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Posts posted by Eagletrek

  1. Quality control??????? Just flip over the knot and check out that little gold "Made in China" label. That says it all!!!!!!!! There is no quality control.


    OBTW, we're buying stuff from a country that refuses to recognize the World Scouting Movement!!!!! Ya gotta love it!!!!(This message has been edited by Eagletrek)

  2. It sounds like the boys in your den seem to be aware of this young lad's challenge and are accepting of it. Sounds like you may be doing something right in the area of character development. What a great opportunity to address "diversity." Continue to foster your boy's acceptance of this scout and maybe they'll set the example for their parents to follow.(This message has been edited by Eagletrek)

  3. We start early and begin our recruitment year in May by holding a Tiger Round-Up to attract new Tigers and their parents. This year we registered 11 new Tigers and parents in May so that they could start their scouting experience by participating in our National Summertime Award program. We just completed our Fall Round-Up and added another 21 scouts to our pack, to include another complete Tiger den. In total, we recruited 32 new scouts this year. Although, it is a slight drop in numbers from last year, its okay, since we had 132 "active" scouts last year and our number will now be 113 scouts this year. Frankly, 113 scouts is a more managable number when you're dealing with pack-level events.


    Our success can be attributed to:


    1. Our school and local community have been extremely supportive of our pack. This has been great since our chartering organization has not really stepped up to assist us in any measurable way.


    2. Our adults are extremely active and have always stepped up to support our various events.


    3. Our boys sell the program to their friends by sharing stories about what they done and what they're going to do.


    4. Our Den Leaders are superb and are full of great ideas to keep the boys motivated.


    5. Our pack's superb Family Camping Program.


    6. Our pack's active participation in Cub Day Camp, Cub Resident Camp and Webelos Resident Camp.


    The bottom line is, if you have an exciting and fun program, the boys in it will stay and others will want to join.

  4. Wow, I filled out an on-line Staff Application on 2 SEP 08 and just recieved my "Letter of Appointment" today, 16 SEP 08. I'd consider that great when it comes to processing an application. Going to sign it tonight and get it back to National. I've been appointed as an archery safety officer/instructor for Southern Region. OBTW, that's what I asked to do and I have no "connections" at council.


    I bet if you can still get selected for a staff job if you "actively" seek one out and have the right qualifications.(This message has been edited by Eagletrek)

  5. I think all the posters so far have touched on some very good points. Can the announcements!!! If you have to put something out, get it out via email prior to or via flyer at the meeting. As an example, I had to listen to about 10 minutes worth of "Popcorn Info" at last night's roundtable. My Popcorn Kernal already had the info because she's been reading her emails. Overall, announcements can take up 15 to 20 minutes of time.


    As a member of my districts cub scout roundtable staff, I use the Roundtable Program Guide but I also make time to discuss cub-level issues similar to what Eagle 90 mentioned. Make the info presented relevant to the issues within your program/area and I bet attendance at the roundtables will go up.


    Lastly, figure out how to break up those "in-groups." They seem to have alot of knowledge but for some reason they aren't to quick to share it. It seems like the "dark priests" find it hard sometimes to realize that the new folks may have some good input. The district won't grow and the boys won't flourish if you always have to "draw" the info out of the "in-group/oldtimers."

  6. Contrary to popular belief large isn't always good!!!! In large dens, the scouts don't always "get a good/meaningful chance" to do something if there is limited time available for the event/task during a den meeting.


    The same is true in large packs. At the pack level, too many scouts can turn a pleasurable event into an ordeal. I know from experience as my pack averages about 120 scouts in 13 dens.


    That said, there is an up-side. It appears we offer a quality program and the parents interested in having their sons in scouting have gravitated to our pack.

  7. Ideally, 6-8 scouts is all you want in either a den or patrol.


    As a Tiger thru Bear Den Leader my den had 12 boys in it. The only way we were able to function at that size was to have a trained assistant and the assistance of numerous parents. In my case it wasn't too hard as most of my scouts started as Tigers and the parents just stayed involved as their sons progressed.



  8. First let me state I'm all for trained adult leaders. My 13 den leaders, most of their assistants, ACM, and all committee members are currently trained. I expect to pick-up at least 3-4 additional adult leaders on Thursday and plan to have them trained within the next two months.



    That said, frequency and quality of training are issues that I've had to deal with. For example, units are just getting started with their round-ups within the next week or two so what does our district do? They schedule adult leader training for this weekend; prior to the majority of the district's cub pack round-ups!!! What do they do when informed? Shrug their shoulders and state they'll have to schedule some additional training but don't state when.


