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Scouting Applications for Ipod Touch


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I finally caved in and got a ipod touch for work. Now I have download a few scouting applications and found out that the ipod does provide usefulness at a campout, esp with recipes from a dutch oven and also having the new scout book in my pocket on a hike helps alot.


So can anyone recommend any good applications for a leader to download to his ipod? I want to start with boy scout handbook, meritbadge list, and Guide To Safe Scouting.

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There is a Merit Badge Requirements app as well as a Scout-1st Class ranks tracker...


I use the calender and Notes a lot for Scout info... & keeping track of who went and what got done.


I can't keep track of anything written down.... once it's on the Ipod, & it gets snyced, I can manage it.


I made a Pioneer-stlye fringed cover to "disguise it" on our primitive outings.

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I started to say I wish someone would make some more apps for the Android platform. But then I started looking on my Droid 2 and I have the Dutch Oven calculator app, the G2SS in Adobe format and of course a compass app, a gps app, a maps app and a KnotsGuide app, The US Army Survival Guide and a First Aid App, a CPR app, the Geocaching.com app, the US Army Bugle Calls app, Google calendar, an alarm clock app, a Kindle app, an Air Horn app, a camera, an emergency kit organizer app, a ham radio EchoLink app, a stop watch and timer app, a Weather Radar app,............. and just in case a Star Trek Tricorder app.


What else would I need? :)

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