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Our DE is a great guy, but there is one thing I do not like about the way he works. And it is during round ups.


He lets us know well ahead of time when roundups are. He wants to have at least 1, if not more reps from every unit. He would also like to see scouts from each unit in uniform for the new prospects to see.,


Give a great speech too.


But here is where I have the issue: I had a mom who had another son who was at football practice, She knew her son was going to join, but didn't have time for the show She knew she was going to join our pack too.


So I tyold her to just take an application with her and bring it, along with the money, to her first meeting with us.


The DE then tells me that I should have collected the money right then in case she changed her miond. That way we would still have the money wether her son ever came or not.


Yeah, that didn't sit well with me.

My pack has at least 15 people each year who come to sign ups and grab a application, but wait til the next meeting to join. They always pay too. SOmetimes I have parents who swing by sign up on the way home from work who already know their kid will join.


Our DE is a great guy, and will help us any way he can. but I know his #1 job is to build up numbers and collect money. That is his job.

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Last year I (as the Pack CC) turned in some new Scout apps to our DE at Round Table. The families had paid, but their checks were made out to the Pack and I had missed syncing up with our Treasurer to get a check for Council. The DE asked if he could use money from our unit account to cover the apps, and when I said "yes, of course" he then asked me to write out and sign a note authoirizing him to use the funds.


Overall, I think our Council is pretty good compared to what I've read about elsewhere. I have my quibbles, but the local pros seem to be more Scoutlike than the average.


FOS presentations will probably be an evergreen complaint until National realizes that making the presentation to unit families is poorly targetting marketing - those people are probably already giving a ton (dues, uniforms, popcorn, *TIME*) and don't really appreciate being asked to give more. FOS needs to target the community, not the units.



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I don't think the problem is with those who are signing up new recruits with the consent of the pack. If you are, in fact, their designated recruiter, then fine. But as a unit leader, I'd expect to have to sign the application forms or specifically ok you to sign them for me.


In our area, this behavior would be totally out of the ordinary, though. Our unit signs up our own Scouts. The district and council will direct Scouts to packs and troops, but they don't sign people up. They just give out names, phone numbers, email addresses.


We don't take applications without the money. If someone wanted to hand me an application and say they'd get the money to me, I don't think I'd take it. Even if I did take it, I think I'd say "I don't really have this application until you pay."


Basement - you might not be in charge of your unit policies, but you are in charge of yourself. You don't have to do everything. You can say no. Sometimes it's a very liberating experience.

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Ya know. Went out to dinner last night with the wife, had way too many margaritas and went to my favorite cigar shop and smoked one with the boys in the shop.


I came to a conclusion, It is all irrelevant.



The DE can take a flying leap, same goes for the FOS chairman, district committee and SE. Before I got entangled in the Cluster F@#$ that is boy scouting I had a most excellent life. I rode motorcycles with a pretty good group of friends, Ducati, not Hardly Davidson, We camped and backpacked as a family, traveled a bunch more than we do now. The wife and I would get away together on weekends occasionally... It was good


The time, effort and cash is no longer worth it. Especially the way I have been treated over this last 5 years. The type of people the BSA attracts are not the sort that I have any desire to be involved with any longer.


Immediate changes.....No more answering phone calls from the DE or anyone from district or council, He called me 6 times yesterday from 2-9pm. No more answering emails from district or council. No more answering parent phone calls after 8pm. No more popcorn in my living room for 3 months. No more setting up troop tents after outings, If the boy steal, sell or destroy them so be it.


I am done with all the extra effort that made our Pack, Troop and Crew great.


Selfish, yes, but in the last 5 years I have put on 40 pounds and my hair has gone completely gray.......Doc said it was stress......Just ain't worth it. I blew my knee out last year because I was carrying three packs and a four year old on my shoulder...none of which belonged to me, on a Pack hike. I still have not fully recovered from it. Yes it was my fault.




(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)

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HOpefully, these horror stories, which I do not doubt, are the exception. Over the past 30+ years, I have had a pretty good relationship with the DEs who came through the revolving door. One became a good friend after he spent a lot of time soothing "ruffled feathers" following an incident involving my boys at a Camporee on a military installation...because of him, we avoided an appearance in federal court! He was a career Scouter of 35+ years when he passed away a few years ago.


UNfortunately, the FOS "family campaign" will continue because some (like me) DO contribute. EVen if they go away with 10 extra bucks, they consider the time well spent. As I was told, "we need to present the opportunity to contribute...they are free to say no."

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Called the ACM just a bit ago, told him I was not coming to the Pack hike and he will need to lead it.


Taking all of our popcorn inventory back to the warehouse tomorrow before going to the convention. Guess parents will just have to wait till december to get their popcorn.


Taking my son to comic-con instead. Son will be thrilled, he was begging to go and we couldn't because of scouts. Wife will be thrilled that all that popcorn is out of the living room.


Priority resets are a good thing.




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"Priority resets are a good thing." Good for you.  Have a good time.  Put more of those personal and family appointments on your calendar and don't double-check if it conflicts with a Scout event.  Appoint your ACM more often, that is what they are there for.

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Ya know these horror stories are more common than what you think......


How many folks are bullied by the district or de. How many show up to roundtable once to be ignored and never come back?????


I am the only person dumb enough to believe I could make a difference to the boys of our district......foolish me.


Advise to new boy scout leaders. Run screaming and don't get hooked into it.

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Basement, I totally understand where you are coming from and I, too, have backed waaaaayyyy off from my prior involvement after some very disheartening experiences (though in my case, mostly not at the district/council level, where things were more or less good)


But it is also important not to generalize too far from local experience. What happens in your district does happen elsewhere but it may not be the norm, and it certainly won't be true for all new leaders.


And in any case, you undoubtedly have made a difference for the boys in your district - meaning, those in the unit(s) you serve.


I think the more realistic advice is: leaders should measure their commitment level and not get sucked into the myth that only they can do "it" (whatever "it" is that needs doing). Give what you are willing and able to give of yourself. Don't let scouting take over your life, just like you shouldn't let most other causes or activities take over. Balance in all things.



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"He called me 6 times yesterday from 2-9pm."




This is someone almost out of control and may sense they are losing thier grip of contol over YOU.


Definitely time to distance yourself from this guy and probably district and council. Don't answer or return calls, as others have said, control your own destiny, only turn in apps with payment, other apps....what apps ?


FOS...."we'll get back to you"




Say NO more often.


District events.....hold your own events that can be more fun, closer, lower cost, more convenient.


Don't let them strangle you with threats, keep them out of your unit's business, don't provide them with any information that may come back to haunt you latter.


If they make district events a pain to attend/comply with hold your own events and have nothing to do with the district one. Fly under the radar by not letting them know what or when or how you are running meetings, don't clue them in on the date/location of your B&G, jetison the Tour Permit process and any money earning apps.


They basically begged you to cut them off based on borderline abusive treatment, now give them what the asked for.



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The funny thing is the weight was from district and council....The reality is not much has changed.


I will no longer deal with council on any level. I will continue to put on the Packs program as before. file to the tour plan, maintain my training....No roundtable, no popcorn, no interaction with DE.


the DE has continued to call today as has the FOS district Chair........I called my CC and COR and let them know what had happened. We are all on the same page with what is going on.


BTW, if you wanta have lunch with a fat cigar smoking disenfranchised scouter, drop me a line......scout son like riding on the back of the motorcycle and I got the hankering to travel..... I like local dives the best......something with some personality..

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