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Jason OK

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Everything posted by Jason OK

  1. MUSLIM ON-GOING CONFLICTS IN THE WORLD AFGHANISTAN: The war in Afghanistan is ongoing. Since Soviet troops withdrew, various Afghan groups have tried to eliminate their rivals. Although the Taliban strengthened their position in 1998 they have not achieved their final objective. Afghanistan harbours Osama bin Ladin, a wealthy Saudi Arabia dissident responsible for terrorist acts around the world. On 11 September 2001 members from bin Ladin's el Qaeda group highjacked 4 passenger jets in the USA, crashing one into the Pentagon and 2 into the World Trade Center, killing more than 2,000 citi
  2. Oh my. I can't spell........ Oh well.
  3. Chicago Ends Boy Scout Sponsorship No More Merit for Discrimination, ACLU Says FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Wednesday, February 4, 1998 CHICAGO -- In a binding settlement agreement entered in federal court today, the city of Chicago formally ended all support for scouting programs as long as the Boy Scouts of America continue to discriminate on the basis of religious belief and sexual orientation
  4. Just a Holy Man in an unholy land! Or you could say I fell like a sheep among wolves. Saddlepack, listen....your web link saying Christians are skin heads & nazis is wrong. ScouterPaul, As far as the abortion bombings....I can count those people on one hand. They will be judged before God for what they did. And I think what they did was wrong. But abortion has already killed millions of children. Anyone see the new 3D technology on the news last night? They can see the baby (12 weeks) yawning, making facial expressions..... Abortion is MURDER. (This message has been ed
  5. Just Throwing Pearls to swine...wasting my time.
  6. ScouterPaul, ARE YOU A PEDAFILE? You going to teach that merit badge class? This is from your other post. ScouterPaul RE: New Merit Badge Idea - can't resist posting this Posted: Saturday, 6/19/2004: 3:38:02 PM quality ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Would there be field trips to the local Girl Scout Camp? My commentary: Or maybe just a bigot! Maybe you should reference my "whole" post next time you want to insult me. (From Post ACLU POST) I will confess I am not well Versed in the complete history of the ACLU. I
  7. I believe the litteral translation for Catholic is Christian. I wouldn't mind if Protestants brought a couple of things over from the Catholics and plugged them into our church. Kneeling and such.
  8. Boleta, I can't tell you how many different versions of the bible I have (KJV, NKJV, NIV ect ect). Not only that, I have several Aramaic, Greek, & Hebrew dictionaries to use. I know you are not a practicing Jew nor Christian (Christian includes christian, catholics, so on. The more you talk the more you show you know nothing of Christ nor his father. You are probably a ......... thats why we are butting heads so much. NJ, I like you. Catholics are Christian......I am a protestant. So don't offend me, Just Kidding......Nope I am new to this Forum to answer the other question
  9. NJ, You are a Jew? I am sorry if I offended a brother in God. But the point was a couple of bad apples can ruin the bunch. Again, until I see a balance I will not change my mind. Thus the reference to Hitler (He was a lot of bad ... showed a smile just a reversal of the cliche) YES HE WAS HORRIBLE THATS WHY I USED HIM FOR AN EXAMPLE. YES AN EXTREME EXAMPLE BUT NONE THE LESS AN EXAMPLE. Yes the ACLU I believe is a tool of Satan. No tool of God would take God out. The Old & New Testament teaches to watch for these things.(This message has been edited by Jason OK)(This message has b
  10. I PM packsaddle so I could answer his question. he wrote "My question is how do we observe the same country and see it slanted in opposite directions? I see the Judeo-Christian influence permeating our entire society. Not Buddhist, not Hindu, not Islamic, nor American Indian, nor other less-well-known traditions. I see the Judeo-Christian influence as dominant over any others, for that matter all others combined. So I'm always curious to understand a different view. Please explain the reasons you conclude the opposite." GOOD QUESTOIN! In college I was a buhhdist. I took lots of
  11. Boleta, Seriously. I just wanted to clear something up from your last post...seriously. Are you a Fat Homosexual? Just kidding. ;p You didn't mean that ...right? Should we kick out boys that are over weight? boleta f. 1. - admission ticket 2. (MILITARY) - billet 3. (vale) - voucher 4. AMERICA: - ballot Which one represnts your name?(This message has been edited by Jason OK)
  12. praying to Christ? Truthfully?
