth participants."


    Does it say "prohibited" as in the preceeding para. in the G2SS? No, but "may not allow" is just as clear. You may not allow this whether you like it or not. If your council, district or troop allows it, they are in violation of the G2SS.


    I'm not an anti-smoking nazi, but the rules are very clear. I maintain that there is only one conceivable interpretation.


    YIS (scouting, not smoking )




    This is EXACTLY what I mean folks by volunteers quoting policy as they see it and trying desperately to implement it into actual policy. Consult your council folks when in doubt. Our district is full of these thinking folks who wish to impose their ideals of scouting. Council hold the rules, the rest is just a volunteer opinion.



  6. Um, that quote was from a press release I posted here. I never said any of the words YOU say is a quote from me. Someone is not paying attention. You think US news agencies are open? And I don't need to buy a clue, I have plenty. :)



  7. My information comes from several news agencies around the world. Yours comes from within the boundaries of this country from news agencies that are less than open. That makes your observation of my statements irrelavent.


    Also, you quote of Putin is correct as with your source of where he said it. However, the source you quote was one hour and ten minutes after the press conference held in Moscow for the United Press and Pravda.


    I also trust our intellegence community as you do. I do not however trust anything that comes from George Bush's mouth. Everything I hear him say on foriegn policy I check out internationally. You would be wise to do the same. Remember, "follow the carot, your getting sleepy, you will beleive everything I tell you." That is the "W" plan. No thanks.



  8. cmcmullen, I salute you and everything you do and stand for. I feel you may have gotten the opinion that I am against background checks. I am not. I am all for it! But I am totally against the private firms selected to provide these checks. There were two mentioned here. I have personal experience with both of them. They are nothing but right wing conservative data farms. My argument was that law enforcement should be the ones to provide these checks on a local besis. Easy to do. Maybe you have 4 or 5 troops in you area. Maybe 3 or 4 new adult leaders a year, maybe a few more. Local authorities should provide these checks through their agencies and the FBI. You do it for your empoyment, why not for the BSA in your community?


    Gob Bless you. We are all under trying time now.



  9. Thanks guys for the kind words. A difference of opinion aired in an open forum is exactly what America stands for. The events of today have turned me from angry to freaked out and frightened for all of our safety. I am not sure how many of you were able to view the news today as it unfolded. That is important because as it broke, shock was felt here. but as expected as the day went forward the news was ever increasingly changed to fit the administrations policies. I will try to summarize the events as they happened. but rest assured, I will find the international releases and copy them here so we all can see this horror.


    This morning Colin Powel went before the Congressional Hearings and said that there will be a tape release beleived to be Bin Laden proving that he has ties to Iraq in a partnership of terror. He stated he was able to read the transcript last night. We all waited for the promised release. This time the release was a little different, Washington could no longer prevent the immediate release of this transcript because it was on all the Middle Eastern news web sites. It had to fly in virgin form. Powell was confident.


    Then about ten minutes before it was to be released President Putin held a surprise press conference announcing the mobilization of 300k troops and said that any unilateral military attack against Iraq would be a grave mistake. China made a two second blurp stating it was in full support of Russia's position. (it was at this point that I dropped my coffee and sat down)


    Then the promised Bin Laden audio tape. The tape was the usual diatribe from Bin Laden about the US.(we love to hate this man) But, about half way through this tape, Bin Laden (if it really was him, we don't know yet) stated that it was crucial that the governments of several Arab countries be overthrown for supporting the US. He emphsized the assissnation of Sadam Hussein as being an infidel who has waged war on his Muslin neighbors and was once a pawn of the US. He urged the people of Iraq to overthrown Saddam and stand and fight the US. He went on about usual propaganda saying our military cannot fight without our air power. Bla bla bla... But he closed his tape with the statement that the US had been duped.


