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Posts posted by FScouter

  1. Sounds more like a fraud than a "common work-around". Wonder if any members of the crew will be attending? Adult crew leaders? And of course they'll have to leave their Boy Scout uniforms at home and go with the Crew uniform. Such silliness. Nobody's fooled. Wouldn't it just be easier to forge the CC signature on the TP and "work-around" the problem that way?

  2. "Correcting a council staff member's uniform (given the right opportunity) before he "models" correct uniforming (among many other things) need not be demeaning,.."


    The whole "uniform police" label comes from "special" folks that know what they do is not correct and take offense when some well-meaning person naively believes they just don't know, and informs them. They then get demeaned and slapped with the UP label.

  3. "But COURSE DIRECTORS should know better."


    They DO know better. But some folks just like to be "special". And anyone that naively thinks it's just a misunderstanding gets demeaned as the dreaded so-called uniform police with no life.

  4. What is a "program year"? Scouting is a 12 months year-round program. If a unit decides to shutdown for the summer or otherwise end the program, the clock stops too. Why should an adult be given an award for running an abbreviated program?

  5. So some old guy, former committee member wants to wear his old uniform, where? He/they pay their $50 or $100 bucks to "perptetuate an old troop number. This is a problem for our troop, for anyone - how?? Frankly, I don't believe it happens, but it makes a good story.

  6. " The flag is raised up and immediately brought down and then done again and again, over and over."


    A veritable congressional flag mill which is in essence a fraud on the unsuspecting public.


    I remember when the Beatles first came to this country. They walked across the lawn somewhere surrounded by fans. There was a picture in LIFE magazine of a girl with a fist full of grass and a starry look in her eyes. RINGO. Ringo walked on this grass!!


    Such a cherished memento she has.


    At least a "flag flown over the U.S. Capitol" has a real purpose and getting a flag for free saves a trip to the walmart to buy one.

  7. Such irony, the grammar used in these posts is atrocious. Here are a few rules:

    Rules for Writing Good


    1. Each pronoun agrees with their antecedent.

    2. Verbs has to agree with their subjects.

    3. Don't use no double negatives.

    4. A writer mustn't shift your point of view.

    5. Don't use a run-on sentence you got to punctuate it.

    6. Avoid redundancy.

    7. Don't repeatedly reiterate over and over.

    8. About sentence fragments.

    9. Don't use commas, which aren't necessary.

    10. Don't abbrev.

    11. Avoid redundancy.

    12. Check to see if you any words out.

    13. Eschew esoteric verbiage.

    14. Computer spell Czechs are imperfect.

    15. Never use a preposition to end a sentence with.

    16. Use apostrophe's right.

    17. When dangling, don't use participles.

    18. Never leave a transitive verb just lay there without an object.

    19. a sentence should begin with a capital and end with a period

    20. Watch out for irregular verbs which have creeped into our language.

    21. Profanity sucks.

    22. In most cases, be more or less specific.

    23. Understatement may be better.

    24. Exaggeration is a million times worse than understatement.

    25. Dont forget to avoid redundancy.

    26. Analogies in writing are like feathers on a snake.

    27. Go around the barn at high noon to avoid colloquialisms.

    28. Even if a mixed metaphor sings like a canary, it should be thrown out with the bathwater.

    29. Last but not least, lay off clichs.

  8. There's regulations, and then there's "regulations". You want to take a bunch of Cub Scouts within a canoe down a big river with no PFDs and no experience and you'll probably find a regulation. So what? You'll find that nearly all the "regulations" are common sense and the lack of such being demonstrated by adults is what promts them.


    Like Cricket says about paddle-craft, there is a "regulation" to do what has always been done anyway. The only ones affected are those with no common sense to start with.

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