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Posts posted by Greaves

  1. I printed American flags for them to color, and then we hung them around the meeting space (some vertically, some horizontally) and went outside to practice hoisting & lowering. My den chief was in charge of our practice flag ceremonies. (#3)


    We played Trivia Tic Tac Toe for a review of the factual requirements (#2 4 6)


    As we got closer to finishing the pin, some kids had missed pieces and parts, so I typed up a list of the talking requirements that each boy was missing & printed them out. I recruited a few lingering parents, and split the den up among them. There were 4 pods in a large room, 2 kids, one adult per pod, all in sight of each other. No adult got his own son, it was all non-related adults. (Sort of a mini MBC approach) They were able to complete #5, 7, 9, & 14 in 15 minutes, and everyone got to talk.


    Hope this helps.

  2. I'm actually relieved that the ASM brought his son along. Yout Protection stuff is just as much Adult Protection stuff. (It shows that the ASM isn't a complete fool, if you know what I mean.)


    (so, yes, my question was kind of crazy. Of course they followed YPG!)


    I would INSIST on delaying this meeting until your COR and other less partial people can participate.


    You son needs to apologize--everyone agrees with that, it's not news. The man won't take your calls. So, perhaps, having your son write a letter--on paper with a stamp and everything--will show your family's commitment to doing what is right, give your son a chance to verbalise his perspective and "get it over with." If the man later wants a spoken apology and is willing to accept it, your son will have the advanatage of having thought the words through before having to talk.


    I hope y'all are able to sort things out. :)

  3. this is probably a crazy question, but did the ASM drive your son home alone--in violation of the Youth Protection guidelines? Someone rode with them, right? Another adult, I would think. . . .


    (I'm not saying that to suggest you "get even" with anyone by mentioning it at this lynchi--I mean, meeting. HOWEVER. It might make people call you back.)

  4. FancifulMist, I want to cry for that boy.


    I'm a Webelos Den Leader, and most of my boys received their (earned) rank last night. I made time beforehand to talk to the one boy farthest away from the award, and sort of went over the things he needs to do to earn his rank. I made time afterwards to talk to his parent about what the son needs to do. Everyone was very chill about it--but I'm working with forth graders. They are more emotionally mature than the Tigers.


    I have a lot of absentee kids, especially during the seasons--football, baseball, soccer, whatever. I send a den-wide email after every meeting, so that every parent knows what we did, where they can learn the requirements, and so on. It might be overkill, but I would far far rather over-do it than under-do. That kind of communication makes it hard for a parent to work the "I didn't know!" excuse.


    The wildlife conservation belt loop requires a boy report to his den on an endangered species.

  5. Our council has a disabilities district, and every unit can call them for help. I know not everyone is so fortunate, but perhaps your council has resources available to you.


    I'm a WDL with ADD, who has a 4th grade ADHD son. We're lots of fun at parties. As a parent, I would have zero problem attending every meeting, outing, and camping trip w my son. I know he can be difficult. He's learning to compensate for his natural inclination to dart off ahead.


    He's had consequences--as a Bear, he got sent home from Cub Scout Day Camp for pushing a kid into the lake. He came home & copied out the Scout Law as an additional consequence, so he could understand what it is that Scouting is trying to acheive.


    Be willing to call parents to collect their wayward youth when the behavior puts other people in danger. Speaking as a parent (not as a den leader) calling me to collect him tells me that things aren't going well. If he stays the week, or weekend, then I'm going to assume you're doing just fine, he's doing just fine, and everything's just fine.


    If Mom & Dad don't know your concerns, they can't back you up.

  6. A good den chief is a HUGE asset. A bad den chief is a drain.


    I'm WDL, and I thank my lucky stars for the Den Chief I have. When the CC asked me if I wanted a DC, I said, "Only if he's ready to work." The CC & CM interviewed candidates, showed them the Den Chief Handbook, and talked to them about expectations.