    MSNBC was all over this story big time. Colin Powell was caight in a lie. The Bush administration was caught with it's pants down. They fell for a phony release and made it public before the real one came out. Bin Laden proved there is no partnership with Iraq. WOW! We were all stunned here. But within an hour the news was changing. If you watch the news tonight, you are seeing that this tape proved Bush right about the partnership. The transcript has now been heavily edited. They showed Bush today right after the release and he was RED with rage.


    Now my job tonight is to find the original transcript. www.albawaba.com has promised to release the complete transcript. I will be waiting for it and will copy it here. When you line all these events up they way they happened today, it scares you. What I see happening out of this petty war for greed is a possible WWIII with us (the American people as the losers) Now we know why Cheney has been building a bomb shelter under Blair House. I do not care what politcal party you are in, or what race or nationality you are, or no matter how you add up these numbers. We lose this war if it goes to WWIII. I will find the release I promise and post it here.



  10. KS has it about 90% correct except for one thing. Germany, France, and China not in a partnered investment, but in seperate endevors have all invested right about $200 billion in Iraq. Some in oil, but most in technology development and business infastructure. Iraq being an petroleum based economy means their monetary exchange is higher than Russia, France or China. This in Russia's case will be a return on investment in the years to come to $6.4 Trillion Rubles. And $1.6 Trillion Renminbi's in China. In anyones market, that's a lot of cash to risk on a war that is driven by someone elses greed.


    You can't blame any of these countries for being against this war. They just have too much invested to lose. The US would be exactly the same in a reversed situation.


    Today, in Russia Putin held a press conference and asked one extremely serious question. In light of the recent US statements that Iraq was behind the 911 attacks in New York, Putin asked this. " I would like an informed person from any country on the face of this Earth to tell me how many Iraqi's were on the airplanes that were part of the 911 attacks in the United States?" There was dead silence in the room. He followed with, " Given the history of Iraq and Suadi Arabia over the last century, it is imposible that Iraq or Suadi Arabia would ever be involved with anything, or any movement that would involve a citizen from the other country. They are blood enemies." This is very true. Sadam would have Bin Laden killed if he could get his hands on him for no other reason than that he is Suadi.


    France has a lot to lose from this war, but not near as much as Russia or China. Those are powerfull friends. Also keep in mind that for the last 50 years Russia as the Soviet Union was allied with Iraq through strong military support. Now Russia is still an ally with Iraq, but in an economic support. The financial development of this region is a priority to these three nations.


    In 1983 the US was a strong ally with Iraq because of its opposition to Iran which is no friend of ours. In 1991 we went to war with Iraq because they invaded Kuwait. We went to war not because Kuwait is our friend, but because we have billions of dollars invested in Kuwait and would not allow our investments to be destroyed. Basically the same reason France, Germany, and China oppose our cooked up war now. My question is, if it is alright for us to go to war to protect our investments, why is it not alright for France, Germany, and China to complain that they have to much to lose by this war. Keep in mind, none of these three nations said anything about going to war against us to protect their investments, they just oppose it. But Rumsfeld now spends everyday on television telling Americans how ignorant France and Germany is for opposing us. Well, I am a German American of 6 generations and I take severe offense at him and his remarks. My family went to war as Americans against their homeland for our freedoms. Rumsfeld wants all of us to beleive that if a nation opposes us in this war than they hate America. How dare he! Well, that's the long and short of it. But at least it is the truth.



  11. I think you need to put words in the proper posts, I never said anything about troops. That was the statement form someone else. See how things get turned arounded? LOL! Ok, I will post the entire dreadfull truth in the morning.





    Be patient, it will be a good read.

  12. BUZZZZ! Wrong answer! That's one. We get a few here and I will explain it all to you. Oh, and by the way, my explaination will NOT be my opinion, but the facts as they are today in this world we all live in. You know, as Paul Harvey used to say, "The rest of the story."

