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I'm going to be building up our troop's library which right now consists of one cardboard box full of odds and ends. :) I've bought a gorgeous book on knot-tying and have ordered the NOLS Cookery book, the NOLS Wilderness Handbook and Survival Handbook by Peter Darman.


What are your favorite merit badge/scouting skills resource books? What titles would you recommend? And how do you run your library? Do boys only use the books on the premise or can they check out and take home? What type of a check-out system do you use? Any tips?



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Our boys (parent's) keep at least one CURRENT copy of each Merit badge booklet by checking copyright dates whenever someone starts a badge. I can't remember a parent asking twice if anyone might have borrowed one that is not on the shelf. Many show up w/ the troop number on the inside of the cover rarely does a boy even put his name in the ones he's donated. I think its just another case of how they can give back in a quiet way.


Someone/something is getting through to these guys.


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Hi Charity,


I'll start with a tip. Coach the boys through this so that they can keep it going. If you don't already have one, talk to the boys about the Junior Leadership Position of the Troop Librarian.


I'd probably hold off on any Merit Badge books until after the beginning of the year, unless someone is getting ready to start one soon. Some of them are revised at the beginning of the year and you don't want to pay good money for an outdated book before it is ever used.


As far as Scouting Skills books go, you can't go wrong with the "Fieldbook", or maybe in your neck of the woods, the "Okpik Cold Weather Camping" book. Although you Alaska folks could teach us all a lesson on the subject.


"And how do you run your library?"


Books are checked out and back in, through the Troop Librarian. (A boy)


"Do boys only use the books on the premise or can they check out and take home?"


They check them out, take them home, to Merit Badge classes, etc...


"What type of a check-out system do you use?"


A sheet with categories for the name of the book (I'm not sure if there are book numbers even though there should be for when there are multiple copies of the same one), the date checked out, the date checked back in, and the boy's name.


Each year, the Troop Librarian needs to get the latest Requirement book, that lists the most current edition of the Merit Badge books, so that outdated material can be taken out of the library.


We use the plastic Rubbermade Totes to store the books since we take them to Summer Camp, etc... That way they won't get wet.








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