    My den chief can get the den to sing. I cannot. They look at me like I'm crazy--but singing with that teenaged boy? THAT's cool. Man, whatever works.


    We had a den talk about what the boys wanted to learn--when they said "Engineer," my DC took over, and I let him. (It was a little hard to let go the control, but that's really my goal, so I just did a hard thing. :) ) He led them in building catapults, talked about electricity, bridges--all that stuff. I provided support, and pretty minimal support at that.


    Last year, when the boys were Bears & I was Just A Mom, a Scout came on a meeting night and asked if I wanted a den chief. "I'm not the DL--I'm just filling in tonight. You'll need to ask Mr. _______" We never saw him again. (pretty clear to me he wasn't really interested in the job)


  7. Cub Scout leaders and female leaders may wear one temporary patch centered above the BSA strip.


    To me, that says that ALL female leaders, regardless of in which program they are involved, may center their temp patch up high. I had been told it was only an option for female leaders in Cub Scouting. (As a female leader, I've avoided the question by not wearing any temporary patches anywhere.)

  8. I'm WDL--and a crafty mom. I work with paper & fabric crafts. I don't make things out of wood. I don't use coping saws and hammers & such.


    But I know who does, and I asked that guy to find a wood project for Craftsman.


    I'm a college dropout. I don't quite understand how electricity gets to my house. "I push this button, and there is light! Magic!"


    But I know who does, and I asked that guy to make simple electrical circuits for Engineer.


    One of my families wants to host a bonfire. Their neighbor is a civil engineer (the bridge-building kind.) We're planning to have the neighbor run over & talk to the den about engineering.


    For that matter, I asked my den chief to teach the Boy Scout requirements. He knows them far better than I do, and those younger boys listen to him in a way they would never listen to me.


    I depend on my families to make up the gaps in my abilities & knowledge.

  9. I'm WDL for the 4th grade Webelos, and will continue with them until AOL.


    I've been using FastTracks/Cub Scouts 2010 lesson plans with my cubmaster's approval (and some modifications, naturally.)


    We also attended Webelos Resident Camp during the summer, and a Webeloree in the fall. Boys who attended both earned Aquanaut, Outdoorsman, & Forester, as well as some work on Traveler, Geologist, Naturalist, Readyman, Scientist & Citizen. The uncompleted pieces of activity badges were my first priority for our den meetings.


    We won't have den meetings over the summer, but we are planning to attend a outdoor (free) performance in June of A Comedy of Errors for Showman.


    Our graduation goal is next March. Sometimes the fifth graders cross over later--as late as May--and this year's group was ready in February.

  10. Welcome to the forums, and to Cub Scouts.


    Like everyone said, what you're describing is not typical. I'm a Webelos Den Leader, and we've gone camping (to the Webeloree, a district event) and had lots of active, doing-stuff den meetings. (We have also had a couple of dud meetings. Sad, but true.)


    As a den leader, I have to remind myself often to shut up. For example: the Citizen activity badge is required for the Webelos badge. It requires a lot of talking, and runs the risk of boring fourth grade boys to death. The content is important, but it's not FUN like building catapults (Engineer) & sorting through rocks (Geologist.)


    If you want more den meetings--and I think you SHOULD want more den meetings--offer to host the den in your home, or to lead the boys in a craft project at the regular meeting place. "Mr. Den Leader, thank you for volunteering. I would like to help with the boys. Can I help them build catapults next week?" You can volunteer without making a year-long commitment to the job.


    Hope this helps. :)


    We started w Cub Scouts at the Tiger (1st grade) level. I still remember the recruitment meeting. I love to tell people that I completely thought the uniformed leaders were professionals. Imagine my surprise when I found out they were "just" volunteers!



  11. Are you a new stepdad? That would account for some measure of nervousness/self conciousness.


    My husband is step-dad to my son, but it's not a title we use.