  13. Your right BW it is Essentials not fundamentals. I stand corrected. Forgive me, it is Sunday and I am relaxing with a few beers and some friends. But I agree with you that there is no toleration for alchohol or controled substances and that will not ever change, thank the Lord! I have too many stories about drunk Scoutmasters on campouts. (from the old days, I doubt it happens much anymore)



  14. BW. I am surprised at you. Your supposed to know the rules. I teach New Leaders Fundamentals and according to the newest video for the class, And I Quote "Adults who smoke should do so in a designated smoking zone outside of the camp area and out of site of the scouting unit" That is BSA policy on smoking legal tobaco. Putting your opinions in bold type does not make it BSA policy. Back to my argument about volunteers making BSA policy in another thread. Just for your future reference.



  15. (Who is Iraq's friend? Nobody as big or as powerful as China.) Oh Really? Does anyone here know why France, Germany, and Russia are balking at this war? I am dieing to hear your responses, but based on what I have read hear I would bet my mortgage payment nobody has a clue. Probably be some, because they are anti-American responses though.



  16. pfann, *"I still am looking for an answer to my question. Scalia, in the original post said that the government has been too hostile to organized religion, primarily christianity."* (your statement)


    How is this? The moment "organized" religion is allowed in public schools is the moment I convert to home taught learning. The statement "organized relligion" should be scary to any God fearing person. Who's religion? Yours? Mine? or theirs? Who will decide what ALL children in public schools will worship?


    If we make it a Cristian prayer, what about the Jewish children in that school? Or Muslim, or Budist? Are they to be looked down on because they are not Christian? And what Christian prayer? Luteran? Catholic? Metodist? Babtist? Mormon? Get real folks! You all want it, but none of you have a clue on how to mange it so it is fair to ALL religions. Geeesh!



  17. I think what the problem is with BSA right now is that is has become slanted to a conservative management system. Please don't get me wrong here, it would be exactly the same if it had become slanted liberal in its management, only in reverse. The results would be the same. The way to preserve BSA is to regain the centralized, "diverse" (they preach that so strongly) management approach. That is a tall order and a task almost impossible to accomplish. Once extreme, no matter left or right, finding center is a long road back.


    But here is a way we can all work together to bring it back. Remember that BSA is run primaryly about 98% by volunteers. The Professional Scouters are highly educated and trained, but rarely involved in troop organization or activities, or troop politics. There are a lot of people in Scouting that are so very impressed with their position and title. Unit Commissioner, Roundtable Commissioner, District Committee, etc... A lot of these people insist they will tell you how BSA runs things and you must abide by their recomendations. Just keep in mind that they are volunteers just as you are, their opinions are just that.


    Run your program, and when in doubt contact your council professionals for advise. If like me, you will find that the "Offical" BSA position will differ greatly from what you have been told by a "volunteer". BSA is not going anywhere, they just need to improve their adult training, and I think they are trying to do that. But it will be a long road back.



  18. Bush is a pig of unimainable evil. Daddy Bush sits on the board of directors of the Carlye Group with Daddy Bin Laden. Prescott Bush provided 69% of Germany's iron in 1942 (notice the date) The US government seized his comapny for trading with the enemy. The entire family is evil. If you think the Third Riech is dead, think again. It is alive and well in Washington. People who support blindly with no facts or idea what the heck they are talking about make me sick to my stomach. Yeah we now go to war. For what? So Haliburton and Unical have money? Um, by the way Daddy Bush and Dick Cheney sit on both board of directors of those companies. When will you people wake up!!!!! Keep voting for Bush!!!! You know no better, you can't help it your stupid.



  19. It really blows my mind how uninformed people of strong opinion are. Unbeleivable indeed! Please read, so far on 8 major news agancies including CNN. My God folks, pay attention!


