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Posts posted by frankpalazzi

  1. A good Unit Commissioner is like gold. Ours makes every attempt to visit monthly, and always brings information and ideas. If there is a charter issue, or we need help filling out a Quality Unit/JTE form, he's there for us. He's even offered to turn our charter in for us! Our UC is also an employee at the local Scout Store--once when it was COH night, and there were a few last minute merit badges needed with no time to go get them, I called our UC at the store and sort of jokingly asked if he could "deliver". Expecting a different answer, he just said, "No problem, what time's your ceremony?" Now THAT'S service above and beyond!


    If you don't have a Unit Commissioner, contact your district and be persistent until you get one! Every unit is entitled to one! They really DO make a difference!

  2. Take the "car coolness" a step further, and reward the boys for it--All the boys! I've mentioned this before a few years ago, but here's what our pack does: We find something unique about each car and give them a professional looking award certificate for it! Examples can be: Best use of stickers, Most Orange, Most Sportsmanlike car (boy has sports team logos all over car), etc., you get the idea. The boys love it, and it doesn't matter if their car stays in one piece during the race, they have been uniquely recognized for something, and have something signed by Akela to go home with! some template ideas http://dyetub.com/certificates/scouting/cub/(This message has been edited by FrankScout)

  3. Bando, the Mentor Pins are a new thing as of the last 5 or 6 years or so, I believe. First time I saw them was at a 2006 ECOH. You can also buy them separately. I had a case where one Eagle gave me a mentor pin 5 years after his COH. (No "rule" against that, apparently!) I'll always remember that.



  4. Our Pack's situation is a little different, as our recharter is due at the end of March. We fund the Pack through dues ($7/month) and popcorn sales. We offer a discount incentive of $10 if the parent pays the entire year's dues up front; so, $60 squares that. I was surprised how many took us up on the offer! A majority of the projected dues income was paid before October 1st! Dues collection had always been a problem in the past, and this way it was better to get most of it than to get very little. We also instituted the old "dues envelope" system for the Den Leaders to accomodate those who wish to pay monthly. The old brown envelopes are almost impossible to get from the Scout Shop, so we just make our own! Seems to work for us! CM and CC didn't realize that this is how the Pack did it ages ago! They thought the envelope system was a "new" idea! But humble old me refused to take credit. :)


  5. Got to agree with Eagle90 on this one! Our SM is discouraged because of constant no-shows on scheduled election/camp promotion nights.


    Excuses? Heard them all, and got 'em covered:


    "We couldn't find your meeting place". In 2011 with GPS, Mapquest, and Google Maps? Not to mention whatever else? Please.


    "...too much homework" How about a phone call, text, or email? The Lodge DID confirm the date at least twice by one or more of these methods. These scouts certainly didn't earn Communications Merit Badge from ME!


    "Didn't have transportation" If you had CALLED/EMAILED/TEXTED, perhaps we could have made arrangements to PICK YOU UP!


    I can totally sympathize with the SM. As COR/CC they have even contacted me about scheduling elections, I informed them that I will not ever overrule the SM/PLC on Troop program. (NOT my job, I SUPPORT program, not create it.) I related the SMs feelings and why he feels that way. I told the Lodge rep that they have a serious PR problem with our troop, and best go about fixing it. I've offered assistance in this regard, and I know that if the phone doesn't ring, it's the OA lodge taking me up on my offer.


    So, how would YOU feel in our Troop's position?





  6. Do you have any kind of wholesale warehouse in your area, like Sam's Club, BJ's or Costco? If not, you may be able to order bulk quantities through Wal-Mart. (Sam's Club is their sister organization, and both are very big on Scouting!) "Dollar stores" like Dollar Tree, etc., also do this kind of thing!


  7. No, there is no national requirement for any of the badges; MBC training and certification is left up to your local council. In our council: When you undergo MBC training and sign up for the badge you want to counsel, the trainer/staff will usually ask about your background or what your proficiency is in the area of the badge you wish to counsel. You don't have to be an expert in that area, just proficient enough to help the scout satisfy the requirements, as well as learn a few things! (no more, no less). A good swimmer can be a Swimming MBC, a recreational snorkeler can be a snorkeling MBC. For some badges such as riflery, archery, lifesaving, I'm sure the MBC trainer staff would like a little more such as completion in range safety, lifeguard certificates, etc. It's all at the discretion of the trainer/staff who is certified for what badge. Don't worry about the swimming MB, find a counselor and a pool and let the boys have fun and advance!

  8. All of the above are great suggestions!! When I need an Eagle badge for an EBOR, (In our troop, we hand him the patch then and there..just the patch though), I just find an Eagle to go to the Scout Shop for me! :) If you can prove you've got the rank, it shouldn't be a problem to buy a replacement.

  9. In my 31 years as an adult leader, I find this totally appalling; way beyond belief.


    As COR, I would have never allowed this meeting to take place. Had it taken place without my knowledge, the SM and ASMs involved would have been dismissed. Immediately. That very evening. Clean house. In the morning, I would be showing up at the council office demanding to see the SE, and requesting the adults' names be removed immediately from our charter, and of course tell him why.


    Quick. Done. Move on. Take the SM role myself for however long I have to.