  13. praying to Christ? Truthfully?
  14. praying to Christ? Truthfully?
  15. We are on a different calendar method now. Was that talked about? I believe we are on the Gregorian calendar now. Whats kinda freaky is all the BeHeadings going on........that is talked about in prophecy.....won't take the mark of the beast..no? they cut your head off.
  16. Firstpusk, You can pray for me as much as you like as long you are praying to Christ our savior.
  17. Twocubdad, I don't know how you grew up but I was taught if someones throws a punch at you you have every right to defend yourself. So maybe you ought to read back further. I am sure if you do you will understand the passion. By the way. You sound like I was before I gave my life to Christ. Wordly in my views. There is no HELL....we are all going to heaven. You gave Rooster praise for conducting himself. Did you read where he defended me? I do not know you.....but I wish to think you are my brother in Christ.(This message has been edited by Jason OK)
  18. I am not aware of that matter. But Satan works in such ways to disquise his motives. When the ACLU starts to do it on a regular basis I might change my mind. Thats like saying Hitler was nice because he smiled when he shook my hand. (yikes) In my eyes. I must see a balance. And the scales are tipped far away from our Judeo roots as a country.
  19. OK my little Liberal.........live in your femi nazi socialist world. Ah Oh! here it comes. Come on I try to put a little humor in most not all of my threads. If ya don't like it don't post. Oh wait this is a forum so post all you want. (This message has been edited by Jason OK)
  20. I will confess I am not well Versed in the complete history of the ACLU. I said they should defend the religious rights of others. I do not care about Nazis or KKK members. When they try to erase GOD out of our society I have a problem with it. 10 Commandment symbols on city seals ect. ect. ect. Do not preach to the choir concerning our civil liberties. You can not pick things out of the constitution and decipher them as you will. NOT all Jewish people are practicing Jews either. Most Hollywood elites are Jews....Seculare Jews in fact. No, don't turn this into anti-Semitism. MY lord warned aga
  21. Firstpusk, I am going to pray for you. If you have not accepted Christ as your lord and savior and you wish to do so please contact your local church. They can help you on your journey with Christ.
  22. Packsaddle, Abraham Lincoln got that quote from the Bible. If you read your Bible you would know that brother. Listen.....The only person that never sinned was Jesus so stop your comparison concerning murderers. No believer in the WORD ever killed someone while chanting GOD IS GREAT. Let me give you this link. WARNING! GRAPHIC PICTURES OF BEHEADING http://www.drudgereport.com/jp.htm God gave his only son to us! Jesus is the GOD of love.....but God's wrath will come once again on those who do not believe in the end! But not now. He's been trying to win us over with love for
  23. Is your mind on? Do you know how many passages are in the Bible concerning the worship of idols? (statues)? God did give a couple of commands to build some. Do not be offended. Here is a Catholic website defending the use of idols. http://www.cathinsight.com/apologetics/adventism/image.htm Lets not get off the true subject. Satan works in these manners. Distraction from the truth. Satan wants us to think Jews and Christ Believers are evil. So go ahead and help his agenda. I still have not seen or heard a good rebuttal to my post.
  24. Too bad that's not their agenda though. If it were they would not be against so many religious concerns. I can understand if you do not like Rush but do not be blind to the evil of the ACLU. They take some great stands on defending only "parts" of the constitution.(This message has been edited by Jason OK)
  25. Scouter Paul, Did you not get the idea of the full post? I almost converted to catholic So you can take your Bigot stuff back. If you truly think Christians are bombing people in the name of God or Christ you are so wrong! Tell me one time when you heard of a Christian or Jew (Gentile-again I mean people who believe in Jehovah) killing someone in the name of GOD while chanting GOD is GREAT! Don't get history from Dan Blather! Besides those people are not even Christians or Gentiles for that matter. Would you feel better if I insulted myself? I am humble enough to do so. I have the up most
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