    Based on the size of my pack, I've been fairly lucky in getting training conducted just for our guys and gals because when can generate enough of a crowd to bring out the instructors.


    The second issue I faced was quality of training. In order to solve this issue, pack leaders have attended TDC so we would be able to present classes to our own unit. We insure quality control and the pack's leaders are always able to contact an instructor to check up on an issue.


    Sometimes you have to take matters into your own hands!!!


  9. First let me say I'm all for the Patrol Method. I'm also for doing it within the bounds of G2SS. That said, I'm wondering how Ozemu can square what his unit did with the G2SS and with the "agreement" that they've made with the "program" to run it within the prescribed guidelines.


    Example: Ozemu states: ".... I have spied on one such Patrol who did a three day paddle down a local river. The SM (me) and one dad checked them out a few times each day, which they did not know. I knew where they were as they were sending a text message with a grid ref hourly while moving. And the only thing that I saw that worried me was swearing - I think they were testing the freedom out in that regard."



    While it may seem great to let the boys spread their wings, how did you reconcile your "intermitent supervision" from a distance with the Safety Afloat requirements from the G2SS????


    Safety Afloat states: "All activity afloat must be supervised by a mature and conscientious adult age 21 or older who understands and knowingly accepts responsibility for the well-being and safety of the children in his or her care, who is experienced and qualified in the particular watercraft skills and equipment involved in the activity, and who is committed to compliance with the nine points of BSA Safety Afloat. One such supervisor is required for each 10 people, with a minimum of two adults for any one group. At least one supervisor must be age 21 or older, and the remaining supervisors must be age 18 or older. All supervisors must complete BSA Safety Afloat and Safe Swim Defense training and rescue training for the type of watercraft to be used in the activity, and at least one must be trained in CPR. It is strongly recommended that all units have at least one adult or older youth member currently trained as a BSA Lifeguard to assist in the planning and conducting of all activity afloat."


    I believe the supervision required during an "afloat trip" requires direct and constant supervision by an adult as directed by the G2SS. That said, adult supervision doesn't mean that a patrol can't plan and exercise the event as a boy led (Patrol Method) event. The adults should be wise enough to remain in constant direct visual contact but allow enough distance and enough patience to allow them to run their event. The G2SS expects the adult supervisor to be able to conduct CPR and perform rescue training for the type of watercraft involved.



    NEVER MIND!!!!!!! Your from Austrailia!!!!!! G'Day Mate!!!!!

    (This message has been edited by Eagletrek)

  10. "I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union, one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.


    I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies."



    It's got a good beat and it's easy to dance to; I'll give it a 95!!!!



    No really, looks good to me. I'd have no problem saying it but I believe the majority of the folks in the nation may have an issue with the "defend it against all enemies" part. Unlike it was years ago, the average citizen no longer has to serve in the nation's military and it would be interesting to see the public outcry if the draft was re-instated tomorrow. The problem with this nation is we have too many arm-chair patriots and not enough folks willing to put it on the line, BTJMHO.


    Eagletrek: 20 years U.S. Army, LTC, AR (ret) and currently serving as a DA civilian


  11. Campmor, Campmor, Campmor!!!!! I can't recommend them enough. I've used them for years and never had a bad transaction. You've got to watch their "Hot Deals" on the web and you can score some great deals. Purchased JanSport Scout packs for my sons for $49.99 apiece. Not a bad deal at all!!!!


    As far as a pack for an adult leader, Campmor has a current "Hot Deal" on the JanSport Carson EFP for $59.97(This message has been edited by Eagletrek)

  12. Forget the "morally straight" angle. He failed the the first part of the "oath" when he forgot to do his duty to his "lawful" country and sided with that splinter group. As a commissioned officer prior to the war, he had taken an oath to support and defend his "lawful" country but I guess he decided that his oath meant nothing and he changed his mind.



    PS I'm a die-hard Yankee now livin' in Rebel country. I'm keepin' an eye on youz guys!!!!(This message has been edited by Eagletrek)

  13. I can't believe you're asking this question!!! What did you learn while taking your citizenship MBs??? So you've been charged. Have you been found guilty yet???


    Please let us know the outcome of the trial if it goes to trial.


    PS In this country, I believe you're innocent until proven guilty or have things changed and I didn't get the memo???(This message has been edited by Eagletrek)

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