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Everything posted by falcon93

  1. We have ours going around 6 or 7 dollars per weekend. THey brown bag it in on Friday nights. Meals include sausage and egg type breakfast (or pancakes or ....some hot breakfast) Sat. Am. Sandwiches or hot dogs sat. lunch and they have done manwich (finally got them to break away from that) and speghetti for suppers with a cobler for desert....they are starting to try other sat. night meals. Sunday - its usually grits and/ oatmeal....low cooking, easy clean up for packing up and going. I had one scout to price the menu at 120.00 for 7 kids for a weekend. With the right shoppi
  2. I agree with what has already been said. We do not have that policy, but I don't see where there would be a conflict of interest. Either the Den Chief is doing his job or he isnt. That will ring true no matter who the den leader is.
  3. "We don't smoke, we don't chew, we just go with the girls that do!" I like it!! Never heard it before........ No it's not a slam on rednecks. We are in the middle of redneck country for our area. Hunt, you had the meaning behind the idea for the logo. Doing what needs to be done to get the job done.
  4. I have been in scouts in our town for 6 years now. It wasn't up until I started a new pack and troop 2 years ago that the veterans were honored. The VFW's approached me within a month of starting and asked us if we minded having a sponsor. Overtime, they purchased our American flag, and helped pay for most of our pack flag. They also have provided us with the 400 flags we currently place at the 2 town cemetaries. I liked the idea the post just above mine does, playing taps before going to the next location. When we obtain a buglar, I want to implement that. It blows my mind at
  5. In my unit, dads are dad everyone else is Mr. X.
  6. I can agree with the sexist angle........ I heard one other leader from a different unit say it was racist..he some how indicated it implied killing someone with one shot.......to me, he was really stretching at his view - really out on a limb, but I give everyone the benifit of the doubt....once....thus my reason behind posting this question. I was expecting to hear some arguements over it being sexist, but not racist.
  7. Ok, this is a quick "what do you think" question. Do you think "Git R Done" is a racist statement. A troop I know is thinking of taking that and modifying it to become a troop logo. They want to change the spelling to DUNN which is the town they are based in. The story behind their selection, is they were looking to create their own scarves and were wanting a logo all their own to put on them. On a campout, they really came together and showed what team work and running the show themselves was about. During reflection, they all had about the same response - "we really dug in and got
  8. In our pack, we are coming up on our 2nd year since forming. The money should go for the operation of the dens. They only real authority the Cubmaster when it comes down to the true nuts and bolts of it is to 1) Turn in paper work for advancement 2) Ensure a safe meeting place and 3) Look pretty as he or she plays Master of Ceremonies at the Pack meeting and Blue and Gold. The pack committee runs the shows based on what the parents AND kids want to do. The pack committee handles leadership assignment, they even handle who holds Cubmaster. It sounds like it might be time for the
  9. In making up a yell, you want to build unity with your patrol. You also want to make it relate to your patrol name. Think of what is symbolic of you guys, make it relate to your time together.
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