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"Eagle Words of Wisdom"


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As I've mentioned in at least one other post, I'm on an (unpleasant) month-long deployment to Korea. At one of our locations, we fell in on another deployment of F-15 fighters and about 500 people who are flying, launching, maintaining, securing, and supporting them. F-15s are nicknamed "Eagles", and are unmatched in combat.


In their instructions to their people regarding "community standards", the leadership referred all their airmen, in writing, to "Eagle Words of Wisdom" -- ostensibly how eagles behave in the wild, and meant as an example for us. I wanted to share them with you because I thought they were applicable to our Eagles as well...


"Respect the elders,

Teach the young,

Play when you can,

Hunt when you must,

Rest in between,

Share your affections,

Voice your feelings,

Leave your mark,

Be ready, be lethal,

and may God have mercy

on the Eagle's prey."


Okay, the last two lines may be a little over the top for a Scout, but they're very appropriate for F-15 crews...





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Growing up in St. Louis I'm well aware of the capabilities of the Eagle. Having flown in and out of STL as an aviator, passenger and as just a spectator at the airport, the near veritcal take-off (to stay away from commercial traffic) is an awesome sight. I must admit however, the old Mac tradition of Voodoo, Banshee, Phantom, for warplanes was kind of neat. Hornets and Eagles don't have quite the panache.


God bless our Airmen, Soldier, Sailors and Marines.

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