    He's just dad. We all went campin' with the Pack, and Dad handles the PWD. I cannot cope with the noise level. It's just not a division we see, but my husband's been in our lives since the boy was 3 (and is now 9)


    No one in the Pack has asked if my husband is his physical father or a step father. All they see is the way the two of them (well, I reckon, the 3 of us :) ) interact.

  12. "This scout is on medication, but we could only guess what it is for since we have not been made aware of what they are for. "


    Don't you have a health form on this boy? The "medication" block says, "reason for medication." (Am I suggesting an inappropriate use of health information? It just seems common-sensical to me. Before I took my den to Webelos Resident Camp, I reviewed the forms so I knew for whom I was being responsible.)

  13. I'm the Webelos DL for my son's den.


    Some of the things I've done include over-planning the meeting. I have enough activities for 90 minutes of our meeting hour (give or take) so I can switch to something that keeps the boys busy &/or engaged. Be ready to switch it if it sucks. Pay attention to the kids so you can tell when it sucks, lol. (I have adhd, so it's a little easier for me, maybe, than some other folks, I don't know. But I can tell when the 9 yr olds are just waitin me out) Boys busy with planned program activities don't have time to push, shove or mouth off.


    I also try to save the BEST part of the meeting for last, like when we dropped mentos into coke for our science belt loop. What kid doesn't want to explode coke, right? So when the meeting gets a little unruly, I can say, "Gosh, fellas, we might not have time, since we're spending our time waiting for all y'all's conversations to finish."


    You don't need to give a written reprimand to a nine-year-old. You say, "That's not appropriate (or acceptable) behavior. Knock it off." He can learn about written reprimands when he grows up.

  14. I recently attended Webeloree w my den, and I was impressed with the inter-faith service. It wasn't just inter-denominational/generically Christian.


    We opened w the 12th point of the Scout Law, then moved to a Native American prayer. We sang "God Bless America," then had readings from Jewish sabbath services and the Koran. We had a responsive reading, with Old Testament verses paired with each of the 12 pts of the Scout Law. We had a message on Leave No Trace, sang "he's got the whole world in his hands," had a prayer to "our Lord" and a benediction from "the Bahai faith, Abdul Bahai."


    It was a very nice service. The Pack responsible for the service did an excellent job supporting Scouts of different faiths, and exposing us to wisdom words from each other. (We were supposed to recycle the printed programs, but I kept mine, in case I ever needed to recreate the service.)

  15. It is a complex situation, and I imagine very difficult to deal with.


    Bagels made his list--let him eat bagels. A lot. They're heavy bread & pretty portable. (does he put anything on them?)


    A person can live pretty happily on PBJ.


    I wouldn't bend over backwards to accomodate without more documentation of a medical or psych disorder. I would add a loaf of bread, pb&j(grape only) to the shopping list, and if he doesn't like what's cooking, he can make his own sammich. (I do that at home w my 9yo son. "Taste it, & then you can opt out & make your own sammich.")

  16. The den number thing is not universally used--as mentioned. My son's Pack has one den per rank level, and we've never used den #s. We call groups out by rank--"Bears, over here!" It works for us, and den #s have not been needed.


    Having said that, though. . .that's a level of chaos that would have my family elsewhere. My son and I are ADHD, and we do not thrive in those situations.


    Not wearing the uniform removes part of the reward of Scouting. That makes me sad for the un-uniformed kids, who don't have anywhere to wear their arrow points and belt loops and beady-things. What's the point in working on stuff when the reward has to sit in a drawer because there's no shirt to sew it to?

  17. My favorite roundtable presentation to date has been when the head of the disabilities district for our council talked to us about the services her people can provide for us--at the unit level. Very cool.


    I wish they scheduled five minutes of "talk with your table" time, to brainstorm on new ideas, good ideas, sticky points.


    I think it would also be healthy to shuffle up the tables. People sit w the people they know. Mix us up & make us mingle.


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