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Posts posted by FrankBoss

  1. Guys I've read this and have had discussions with some current and ex scouters in my area. It seem what I've been observing has constantly been creeping in on the districts  since '09. Its just has turned into something that can't be hidden in the last three years. I don't know what the answer is to fix or adjust this. But I know being silent is not helping anyone.

     We need more unit's in our area and those units need support from the district and council.. But it seems there is know one checking on the operations of the councils other than than income...


  2. To be honest in my Council and District... "I Think" the culture of the office has turned bad. and it has leached in to the Districts..

    Absolute little concern for Program or Volunteers from the professionals and a sole focus on income is a wicked problem...

    We have no voice in district and council... If you have the wrong message even if it a constructive... your shut down and pushed out.

    The saddest part for me was that we lost a lot of incredible volunteers over this...


  3. You are somewhat right... I did receive the email.

    To be fair this email could have matched the last 7 years of email for this even just change the name of the sender.!

     No! I did not go to this event this year! But! my responses are not with out merit, I did follow up with others on what I missed at this years meeting ( I have been staple at these in the past )  and I do have well over 12 years as a district and council volunteer serving in several positions.  District Vice Chair, Assistant District Commissioner and F.F.O.S. Chair to name a few.

     If you read my post.. I state most volunteers (District and Council) in my area are afraid to comment publicly, for they will be Bullied by the Council Heads in a closed door meetings or Black Listed by the Council's very own Talent Committee.  "So is this a regional phenomenon or is it national." We have very unhappy volunteers in our district, and most are walking on egg shells just to stay in the game and some are walking out....

    Our Council has put off requested District training for Years... most of the Districts are fumbling around being lead by this years DE (High turn over of course) and not able to function (as the district program manuals state) with out being micro managed by Council. Focus on money drives who is recruited to District positions (A game of Who and How much $$ are they worth ) no joke.

    So read into it what you will but my question stays the same and if this is not a place for such a question to be aired, then tell me where...you'll be the first to answer !

    I have resigned from the Council and District programs, and have chosen to only help the units directly. So I now have freedom to inquire with out penalty...

    If this is a common problem we are in trouble.. if it's just my area hopefully it can be turned around.

    I'm not here to polish my halo , just air out what is a major concern.


    • Thanks 1
    • Upvote 1
  4. The Scout showed me his notes..

    They did touch on the good stuff (Saftey equipment and refreshments)

    But they said he needed to add "Value" since the fence already existed he could replace the fence and add a park bench.


    Oh man.


    I've heard so much of this catch phrase. "Adding Value"


    It just baffles me...



  5. I was rather sick I've been so for a few months.. so I did not make the meeting and wanted to hear some other points of view before going threw the motions of trying to get the kid motivated, it kinda broke his spirit. So I asked the other adult to tell me what happened and this is what they told me.


    "The Eagle Board did not like the fact that his project was not adding

    value. His project was replacing the fence at the Kiwanas park and they deemed

    it to be a maintance project that are no longer allowed. Now if he was adding

    fence to section off an area that may pass. But just replaceing something is no good"



  6. I had a kid with a eagle project shot down that I didn't understand.

    First it's not My Child but a kid in the troop that I thought had a great project, that took unique resources and labor.


    A youth camp that lends its self out free to youth clubs , schools and churches was hit really hard by Ice storms over a few years and the fence that was damaged by tree's and water run off needed totaly replaced. Over 700 feet replacing T post, reconstructing corner post and running 4 rows of wire for over 2100 feet of material there alone not to mention concrete and pipe for the corner foundation.


    He went to eagle board and they shot him down because there WAS already a fence there in the first place.


    I was shocked with the response so I'm looking for a little insite...

    I guess I'm trying to get the boys to think out side of the "prefabbed Park Bench" box.




  7. I bought the euricka timberline this morning, its a good tent but I'm still looking for a Two pole A style tent... something so simple for the kid to put up.

    I have a older version of the Timberline and its a good tent. but its not so simple to put up and take down to my Cub Scout.



  8. MaNu Lodge holds elections from September 1st through December 31st. Elections are not held during Summer Camp. Only elections conducted by an official OA election team trained by MaNu Lodge will be considered valid. Members of your own troop may not conduct an election for your troop.


    LOL...I took this off the website.

    I've never seen them do elections. So this will be new.



  9. Thanks again... I often wondered about how ALL our units OA members were pared as Parent and Scout.


    We have Elections coming up, the first time in a couple years.


    I will be excited how it works out.



  10. well I did over look this public part of this section...


    I'm content with the information I received, are you not? maybe your the one not so CHEERFUL. Honestly tell me how you feel...

    Defensive? Inquisitive? Caviler?...


    I'll choose my battles and thats not what I came here for.


    Thanks again everyone




  11. There are OA members in my unit... maybe thats why I'm questioning the process.


    I have met OA members that are great people and enjoy the OA.


    Butt some of my questions might be best kept to myself.


    Thanks again you guys, I have had quite a few questions answered in this little thread.



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