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Posts posted by fotoscout

  1. Bob,


    We've been here before. It would be really nice if someone could give us the real reason behind this policy of no Den Camping for CS.


    As for Baloo, I'll repeat something I've said before; Baloo doesn't give you health and safety knowledge necessary to go into the woods with 5 boys or 50 boys. In fact I have to wonder if it provides a false sense of confidence to those people who should really not be leading a camping trip.


  2. I would certainly like to see National provide an explanation of this rule. This is one those rules that seems to make no sense at all. Furthermore, I suspect that more people manipulate this particular rule than perhaps any other. First there is the pack trip with only one den attending, then theres the den family camping trip, and there are probably a bunch more manipulations of the rule.


    I think this one falls into the category of Everyones doing it anyway, so maybe National should more time writing guidelines and suggestions for a den camping trip rather than telling us that we cant do it.


  3. I dont find any Humor in this.


    The letter specifically asks for support of the Good Turn for America intuitive, not support for BSA. In fact the letter specifically makes note of the Collaborative aspect of the program. The sample letters of support, and there are three of them, are all written with a different constituent in mind. If you look at the last of the sample letters, I think you will come to the same conclusion that I did, Mr. Frank could have easily signed this letter. Instead he chose the response we see here.


    This is just another example of the self-centered parochial vision that so many people carry with them today.


  4. Hi folks,


    I cant explain why the policy is what it is, but I can say that Council AND National both want the kids to go camping. To that end, they do not seem to get in the way of a den leader setting up a camping trip for a den. I dont know of anyone here that has been denied a tour permit for a den camping trip. In fact our Camp Director will even allow a den overnighter at the local camp.


    Its ME,

    I would look at your timing. Maybe you created a conflict with the beginning of baseball season or startup of the spring soccer season, or, perhaps your parents arent campers and dont want to go when its still fairly cool outside. I would also ask about how you are dealing with the sibs? This is an important factor in CS camping trips. I tyically get about 80% attendence at our camping trips, the kids are constantly asking to go, but I do agonize over the dates.


    You seem to be very excited about doing this campout. Perhaps you set up an overly ambitious program that concerned your parents.


  5. Nice idea! There are many online vendors for Scout Patches. Some advertise on this site. Keep an eye on the right hand side of your screen, or scroll to the bottom. They rotate different vendors all the time but within a day or two you will have one come up. You could also do a search for "Boy Scout Patches".


    I suggest that you try to calculate what this will cost you before commiting to it, I suspect that it could run into lots of money. Remember that many patch vendors have minimun quanities on custom orders.

  6. I think hat there is too much concern about who's wearing which badge. The boys are all Scouts. Not Scouts in Blue uniforms or Scouts in tan uniforms, just Scouts. They all earned the same badge, we should give them the same badge. I still vote for the Oval, regardless of which uniform the boy is wearing. It's fair to the kids, and considerate to the parents.

  7. The important thing here is that BSA gave us a window of almost two years during which to make the switch from blue to khaki. I would give all of the boys the large oval badge, and have the boys in blue shirts wear it in a plastic holder.


    Boy a gets the diamond and boy b gets the oval. Boy b is already singing the my badge is bigger than your badge song before he gets home. Later, when it does come time for the boy with the diamond badge to move into the khaki shirt, he will have buy a new badge for it. You cant just walk into the Scout Shop and buy a badge anymore. You need proof of the boy having earned the badge. This requirement has created a lot of problems for our people.


    So, until national comes out with some firm instructions, give them all the oval unless they really ask for and want the diamond.


    My one cents.


  8. Why not?


    First off, I did not say the leaders kids, I said, leaders and their children. Not an event intended to only benefit the kids, but one to foster fellowship and friendship for the leaders, their families, their friends in Scouting, and the families of their friends in Scouting. As a larger group this is not something that we currently do.


    As for using Council resources, who said anything about using Council resources? We would pay our way just like we do at any other time. Maybe do it at the local camp, maybe not. The location is unimportant. But again if we used the camp, we would pay just like everybody else.




  9. I have to agree with other posters. We do in effect have many of these, but without the tents. The fellowship and exchange of ideas is very much a part of all the training that we do. When you look at almost any of our training, most of it could be accomplished in the time. The rest of the time is allocated to the exchange that you are looking for.


    The other problem that I see is that something like this would become very competitive. Probably well beyond anything that you might see with the boys. Why go through all that effort and not have the kids there to see it?


