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Who keeps MBCs up to date?


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This goes beyond the Scholarship MB, so I spun this off.


The question is, what is done and what should be done to keep merit badge counselors up to date on changes in the merit badges they counsel? It was suggested that the district or council merit badge coordinator should do this--but what exactly should he do? What is done where you operate?

Here, the district MB coordinator updates the list of counselors every year--units are asked to update their lists and to make sure that everyone is properly registered. I am not aware, however, of any mechanism to ensure that MBCs know of changes in the requirements or pamphlets. Certainly, it's part of the basic information provided to MBCs when they begin that requirements change, but it seems to me unrealistic to expect all the counselors to keep up with the changes without some mechanism to push the information to them.

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At least here, however, they don't fill out new forms each year--if the unit says they want to continue, they are rolled over into the new list. (I don't know what is done with those who aren't affiliated with a unit.) So we have people who were approved years ago--based on their qualifications at the time. As far as I know, nobody checks if they are still qualified, or if they know the current requirements.

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Good topic. It's also a problem in our District.


We have a Merit Badge Corner at Roundtable. Normally usaually generally most of the time we do non-Eagle badges. In May, because of the changes to Cit in Nation, we did it instead. Got a lot of interest when we said new requirements as of 1 January this year.


We're trying to get the Advancement Operating Committee of the Distict Committee to get a flyer out to SMs and CCs.


Council registrar staff in my council sends out the renewal forms. All they're making sure of is that you're registered in Scouting and that you have fewer than the Council limit on MBs.


With the sheer volume of changes in the program over the next few years, this is going to be a hole in the system unless we fix it.


Much as we want to think people stay current, the sad fact is ... sometimes you have to turn on the spotlight to get their attention.(This message has been edited by John-in-KC)

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What works for us is to have each individual District Advancement Committee (this really ends up being a group of 4 or 5 UCs, and some district folk, nobody other than Advancement Chair does this every year, just the way it works out)uses the back cover of the requirements book, and contacts all counselors. The checklist of questions is:


1 - Are you willing and able to help this next year?

2 - Are you current on YPT?

3 - Did you have any problems we should be aware of?

4 - (If applies) We noticed that the requirement book lists your merit badge as one that has changed. Are you aware of the changes?


We can get all of our counselors called the first two weeks of November. It is an effort, but as I read about what others are working with, it is well worth it. We can then draft up a new list in time for January's Roundtable, and hold any orientation we need that night too.


(I'm not saying this is the only way, just A Way that works for us)

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This falls under the District Advancement Committee and the Dean of Merit Badges.

We are very fortunate that we have at long last got a Dean who really takes this job to heart.

All MBC's do need to let him know if they want to remain on the list when the District recharters. He requests this information by sending out post cards along with an E-mail to those who have computers, when he sends out the card and the E-mail he notes what MB's have been changed. So far it seems to be working, this is only year two. While we have not yet heard about a MBC who is using the old requirements, I'm sure if he found out that one was he would give him or her a call.

Our Council news paper also lists which MB's have been changed.

Of course the biggest offender of not keeping up to date is the Council at Summer Camp!! We do send in a team to try and ensure that the camp staff are able to be the MBC for whatever MB they are Counselor for. Last year I was on the team and the books that the Council had provided were really old, had pages missing and were in a sad shape and of course the trading post was waiting for them to come in.


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