    - News of Bogus UK Intelligence Report Sweeping the Planet


    - Blair Government Facing Imminent Crisis


    - Revelation May Speed Up Iraqi Invasion


    Britain's Intelligence Dossier on Iraq

    was Plagiarized from a Grad Student


    by Michael C. Ruppert




    Update: Feb. 7, 2003, 1830 hrs, PST, (FTW): Mainstream media in the U.S. has finally started to report on this story:

    CNN: http://www.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/meast/02/07/sprj.irq.uk.dossier/index.html




    Feb. 6, 2003, 2230 hrs, PST, (FTW) - A story is sweeping the world tonight and it says a great deal about those who are forcing the world into a war it does not want. The famed dossier presented by British Prime Minister Tony Blair to his Parliament was plagiarized from two articles and a September 2002 research paper submitted by a graduate student. Worse, the Iraq described by the graduate student is not the Iraq of 2003 but the Iraq of 1991. So glaring was the theft of intellectual property that the official British document even cut and pasted whole verbatim segments of the research paper, including grammatical errors, and presented the findings as the result of intense work by British intelligence services.


    U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell both praised and quoted that same British report in his presentation at the United Nations yesterday.


    It is important that readers see and understand the enormity of this violation of public trust for themselves. The story was first broken by Britain's Channel 4 today and it is appearing in more papers and web sites by the hour. The following links lead directly to the Channel 4 story, to the British "intelligence" report and to the original student paper.


    What was also disclosed was that certain portions of the academic report were altered by the PM Tony Blair to make them more inflammatory. In one cited instance Blair changed "aiding opposition groups" to "supporting terrorists."


    The Channel 4 story is at:



    The Official UK intelligence report is at:



    The original student research paper is located at: http://meria.idc.ac.il/journal/2002/issue3/jv6n3a1.html


    In the context of merely preventing or slowing a war with Iraq this would be earth shattering news. But in a world that is slowly beginning to feel the pressure of and admit the reality of dwindling global oil supplies the fallout from the story may actually accelerate hostilities. British Prime Minister Tony Blair will be, by tomorrow, facing monumental challenges in both Parliament and from British public opinion that is overwhelmingly opposed to an Iraqi invasion. The event could be enough to topple his government and cause new elections which might well result in a new government that is not mind-melded with the Bush administration.


    The Bush administration, faced with its own embarrassment over the issue, cannot wage a successful war without England. The first thought that came to my mind when I saw the story was that George W. Bush must pre-empt this story and make it moot to save not only Blair but himself as well. The only way to do that is to have the war begin before the justified outrage of the electorate which has been treated with utter contempt can make itself felt.


    I noticed tonight that the Associated Press and Yahoo news had reported that the 101st Air Assault Division based at Ft. Campbell, Kentucky - the Army's premier "door kickers" - had been given their deployment orders for the Gulf this afternoon. As I have previously reported, the 101st, along with units like the 75th Rangers can be deployed and operational within 96 hours, anywhere in the world. When the 101st heads out you know the war is going to start very soon.


    These are incredibly dangerous times, made more so because there is no turning back for the Bush administration. This story is incredible proof of the cynicism, dishonesty and callousness of the tyrants pushing the world toward destruction. And Iraq is merely the first stop on a sequential plan for control of the last remaining oil reserves on the planet. I encourage all who read the information contained in these links to spread it far and wide and also, by whatever means at their disposal, to tell the mainstream press, members of congress and the White House itself that we will not follow; we will not obey; and we will not kill on the orders of those who lie to us and who demonstrate the integrity of thieves and intellectual cowards.


    This might be our last chance before the bombs start falling, before young American men and many innocent Iraqi civilians are reduced to blood and ash.







    A dossier of evidence against Iraq is "solid", Downing Street has insisted after allegations that it included plagiarised material that was 12 years out of date.

    The UK intelligence document released on Monday was designed to help win over sceptics by detailing Saddam Hussein's efforts to hide weapons of mass destruction.


    But it emerged that some of the document was copied from three different articles, including one written by a postgraduate student.