  10. Hi Sparkie I hope this isnt too late for you. Like you I didnt find anything in my stuff for a Tiger Ceremony. The CM went through the virtues of Scouting speech with emphases on the first step. We brought the kids up introduced them. Gave them their badges. Now we brought the tiger parents up and paired them with their kid. At this point we brought out the Tiger Parent Pins and handed one to each boy. We asked the boys to face his parent and say LOUDLY, thanks for taking me to Scouts, with that everyone in the room goes aaaaaaah, and the boys pin their parent.


    Before I let the kids return to their places we did our den cheer, actually it was more like a den scream!


    For graduation at the end of the year we use the bridge to welcome the Tigers to CS.



  11. One of my parents asked me the same question last year. I contacted HeatBond, they are one of the companies that make the iron on bonding material. HeatBond told me to use MEK or Naphtha, both are common dry cleaning fluids, although MEK is becoming very hard to find. I think that your best bet is to take the shirt to the dry cleaner and let them try to get it off.


    But dont give up on ebay because of this shirt! Its still a great place to get uniforms. I have two shirts, a pair of long pants and a pair of shorts that cost me a grand total of $44.00. They are all in terrific shape! Yesterday I bought a brand new Boy Scout shirt for $8.00, to put away for my son to use next year.


  12. Many Fortune 500 companies send their high level executives and senior managers to team building courses. Theses courses are usually conducted in the outdoors setting; Rock Climbing, Rafting, Hiking, etcsome even go so far as to have the team build a log home. The courses are spattered with business school topics, but the prime intent is to force these (very strong minded) people to understand that they cannot bring greatness to their companies all by themselves. They cant do it all alone, they need help, and they need the team. Along the way, they are schooled in the methods of team building. These classes are very expensive, and limited to the cream of the crop. Invitations are very coveted and considered in higher management circles as a kind of pedigree.


    I believe that WB follows this format far greater than it follows the format of the standard management or leadership courses that I have taken. I would highly recommend WB to anyone looking for a leadership class that gives them real tools instead of more buzz words.





    As for your PhDs, my workplace has literally hundreds of them, possibly over 1000, in a workforce of 3000. I can tell you categorically that only a small fraction of 1% of them would gain any benefit from WB. They are a different breed, marching to a different drum, in an orchestra of one. They are not the best people to discuss conventional management skills or team building with.





  13. One of the troops at our Council Scout Show last year was making homemade camp stoves. They brought all the materials with them and demonstrated how to make them.


    Another troop set up a smoke house, and did "Escape from the Burning Building" for Cub Scouts. This was a good one!


    Someone else was doing ,'set up the tent races'. A terrific challenge event. Side by side, identical Timberline tents. Someone says GO and you start the stop watch. Great fun!


  14. I second what Scoutmaster Ron posted! The great part of WB is that is leaves out all of the business school buzz words that he professional trainers love to throw around.


    I've been told that the AFL-CIO offers scholarship money for the class, so they may have some useful information for you. I suggest you contact National , they should have the answer to this type of question.


  15. Bob did you mean to say "either" earned the Webelos badge or outgrown the blue shirt? I don't think that I would suggest to a parent that they buy a new blue shirt for only six months, until the boy earned his Webelos badge.


    Of course the boys would have to be in the Webelos program.

  16. Ive had the one on one discussion, Ive flooded them with available training dates from my district as well as other nearby districts. When appropriate I use the things that I do with my boys as an example. Nothing works. I even offered to teach a piece of WLOT, hoping that someone would come with me. This actually worked, one other leader did come with me.


    I prefer the mandatory method! Throw out all of the excuses and simply make it mandatory.


    I am convinced that the trouble we face in getting leaders trained stems from the way we handle new leaders when they first sign-up. Lets face it, most new CS leaders sign-up, buy a handbook and theyre off. There is no formal sit down with the CM or CC, only short discussions in passing. The first training classes we run begin in late September and mid to late October. By then, the new leader has already experienced the panic stage, overcome the panic, sketched out his/her own view of the program and planned to move forward with meetings. But worse than that, they have proven to themselves that they can do this job without any formal training. And, its contagious, one leader does it this year, another next year, and pretty soon there are all telling each other, You dont need to waste time going to training, just read your sons book.


    Volunteers are a precious commodity here, so unfortunately we dont have the liberty of firing them if they wont go to training.


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