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    • Another example of some individuals looking for problems that really are not there.  Unless some individual scout ended up with an account from popcorn under his name in big dollars, it would never even float a butterfly.  Use commons sense, and be even handed with all youth and do not favor one over another, meaning solid rules in place that apply to all.  We finally went to the unit just paying for as much as possible directly and not trying to account for individuals directly.  
    • Thanks @Tron  I have also had these discussions with others many time. Two key points in the letter you cited: "Accordingly, we are not ruling definitively at this time. " "The information provided here cannot be relied upon as a ruling on the matters discussed. " So, I take it all with some grains of salt to season my food for thought... We do Scout accounts, and we allocate back to Scouts a portion of their sales proceeds to use to pay their Scouting costs.  But the majority of what they earn goes to the Troop kitty to pay for Troop-level costs that benefit everyone.
    • Let me churn the fire of this thread back up. The following link is getting posted everywhere else today. Looks like scout accounts are probably a big no-no. https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-wd/02-0041.pdf
    • This is unfortunately true. The individuals with the power and money to affect the timeline of any court case often are the winners regardless of the law.
    • Yes it is still available.    I have put it up on several sales sites, both Scout and general merchandise, and have had only ONE nibble.  And they wanted to know about "shipping" which I could arrange, but nada,  *sigh*
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