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Everything posted by erickelly65

  1. My favorite signer is Pete Stark, that perfect specimen of civility and equality. A man who once called a fellow congressman a "Fruitcake". Brilliant....you couldnt make up stuff like this!
  2. I have to say I disagree that saying boys and girls each have unique developmental needs that are best met by positive role models of their own gender is expressly "sexist" (with all the negative, politically-correctness charged connotations I assume were implied). To realize boys and girls develop differently, at differing rates and with differing challenges, one need only be mildly observant. Equal does not mean identical. It is generally recognized that there is a lack of positive male role model influence among boys in our society. It is further accepted that the positive influence o
  3. OGE, Regarding your question about female's being good rolemodels for boys. I have the same stance as the GSA. I believe women can be good rolemodels for boys but that male role models are especially important to young boys during their developing years. From: the GSUSA book "What We Stand For". What is GSUSA's position on men in Girl Scouting? The Girl Scout organization does not discriminate. Every volunteer and staff position in Girl Scouting is open to men as well as women. Because we believe that female role models are especially important to young girls during their develop
  4. OGE, Regarding your question about female's being good rolemodels for boys. I have the same stance as the GSA. I believe women can be good rolemodels for boys but that male role models are especially important to young boys during their developing years. From: the GSUSA book "What We Stand For". What is GSUSA's position on men in Girl Scouting? The Girl Scout organization does not discriminate. Every volunteer and staff position in Girl Scouting is open to men as well as women. Because we believe that female role models are especially important to young girls during their develop
  5. ""No it won't work" just doesn't cut it as a valid argument." I never said it wouldnt work. I simply stated cost is a challenge to uniforming. I simply don't jump to the conclusion that someone not in proper uniform just doesnt care. This is something to be watched and evaluated on a unit by unit if not person by person basis. Its one thing to question the commitment of kid that can be in uniform but choses not to make the effort but totally different when looking at a child that can't afford a uniform.
  6. Stosh, You're still wrong. And you forgot that you had to walk up hill to school in the snow...both ways. For many of my youth there is no affluent neighborhood in bike riding distance. Not that any parent in their right mind would let a kid ride his bike across Houston these days. Some of these kids are working already to help put food on the table at home. There are people that have nothing or close to it. We are trying to put a scouting program on that will provide a little glimmer of hope and opportunity for them to stay on the right path. If they show up in an incomplete
  7. I didnt say it couldnt be done. I noted what I have seen as a major challenge to getting boys in complete uniform in my district. I think its asinie to suggest that finances arent a legitimate barrier to uniforming. We arent talking about a few percentage points of boys needing assistance. Just under 40 percent of my district lives below the poverty level with over 75% of the children in public school in this area being on the free lunch program. How are you going to buy a used uniform on ebay when you don't have a phone much less a computer and internet access. Our council can not
  8. Brent no I am not kidding and Stosh your dead wrong. I serve as vice chair in a district that has a large percentage of scouts living well under the poverty level. Many of these families have trouble keeping their kids in regular clothing much less an overpriced scout uniform. As for raising money on their own, if you live in a poor community, who are you going to sell overpriced scout popcorn too? Your destitute neighbor? My troop is much more affluent then average but, since you asked, our campouts cost our boys $10. We don't have a uniforming issue at my troop but that is not
  9. Part of the problem is the uniforms are too expensive.
  10. Polanski WAS charged with Rape, specifcially Rape by Use of Drugs (Count 4) in his original indictment along with (Count 1) Providing a Controlled Substance to a Minor, (Count 2) Lewd or Lacivious Act upon a Child Under Fourteen, (Count 3) Unlawful Sexual Intercourse, (Count 5) Perversion, and (Count 6) Sodomy of a person. http://news.findlaw.com/hdocs/docs/polanski/capolanski31977ind.html The charge of rape and most of the others were dismissed under the terms of his plea bargain. He pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of engaging in unlawful sexual intercourse wi
  11. Polanski WAS charged with Rape, specifcially Rape by Use of Drugs (Count 4) in his original indictment along with (Count 1) Providing a Controlled Substance to a Minor, (Count 2) Lewd or Lacivious Act upon a Child Under Fourteen, (Count 3) Unlawful Sexual Intercourse, (Count 5) Peversion, and (Count 6) Sodomy of a person. http://news.findlaw.com/hdocs/docs/polanski/capolanski31977ind.html The charge of rape and most of the others were dismissed under the terms of his plea bargain. He pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of engaging in unlawful sexual intercourse wit
  12. Perhaps he "took the fall" on advise of Counsel. It would not be unheard of. The prosecution stance is you plead no contest or guilty and get probation but if you go to court, we are going to seek hard time for you.
