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Jason OK

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Everything posted by Jason OK

  1. Scouter News Member calls for Censorship in Forum.
  2. Merlyn_LeRoy, Can I call you Worm Food? Got any kids? AS long as they are innocent of your stupidity...well thank GOD! They will go to heaven. If not. You are just walking worm food. If you do have kids I am sure they appreciate your concern. Stay out of Scouting! I do not believe in others religions but I believe they meet the BSA criteria. You do not. I strongly believe a Scout MUST be Reverent! Regardless who their God is. Even Einstein believed in a higher power. Atheist \A"the*ist\, n. [Gr. ? without god; 'a priv. + ? god: cf. F. ath['e]iste.] 1. One who disbelieves or denies
  3. OGE, Sir I don't know...just a hunch. Sir let me just say how much I respect you. You are so wise.(This message has been edited by Jason OK)
  4. How was your pro-choice rally? Who is your "God"? Whether I believe in the magical dragon or Christ.....as long as I am conservative and anti baby killing (aka abortion)you will never like me.(This message has been edited by Jason OK)
  5. If you want anything politically correct from me you are not going to get it. I have taken up my cross in this forum.....Paul did a much better job than I have! That is why God chose him to write the early churches. I do not like my world fluffy either. No Girly feelings crap for me. Unless you're my daughter. I have a Mommy......she is the only one that can lecture me on my (understanding side) Go to your pro-choice rally and leave me alone Laurie. Uh oh!......LOL(This message has been edited by Jason OK)
  6. NJCubScouter, I live in the South. I am a hick. I am a red neck. If you are not Jewish then do not worry about it. If you are and I offended you..well just remember....I am a hick...I live in the South...We Southerners are not as educated as you Yankees. Sorry but that is the easiest way to go about your question or whatever it was. What do you do to support Israel?
  7. Unc, You said, "I'm a Presbyterian" MMMMMMmmmm I thought Presbyterians accept the Holy Bible as TRUTH. The Holy Bible includes (Matthew, Mark Luke and John) among other books of truth! And if you are a Christian......were have you been brother? And as far as the Sanhedrin remark. You belong to an elite group of but kissing persecutors on this forum. You sit and persecute Christians then turn around and tell each other what a good post they did. Completely disgusting. I think sometimes your compliments are going to turn into love letters. Stroke your EGOS some wh
  8. OGE, Good point but nothing that hasn't already been posted...in fact I agree.....but don't think Eagle Factories aren't out there. Age limits can cause advancement problems as the rules exist. That is why I think the Eagle program should be re-written. My opinion. Sometimes to see the forest we must step away from that ol BSA tree. My Opinion. Here comes the witch hunt. No I Don't float!
  9. Eamonn, I can agree with your post as much as I do with mine.
  10. I personally have seen numerous boys from different troops, that made Eagle, that were not ready for it. I will refer to the subject post. Eagle Scout's 3-day party cut short by Laconia police I am glad the military does not allow 17 year old enlistees to become General at the age of 17 or 18 or 19 or 20 or 21 or 22 or 23 or 24or 25 Although an extreme example it works. I think gung ho or "whatever" is awesome but I also know Men shouldn't become fathers until they can handle the responsibility. Thus, the old Father Son Proverb. "Son unless you wanna ruin your life early.
  11. I loved Philmont! I even loved being elected into OA and Senior Patrol Leader! We are not trying to get adults in. We are trying to get kids in. The BSA is like any other product out on the market. It must be marketed successfully for it to sell! Any successful entrepreneur will tell you that.
