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Historic trail patches and medals

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I have a question on Historical Trail patches and Medals.

I'm planning a trip to Gettysburg Battlefield for my Cub Scout den.

While I was planning it I thought that my Niece (who is in Girls Scouts) would love to attend this event. Now here is my question. Are Girls Scouts allow earning Patches and Medals dealing with Historical trails (not sure if they are just for Boy Scout) or is just like earning wolf or bear badge?


Thanks in advance for your replies.


Mark Maranto


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Historic Trails are open to any person/group. In many cases, the booklets are sold at gift shops for anyone to purchase and follow (and follow-up with a patch or medal order.


Living in Maryland, we are fortunate to have about a dozen historic trails within 50-75 miles of each other.


Check out this site for a good place to buy the historic trail guides cheaply.




Happy hiking!


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Has anyone out there seen the Hiking Trails of America book that lists the 100's of trails? Wondering if it's worth five bucks.


One of my big peeves is the amount of outdated web pages out there regarding trails like these. Can't tell you how many SASEs I've sent out for info that never came back.


Would be great if one of the requirements for being a BSA Historical Trail was that you had to maintain an updated web presence.

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