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Posts posted by Glenn

  1. Do your local libraries offer internet access? Our local library has about 10 computers with free internet access, and 4 of these have screening software. The screening software limits the web surfing to "clean" sites. I would recommend this for your Webelo scouts.

  2. Eisely,


    How true your words ring. I have posted at another forum (Catholic) about the terrorist activities and my words have echoed similar to yours. I still can not get over the tragedy of last week. There are times (for instance in leading my 6th grade Sunday school class in prayer) where I get choked up. I can't get my hands around what exactly upsets me so. I guess it is partly for those who lost their lives, their families, and especially that the United States of America was desecrated.

  3. My main argument in the support of the current BSA policy simply deals with not putting our children (sons in this case) in a possibly damaging situation. Yes, not all gay men are pedophiles, but why take the chance? I would not allow my daughter to attend any girl scout overnighters with a male leader either. Why put your children in that situation? I say better safe than sorry.

  4. I am not familiar enough with all the roles within Boy Scouts but would like to second Mike Long's comments. My son's troop also closes the evening in a circle, holding hands (right over left), and say the Scout's benediction. No one has complained about this but since it's always been done, it is not thought of as "girl scoutish". Haven't your boys seen college and professional football players grasping hands in the huddle or on the sidelines? To me, it is not un-masculine, simply asexual.


    By the way, my daughter's Girl Scout Troop uses the same circle, but with a different benediction. Again, the circle shows a bonding within the troop.

  5. Some of you may be interested to know that Dr. Laura Schlessinger went on a rant about all of her listeners to call their Senators and tell them to support this bill. She explained how she felt that it was a freedom of speech issue. If the Scouts wish to enforce morality as they see it, then no other institution should be allowed to force them to change.


    After listening to her and reading about his issue, I then emailed my Senators. Even though I am anti-Helms (should have retired years ago), I still like this bill.

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