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Brussels Sprouts

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"The last time my sister in law's cell phone rang, I burst into "Kill da wabbit, kill da wabbit..." Strange looks all the way around... "


I was talking with a co worker and bust out with that tune and they too gave me looks of "What Drugs are you on?" They said that they never heard that before.


But fortunatly my kids like some of the classic cartoons. They are wearing out the Popeye DVD that my mother got for them. Some things just never get old.

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"Conversely, most people I know that don't like Brussels Sprouts (or any other kind of food) had at least one parent that not only didn't like Brussels Sprouts, but was vocal about it."


My mother loved brussel sprouts, my father would eat anything that was put in front of him. I hate brussel sprouts to the point that I learned to swallow them whole so I wouldn't have to taste them. The smell of them still makes my stomach turn.


" Strange looks all the way around..."


Young people have no idea what they are missing. I was talking with a group of young co-workers, not one knew who Humphrey Bogart, Maureen O'Hara, or Spencer Tracey was. To them an old movie is Star Wars. One young woman (a dean's list student) told me that she couldn't watch black and white movies because they made no sense unless they were colorized. And people wonder why I say, "Sheesh!"



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That routine is such a classic! I think you could have a lot of fun with that at a cub meeting.


Look we can complain all day long about how "kids these days" don't know this stuff, OR we can start re-introducing it to them in fun ways. I'm going with the latter approach myself. How about you?

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I adapted this a few years back, always a chorterler


Who is the Scoutmaster?


The skit begins with a uniformed Scout/Scouter standing on stage when another person enters the stage, preferably wearing a hat with the word PRESS written on an index card and placed in the hat band.


Reporter: Are you the representative of Troop XXX in XXX?

Scout: Yes sir. Are you the reporter I am supposed to meet?

Reporter: Yes I am. My paper thinks a story on your troop would be interesting, its supposed to be very unique.

Scout: Yes, after all, we are the finest troop in XXX Council!

Reporter: Well, I am glad you are proud of your troop, now tell me about the leaders.

Scout: Lets see now, WHO is the Scoutmaster, WHAT is the Senior Patrol Leader and I DONT KNOW, the Quartermaster.

Reporter: Well thats just great. I dont think you are the right person for this.

Scout: And Why not?

Reporter: Do you know the leaders names or not?

Scout: Yes I do.

Reporter: OK, then who is the Scoutmaster?

Scout: Yes.

Reporter: I mean the guys name.

Scout: WHO.

Reporter: Who is your Scoutmaster?

Scout: Right.

Reporter: Wait, Repeat what you just said.

Scout: WHO is the Scoutmaster.

Reporter: Youre asking me?

Scout: I am not asking you, I am telling you , WHO is the Scoutmaster.

Reporter: But I am asking, Who is the Scoutmaster?

Scout: Thats the mans name.

Reporter: Thats whose name?

Scout: Yes.

Reporter: Well, out with it, tell me

Scout: WHO.

Reporter: The Scoutmaster.

Scout: WHO is the Scoutmaster.

Reporter: I can see I am getting nowhere with this.

Scout: I am answering your questions honestly.

Reporter: Hey, I was a scout once. Made it to star when a boy is ready to advance a rank, he has a Scoutmaster Conference right?

Scout: Yes.

Reporter: So, Who does the conference?

Scout: Exactly!

Reporter: Wait you are confusing me, what is the Scoutmasters name?

Scout: Actually no, WHAT is the Senior Patrol Leader.

Reporter: But I am not asking you who is the Senior Patrol Leader.

Scout: WHO is the Scoutmaster.

Reporter: Thats what I am trying to find out.

Scout: Well dont change the subject.

Reporter: Me???

Scout: Now take it easy.

Reporter: The Scoutmasters name is what?

Scout: WHAT is the name of the Senior Patrol Leader.

Reporter: I am not asking who is the Senior Patrol Leader.

Scout: WHO is the Scoutmaster.

Reporter: I DONT KNOW!

Scout: Oh, thats the Quartermaster, but we are not talking about him.

Reporter: How did the subject change to the Quartermaster?

Scout: You mentioned his name.

Reporter: I mentioned his name? Who the Quartermaster?

Scout: No, WHO is the Scoutmaster.

Reporter: Stay away from the Scoutmaster, OK?

Scout: You started it

Reporter: What is the Scoutmasters name?

Scout: WHAT is the Senior Patrol Leader.

Reporter: I am not asking you who is the Senior Patrol Leader.

Scout: WHO is the Scoutmaster.

Reporter: I DONT KNOW!

Scout: He is the Quartermaster.