    Since the COR is aware and apparently condoned this "meeting," the IH should be made aware immediately and take the proper steps. The CO is opening itself up for MAJOR problems here.




    (This message has been edited by FrankScout)

  10. We've had 2 of them over the last 40 years, and learned these lessons:



    -Our SM was a diesel mechanic.

    -He was always available to drive.

    -Troop has more freedom! ('73 Nat'l Jamboree, and D.C. in '82)



    -You can't get the parts at Pep Boys or Auto Zone, you have to go to a truck parts outlet. Bus parts are BIG $$$!!!

    -You need a MINIMUM of $1 million liability, or you're setting yourself, your committee and your CO up for disaster.

    -Even if it doesn't get driven much, filters and fluids must be changed regularly. Oil changes can cost $100+ even if you do it yourself! There are also coolant,transmission, and air filters to change whether the bus gets driven or not.

    -Change the markings from SCHOOL BUS to SCOUT BUS. We actually got pulled over once (close to home!) when a trooper thought it said SCHOOL BUS! When we pointed it out to him, he grumbled "have a nice day", and left. :)

    -Place to store it, if there isn't room at the CO.


    OK, short answer is we wouldn't do it again, too much hassle. For a long trip, ('10 Jambo), we rented 2-14 passenger vans (no CDL required) and had one of the dads haul a trailer with the gear--we budgeted his gas into the mix. Worked out great for us, and the vans had AC! Most School buses don't! (It's a $10K option!)


    I am knowledgeable in what I speak, as I have worked for a local School Bus company for the last 9 years!


    If you can afford it, and can assemble the manpower/resources to keep it on the road, then, good luck!



  11. Oh..my....G-d...

    $30K in the bank?? Why?? Why would even a large unit need to have that kind of money in the bank?


    Raise what you need.

    Spend what you raise.

    Small surpluses are OK, but should be allocated for SOMETHING in the next year's funding.

    Run a level budget!

  12. Correct...there is no "official" order. I like to make each ceremony unique for every boy, keeping in some basic threads of course (Eagle Charge, Eagle Promise, etc.). Google some Eagle ceremonies, pick out parts that you like and combine them! Then, customize some of it for THAT particular Eagle Scout! Above all, KISMIF! (Keep it simple, make it FUN!)

  13. If this happened in my troop, a disciplinary Board Of Review would be held with offender, parents of offender, SM, SPL, CC/COR, and at least 2 Committee members. Philmont is NO place for someone who exhibits this kind of behavior repeatedly, and especially with dangerous substances.

    Everyone's safety is at stake here.

  14. I went, I saw, I investigated, I'm satisfied.


    Since I had never seen or heard of this activity in the past, I could only have feared the worst. (Wouldn't you? "TOMAHAWK" and "THROWING"??) I've seen the activity and have spoken with the range director, and the "tomahawks" are not hatchets like I imagined. It is run almost exactly like an archery range with proper clearances for participants and observants.


    Nldscout: I don't "stick my nose" anywhere--I do my job as entrusted by our CO. I have been with these units since their inception 11/28/1970, growing up in Pack and Troop and 30 years as an adult leader. My best interest is in the boys having fun, growing in the program, and BEING SAFE!


    Thank you all for your input and reassurances.





  15. There is no right or wrong way, as long as it is done respectfully. The American Legion has a simple, but touching ceremony that you can use--just substitute Post Officers for Troop Officers. (Commander=Scoutmaster; First Vice commander=Assistant SM, etc.)



    scroll toward the bottom for the AL ceremony.


    You MAY cut the flag into pieces if size/safety is a concern.

  16. I know this is a six year old topic BUT:


    My district just started doing this at their camporees, and I'm having concerns. I have been assured that a "certified range instructor" handles the Tomahawk range. Is there such a thing as a Certified Tomahawk Range Instructor? Sorry, archery/rifle certs don't cut it here for me; this is NOT the same thing. What does the training involve? Who implements the training? Where can I find some information on setups, safety, etc?

    I've never had to "pull rank" as a CC/COR before, but I am going to drop in on this weekend's camporee. If I don't like what I see, I'm banning the Troop from participating in the activity. I don't see how an organization that bans LASER TAG, can allow THIS!


    Any links to further information would be most helpful! Thanks! I worked hard to buy my home, and would like to keep it--sorry, I'm just funny that way! :)

  17. EXCELLENT idea to wear those items at the B$G, especially as a new CM! As far as the Uniform Police are concerned: I wear 2 Eagle Mentor pins very proudly on my uniform shirt despite the "guideline" that they are for civilian wear. I have yet in all these years have anyone be brazen enough to tell me that they are "improper" or "not allowed". The first one to do so will be told in no uncertain terms to proceed to a place of Eternal Heat and Damnation. Those who know me KNOW I will too!


    No doubt a Cub, parent, or former/present scouter will ask you what a particular item is, or ask how you earned it! Tell 'em proudly!! Each uniform tells a unique story. This is Scouting, not the Military. Enjoy, and HAVE FUN!

  18. "Crossover" adults who don't understand the difference between the Cub Scout (Adult led) and the Boy Scout (Boy Led) programs. We actually have a committee member who is an Eagle who couldn't discern the difference, and it took several discussions to help him "see the light". Even with our occasional "New Parent Orientations", there is a thing called "selective hearing" that takes place!

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