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Everything posted by Scouting4Ever

  1. Little Green Frog Um Ah, went the little green frog one day Um Ah, went the little green frog Um Ah, went the little green frog one day and his eyes went Um Ah, Um Ah, Um Ah Ah Ah Honk Honk, went the big Mac truck one day Squish Squash, went the little green frog His eyes don't go Um Ah, anymore 'Cause they got licked up by a dog, Woof Woof!
  2. Our Pack is going to start participating in the Conservation Good Turn Award. We are working with the school on an outdoor classroom. I am thinking that our projects will be related to it, and we are working with the NRCS. What kind of projects has your Pack completed?
  3. I do not know the entire history of our Pack, but know that recently there has not been summer activities. As Cubmaster we have changed that. We have 26 currently registered during the summer after the Webelos crossed over. For June we had a basketball game, for July we are holding a picnic and playing ultimate, August we are holding a swim party. The first event we had 15 boys show up, there are 5 reserved for the picnic and hopefully we will get about half of the kids for the swim party.
  4. Here is another resource for you: http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/CubScouts/Leaders/DenLeaderResources/DenandPackMeetingResourceGuide/WolfDenPlans.aspx
  5. I thought I remember being told that Leaders Specific will be online towards the end of June 2010. I might also be going crazy! Can anyone shine some light on this topic? Will it be going online?
  6. July is coming up quick and with the July theme of Celebrate Freedom, what are you doing with your Pack? We are headed to our local lake and earning the Ultimate Belt Loop and holding a picnic for families.
  7. We have had the site almost a year now. http://sites.google.com/site/cubscoutpack3842/
  8. 1: Cubmaster position patch: Because it represents starting all over with my son and that I am being involved with him through his adventure just like my father did with me. 2: "Den 2" patch: Because it is the Den that my son and I started in together last year as Tiger and Tiger DL. 3: Fox Patrol patch: Because I have become real good friends with the guys in my patrol. Like others, there are other patches that I am very proud of including my Eagle knot. There are awards that have humbled me including my Vigil sash. But at this point in my life, it is starting all over with
  9. Thanks for the suggestion, I have added the CSP and #, I am going to wait until August to start putting pics of kids on. I want to have the parents sign a release form before I do. Until then, I do not want to just put pics of my kids up. But I did use some of the BSA marketing pics for now. Great suggestions, thank you. I look forward to hearing more from others.
  10. What are your tried and true fall recruitment or School Night for Scouting ideas for a Cub Scout Pack? Ours is the second week of school. I read somewhere about putting up a tent and a fake fire to set the mood. Maybe even spray some outdoor smelling air freshener, like pine or something. Last year we showed the video made by National, but what do you do leading up to and during SNS with your Pack. What do you follow that up with? Last year we had 14 new Tigers sign up, I hope to bear that this year. (Our Pack was only 35 members last year: 14 Tigers, 2 Wolves, 8 Bears, 4 Webelos I
  11. I would like to know what you think about our new Pack website. What should be added, what do you like, what do you not like. Thanks you in advance for any suggestions. http://sites.google.com/site/cubscoutpack3842/
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