Reporter: There we go, back to the Quartermaster.

Scout: Well, I cant help it.

Reporter: Say, Lets stick with the Quartermaster.

Scout: Sure.

Reporter: So, What is the Quartermasters name?

Scout: What is the Senior Patrol Leader.

Reporter: I am not asking you who is the Senior Patrol Leader.

Scout: WHO is the Scoutmaster.

Reporter: I DONT KNOW!

Scout: The Quartermaster.

Reporter: Does your troop have a Scribe?

Scout: Sure, every good troop has a Scribe.

Reporter: The Scribes name?

Scout: WHY.

Reporter: Oh, I thought I would just ask.

Scout: Well then, I thought I would just tell you.

Reporter: OK, Who is the Scribe?

Scout: WHO is the Scoutmaster.

Reporter: What is the name of the Scribe?

Scout: WHAT is the name of the Senior Patrol Leader.

Reporter: I am not asking you who is the Senior Patrol Leader.

Scout: WHO is the Scoutmaster.

Reporter: I DONT KNOW!

BOTH: The Quartermaster

Reporter: And the Librarians name?

Scout: LATER.

Reporter: Oh, just forget the Librarian. Do you have a Troop Committee Chairman in this troop?

Scout: Of course, we wouldnt be the finest troop in XXX Council without the finest Committee ChairPERSON.

Reporter: OK, tell me the Troop Committee ChairPERSONs name.


Reporter: You dont want to tell me now?

Scout: I am telling you the name, TOMORROW.

Reporter: Not today?


Reporter: When tomorrow?

Scout: When?

Reporter: When Tomorrow are you gonna tell me who is the Troop Committee Chairman?

Scout: Now listen, WHO is not the Troop Committee Chairperson, WHO is the .

Reporter: Please dont say WHO is the Scoutmaster.

Scout: You are asking the questions.

Reporter: I want to know what is the name of the Troop Committee Chairperson?

Scout: WHAT is the name of the Senior Patrol Leader.

Reporter: I DONT KNOW!

Both: The Quartermaster.

Reporter: You know, I have a son that would like to join Boy Scouts.

Scout: You do?

Reporter: Yeah, I think the only way to find out these peoples names is to have him join the troop.

Scout: I am sure he would be a fine addition.

Reporter: Well, I think I will bring him to your nest meeting.

Scout: That would be great!

Reporter: And while I am there I want to talk to the Scoutmaster.

Scout: I would think so.

Reporter: And I take my son and talk to Who?

Scout: Now thats the first right thing you have said.


Scout: Well you should talk to WHO.

Reporter: Oh, I talk to WHO?

Scout: After all, WHO is the Scoutmaster.

Reporter: I talk to WHO

Scout: Yes.

Reporter: So after I talk to WHO, the Scoutmaster, I then talk to the Senior Patrol Leader and his name is WHAT?

Scout: Yes sir.

Reporter: And then I talk to the Quartermaster .


Reporter: OK, WHO is the Scoutmaster, WHAT is the Senior Patrol Leader and I DONT KNOW is Quartermaster.

Scout: By George, I think youve got it. Youre the one who said we were unique I thought you knew about the names.

Reporter: But doesnt that cause a lot of STRESS?

Scout: STRESS, thats the guy keeping track of rank advancement.

Reporter: Lets see, WHO, WHAT, I DONT KNOW, WHY, TOMORROW, STRESS, they are all names? Holy Smoke!

Scout: Thats our Troop Chaplain.

Reporter: Im leaving. This is NUTS.

Scout: NUTS, Thats our Council Scout Executive


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You may have heard this before but it hadn't crept in to destroy Eamonss thread - so let me do it pls.


What's the difference between Brussels Sprouts and snot?


Kids won't eat Brussels Sprouts.

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Seeing all this about Who is on first reminds me about the explanation of cricket:


A Foreigner will possess the essential knowledge of cricket when he fully understands the following:

You have two sides: One out in the field and one in.

Each man that's in the side that's in goes out and when he's out he comes in and the next man goes in until he's out.

When they are all out the side that's out comes in and the side that's been in goes out and tries to get those coming in out.

Sometimes you get men still in and not out.

When both sides have been in and out including the not outs,

That's the end of the game.

Easy when you know how!



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I hated Brussels Sprouts when I was a kid, until, when I was 4 or 5, my big brothers enlightened me. In their infinite wisdom they explained that these things were really not vegetables but martian brains. They cut one open and we examined it carefully, and then we all ate brains! I thought it was great and "martian brains" became an instant favorite!

Unfortunately, this explanation did not work so well with my own kids... they'd still rather eat snot!

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