    We consider the text as published to be accurate




    Government spokesman



    Compare and contrast dossier with student's report


    Excerpts from a paper relating to the build-up to the 1991 Gulf War by Californian student Ibrahim al-Marashi were used in the intelligence document.


    The paper was published in the Middle East Review of International Affairs.


    Other sections in the dossier were apparently taken from defence journal Jane's Intelligence Review.


    A Downing Street spokesman insisted the dossier was "accurate" and that the government had never claimed exclusive authorship.


    US praise


    "The report was put together by a range of government officials," he said.


    "As the report itself makes clear, it was drawn from a number of sources, including intelligence material.



    Colin Powell praised the UK document against Iraq

    "It does not identify or credit any sources, but nor does it claim any exclusivity of authorship."


    Mr Blair's spokesman was pressed on the matter again on Friday, and acknowledged that Mr al-Marashi's work should have been credited.


    He admitted that the second section of the report, on Saddam's regime, had included excerpts from the student's paper on Iraq's intelligence network.


    But he said the document was "solid". "The overall objective was to give the full picture without compromising intelligence sources," he said.


    He went on: "It was a pull-together of a variety of sources.


    "In retrospect, we should, to clear up any confusion, have acknowledged which bits came from public sources and which bits came from other sources."




    The UK document received praise from US Secretary of State Colin Powell this week as he outlined his country's case against Iraq.



    Being an academic paper, I tried to soften the language




    Ibrahim al-Marashi


    Shadow defence secretary Bernard Jenkin said the Tories were deeply concerned by the programme's report.


    "The government's reaction utterly fails to explain, deny or excuse the allegations made in it," he said.



    Cosmetic changes


    "This document has been cited by the prime minister and Colin Powell as the basis for a possible war. Who is responsible for such an incredible failure of judgment?"


    Liberal Democrat foreign affairs spokesman Menzies Campbell added: "This is the intelligence equivalent of being caught stealing the spoons.


    "The dossier may not amount to much but this is a considerable embarrassment for a government trying still to make a case for war."


    Mr Al-Marashi told the BBC Two Newsnight programme the government document was still accurate despite "a few minor cosmetic changes".




    "The only inaccuracies in the UK document were that they maybe inflated some of the numbers of these intelligence agencies.


    "The primary documents I used for this article are a collection of two sets of documents, one taken from Kurdish rebels in the north of Iraq - around four million documents - as well as 300,000 documents left by Iraqi security services in Kuwait."


    Former Labour minister Glenda Jackson, MP for Hampstead and Highgate, was angry about the alleged plagiarism.


    She told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "If that was presented to Parliament and the country as being up-to-date intelligence, albeit collected from a variety of sources but by British intelligence agents..... it is another example of how the government is attempting to mislead the country and Parliament on the issue of a possible war with Iraq.


    "And of course to mislead is a Parliamentary euphemism for lying."



    These people are lieing to us and they will be on their knees like all War Pigs begging for mercy when God arives and Satan spreads his wings. Bush is a drug running, oil mongering, war pig like no other in hostory. If you doubt me, just pay attention to the future. Wanna bet there are 100 million dead within 1 year? If there are, will you still worship "W" as God? He is a pig of unimaginable Evil.




    I realize this is probably my last post here. My opinions and facts are not well received in the scouting areana.




  20. le Voyageur, you have made the wrong decision to leave Scouting. I have come to find out that it is not the program that is flawed, but the people running the program that are flawed. I couple months ago I posted in this forum a plea to help Chicago Area Council in its failing program and was openly chastized for it. I was stunned and angry to be told to mind my own business. My business is the well being of all Scouting, not just my local program. It is when us as adults give up that the wrong people win. Stick with the program, it is still the best youth oriented program on the face of the Earth, and you know it is. Like someone else said in this thread, it is not about us, but about the boys and they have no interest in the politics. They just want to have fun. Shield them from the politics and you go have fun to with them.




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