  13. (CBS) There is no statute of limitations governing the case of Roman Polanski who was arrested by Swiss police on Saturday on a 31-year-old arrest warrant. CBS News legal analyst Lisa Bloom said that is because the director, now 76, had already pleaded guilty in 1978 to having had unlawful sex with a 13-year-old girl. "He already has been convicted." http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009/09/28/earlyshow/main5346108.shtml Also, it isnt just about being rich or powerful. Depending on the international agreements between countries, people can get away with all kinds of crazy stuff.
  14. The sword cuts both ways. Not just against those speaking out against faith. There are places in the world were openly practicing your faith is a dicey proposition. (i.e. China, the former Soviet Union, Nepal, Cambodia, Vietnam, Cuba etc.)
  15. The word uppity's etymology indicates it came from blacks commenting on their peers. From http://www.etymonline.com uppity 1880, from up; originally used by blacks of other blacks felt to be too self-assertive (first recorded use is in "Uncle Remus"). The parallel British variant uppish (1678) originally meant "lavish;" the sense of "conceited, arrogant" being first recorded 1734.
  16. I am not speaking from either side of the isle. I simply think people should behave more civily and courtousely. This should start with our elected officials, who should act in a manner fitting the honor bestowed on them by the voting public. As a practical matter, I think it is impractical to think that berating, mocking and insulting people that are acting poorly will some how generate better behavior. To the contrary, the back and forth sniping on topics such as these is only taking our polictical process in a downward spiral.
  17. Horizon, I didn't read anywhere where this woman was accused of disrupting the meeting. She had her turn at the microphone and asked the question "Why are you supporting this Nazi policy?" The question might be ridiculous but I don't see it as being disruptive. You wrote "Your rights end where others begin", I dont see how anything she said stepped on anyone elses rights. "You don't get to shout fire in a crowded theater." - Correct "You don't get to use racial epithets in my Troop." - A private group, you can do what ever you like. "You don't get to scream nazi at a townhall
  18. First, Horizon, I hope you would never refer to one of your scouts, or any child for that matter, as an idiot. Second, courtesy isnt about giving respect only to those who have "earned it" but to all. One can vigorously, disagree without the use of insult and personal attack. Behaving with courtesy does not lend legitimacy to the other persons stance only recognizes their right to freely express their opinion, how ever ridiculous. This women's absurd position could have been addressed without the sarcasm and insult Frank used. When a congressman holds a town hall meeting...it is
  19. So one only need be as polite and respectful (Courteous) as ones "opponent"..nice. ...and then there were 11 laws left.
  20. So Gern, if I read what you are saying regarding Mr. Frank correctly, you think that it is perfectly acceptable to insult, dehumanize and marginalize people that hold a different opinion than you? I agree with his assestment in that I believe she was out in left field but she still is his constituent. I feel it would have been better for him to have maintained a higher level of decorum. Certainly not particulary Scout like behavior on his part and therefore something not to be celebrated (at least at this site) I think the reason you are seeing so much anger and extremism in this d
  21. The comment "Being thrown under the bus" wasnt referring to denying a troop request (that hasnt formerly been made yet) but in Obama publicly questioning the wisdom of the counter-insurgency startegy the Whitehouse approved of in March and resulted in McChrystal being put in place to develop and implement a few months later (replacing McKiernan) http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/sep/23/pentagon-request-more-troops-afghanistan/(This message has been edited by erickelly65)(This message has been edited by erickelly65)
  22. I thought are goal was to aprehend or kill the leadership of Al-Qaeda and remove its ability to wage terror. A tactic to achieve that goal was to remove the Taliban from power make Afganistan a country that did not harbor Al-Qaeda and its ilk. The target is Al-Qaeda. If we need to stay in Afganistan to stop them, we should. If we can target Al-Qaeda without the large scale fit in Afganistan, we should do that. I do find it a bit perplexing that Obama seems so quickly to be turning his back on McChrystal. He only put him in place a few months ago and did so claiming he was the rig
  23. There are many organizations the have been chartered under Title 36 along with the BSA. This includes the Civil Air Patrol. Some of these organizations do discriminate, groups such as Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America, Incorporated or the Catholic War Veterans of the United States of America, Incorporated. Both have membership requirements that include practicing the Jewish and Catholic faiths respectively.
  24. Along your line of thought Eisely, there was an opinion piece at CNN.com that comments on the long history of poor behavior in Congress - physical altercations, spitting, threats. I suppose to answer Beavah's original question. No we havent sunk so low....congress dispensed with courtesy and civility long ago. http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/09/14/zelizer.joe.wilson/index.html?section=cnn_latest
  25. Well if we follow Beavah's view, the government can save gobs of money. We can get rid of US Customs - There is no need to man a border we want to leave wide open, just tell the last agent to leave the door unlocked. We can get rid of our Immigration department because they won't be needed. We can follow the "If you can get here, your in!" approach. I am all for immigration and believe we should encourage legal entry. Why is it considered so unreasonable to expect people to follow the rule of law to enter the US?
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