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What's the deal with the jambo patches. When we registered (a year ago!) I thought I understood that everyone would receive their first participant patch shortly there after. A year later, nothing. We're a couple payments into this thing now. Is this a national deal or council?


Several guys in the council are already wearing them. For the most part they seem to be the fairly well-connected council committee types.


Anyone one got a patch yet?

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Staff members got sent their first staff patch around the end of the year. I got mine then.


These were sent out by National to EVERYONE who registered for staff, regardless of if you had been accepted or not. (a change from the past, as prior you didn't get your first until you had been accepted and made your first down payment).


Members of council contingents get their patch (1 or 2, am not certain) from the councils. Not sure if they've been sent their patches or the schedule of when they do. I would think they would have gotten them by know, but just don't know. I have yet to see any youth wear the jambo patch except youth staff.


So, not sure if you are speaking about STAFF members or council contingent members.


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  • 2 weeks later...

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  • 3 months later...

My understanding is that councils have received the first patch.


Whether they have distributed them to boys is another matter. Some may hold off until boys have made more payments or the like. I know I haven't seen any non-staff youth or adult wearing the patches, so don't think the councils in my area have started to give any out. Hopefully soon.



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