  12. We look like a bunch of dorks. The uniforms do not bother me. Compare imagery of Scouts from long long ago.in a galaxy far far (Norman Rockwell) compared to Today. We looked much more rugged then. More Manly. Most Scouts today do not brush their hair or even wear their A,B or street wear decently. Word Association Girl Scouts is to Girl Scout Cookies As Boys Scouts is to Goody Tooshoo (Helping Granny across the street.) Which is fine but you get the idea. When I was a young lad I thought it was kinda gay when I first joined. After I got involved and did all the fu
  13. I have seen more Eagle Scouts get their rank too FAST! Helped too much by their daddy! Or an Eagle Troop Factory. "Men, it doesn't matter how old or mature they are, just em' get out!" I think there should be an age limit and longer period of time you must remain Life in order to mature enough to be able to respect the RANK of Eagle. Also, you can learn how not to write run-on sentences...... Take Eagle away from him! Or strip him down to Tenderfoot and let him earn it all over again. (This message has been edited by Jason OK)
  14. Fuzzy, You said, "As you have called me stupid and small minded and insinuated that I am a Heathen and/or a Philistine, and possibly part of the Sanhedrin" Sanhedrin yes....Heathen and/or a Philistine...no "Heathen and/or a Philistine" That comment was reserved for "Sl#$!er C#ll" Boleta. I can not believe I just made that comment but he was asking for it! He has been making direct and in direct derogatory references (places where I havent even posted) all over this Forum. Not like mine. I say derogatory things in threads that are being discussed or debated. Now do you
  15. Unc, Your little comment "Washed my hands" sounds like something Ponchus Pilot said. Thank you for proving my point. Achilleez, Your funny.(This message has been edited by Jason OK)
  16. We've got the Sanhedrin all over again! Glad to see everyone loves to persecute a Christian! Unc, Is your little club called the Sanhedrin? I tried to answer your question twice! I already expressed my shame concerning some poor humor and other things I said. I think your issue is that you do not believe in Christ. Fuzzy, You said, "I believe squelched is the word even by those closest to you." If you are small enough to say something so childish you are big enough to say who they are. So who are they? I have read all pages of this post (and some of others)
  17. There does not seem to be many Christians on this Post. The Christians that I know of (evmori, Jason OK, Rooster7 even Bob White). With exception of Bob White we Christians have been trying to protect our faith. I got on this post because I noticed Rooster7 was being picked apart. So to refer to your comment "See how these Christians love one another..." Yes! We ABSOLUTELY LOVE ONE ANOTHER Although I think Bob White is a bit of a Know-It-All...I still love him because he states he is a brother in Christ. Bob, I hope you realize this.
  18. WOW! How do I comment on something as stupid as what you said? "Just because you are from Oklahoma and a disciple of Tim Lahaye doesn't mean you know all truth." (This message has been edited by Jason OK)
  19. FUZZY, DO NOT QUOTE THE BIBLE IF YOUR ARE GOING TO RIP IT APART! People that usually quote the Bible have respect for it being the WORD OF GOD, INSPIRED SUPERNATURALLY BY GOD. Consider my last post a warning;trying to lead you to the "TRUTH"....."I" do not have to ultimately Judge you. "I" can let everyone know that you have blasphemed before the Lord and your teachings perverse Gods Son Jesus. The "FUZZY TRUTH" is no where mentioned in the Good Book. 1 Corinthians 4:14 I write not these things to shame you, but as my beloved sons I warn you FUZZY, You also said: Why?
  20. Fuzzy, What is the WORD according to "Fuzzy Bear"? According to what you just said no modern Bible is worth reading. What New Testament do you read? You made reference to Zondervan....I do have other Bibles from other publishers. Yes Mark is and was the Basis for the other Gospels. I'm not sure what your motive is but Unc asked a question and I answered it from the Bible. I looked in my other (non Zondervan)Bibles and they also said the same thing. What about my reference Bibles in their original Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic text (derived from their original locals)?
  21. Kenk, I can only imagine the time you're going through. The only "Good" advice "I" can give you is to ask the Lords help. I know it sounds like the wrong answer but Christ can give you and your boy comfort. In the mean time if you and your boy can work privately together on Scouting knowledge ....he might be able to impress the other boys thus, gaining their respect. Christ can help lead your way. When I pray and do not have anything specific to pray for I like to pray for wisdom and the Holy Spirit. If you would like some scripture to read PM me. I will gladly show you. Remember.....t
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