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Court of Honor Planning


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How do you handle a situation where the SM wants to have the PLC plan a COH and then have a meeting with the Advancement Chair and SM to tweek what they have planned.


Should the SM even be involved at all ?


Who plans and runs COH's in your respective units ?


Any help would be appreciated.



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Well the troop committee is suppose to work with the scouts through the Scoutmaster link. So I really don't know what you're doing working with the SPL. That's suppose to be left upto the Scoutmaster.


Our troop switches between boy planned Court of Honors. These are planned by the boys on the PLC and then ran past the Advancment Coordinator. We also have some Committee Planned Courts of Honors. Usually the boy planned Court of Honors go a lot better.

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In my troop the PLC and the SM plan all of them. The SPL is MC. He turns time over to each of the ASMs for presentations a certain rank. (Mr ASM-A recognizes all Tenderfoot Scouts, Mr ASM-B recognizes all 2nd Class Scouts) We pass out the recognition card, and mother's pin at CoH (badge was previously awarded) SM recognizes all new Eagels, Eagle Palms, and Merit Badges (all we do for that is say, "John Scout has received the following merit badges, hang-gliding, underwater demolition. James Scout has received the following...) I'm amazed how fast that actually goes.


As CC I then thank those for attending, and invite the parents to enjoy the refreshments. Once parent's have had a couple of minutes, the SM invites the boys to enjoy the refreshments. Our Advancement Chair goes over all the awards with the PLC to ensure they know what's coming. If a Scout would like to conduct the CoH (for Communication MB, for example) the SPL is happy to allow that. We have had some do that, other's that would rather present a campfire program. I'm not saying this is the only way, just they way we find works for us. Good luck!!

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Ours our planned by the PLC with the SM. The SPL is the primary master of ceremonies. ASPL and PLs may help out along the way. Boys will give reports from the activities that have taken place - this is a great opportunity to get the younger boys involved. SM or ASMs will present ranks and Merit Badges. Any special awards (year pins, Quality Unit, etc.) are typically handed out by the CC.


As SM, I usually have a brief welcome and a Scoutmaster's minute. In the welcome I like to point out that the boys have planned the COH and are running it. It's a good reminder about the boy-led concept and it is impressive to those first time visitors.

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