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Scouting the Web


  1. Scouting the Web

    Share tips and info for Scouting webmasters and discuss Scouting resources on the web


    • Simply, how do we work around the huge issues that our political circus now presents, especially without being accused of trying to force personal opinion on our youth?  I try to not discuss things of that nature directly with youth, though sometimes they specifically ask me my thoughts.  I refer them to parents and suggest if they want to find their own position, that they do it by examining things from all sides. hopefully sources outside their normal interactions.  But, as it gets worse, the concept of Citizenship gets really fuzzy, and steering clear is hard to do.  So other than referring a youth back to family and so on, and suggest they read and maybe form an opinion of their own, how do we manage this.  I am almost 81, and I do not remember a time when the political environment was so muddled and frozen by blind opinion.  Do not know if there is a good answer, but just asking, as it is coming up more often, even from younger youth.  
    • CONGRATULATIONS! To my new Brother Eagle and to all to stood behind him and didn't give up on him!  Way to GO!  
    • Welcome to scouter.com Don't know myself.  As you likely already know, the program refers scouts to existing merit badges: Exploration and/or  Geology. https://troopleader.scouting.org/program-features/caving/information/
    • Why isn’t there one. This seems like the perfect subject to include in a merit badge. Our troop just spent a weekend camping in the Morengo Cave in Indiana and can tell you it was a great experience watching these young men stretch and learn about cave preservation and exploration. They completed a 3 mile cave hike which included several “crawls” most interesting was a crawl called the “Masher”. They then spent the night in absolute darkness in the cave which was as much of a learning opportunity as the crawls. Few people have ever experienced absolute darkness, absolute silence with no air movement and can be very disorienting.    Ps: the kids did better than this grown man!
    • And of course there is : With your parent or guardian’s permission, demonstrate how to iron two different articles of clothing. Demonstrate your knowledge by cleaning your bedroom, bathroom, or kitchen. and the obligatory : Explain how equity is different from equality.
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