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Boy Scout Troop History


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August 1, 1907 Lord Robert Baden-Powell, author of the book Scouting For Boys, took a group of boys to Brownsea Island for a camping event. Thus, the Scouting program was born.


February 8, 1910 William Boyce was granted a charter by the United States Congress to begin the Scouting program in the States. Thus, the Boy Scouts of America was born.


March 9, 1911 Mr. Dale of St. Paul, the northwest organizer of the Boy Scouts, arrived in town to talk to community leaders. Thus, Scouting began in Melrose, Minnesota.


A reporter for our hometown newspaper recently surprised me when he came across a couple articles from March 1991 about the formation of the first Boy Scout troop in Melrose, Minnesota.




How far back does Boy Scouting go in your community?

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From the Golden Empire Council web site:


The July 16, 1910 Sacramento Union announced, "Two bands of Boy Scouts are formed in Sacramento". These two "companies" were organized with commitment "to the development of all that is best in the boy". These early Sacramento Boy Scouts promised "not to lie, steal, curse, drink, smoke or do our will for anything which my father or mother would in any way object".


Can't find any history info on our district yet though...


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Earliest record in my neck of the woods is one troop having a photo from the their DC trip during the Harding Administration (1921-23) that's not only before my current council existed, but before the council that merged with others to form my current council existed. Don't know when they were formed, but the troop has been around for over 80 years.

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Scouting in my hometown goes back to the late 20's/early 30's. The two oldest units in our council are 98 years old this year. The oldest unit in the state (in Brewer, Maine) is 101 this year. It was chartered by mail through the UK a year prior to when BSA was founded.

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In our little acre of paridise we havetwo or three troops between 95-99 years old. According to Council history, there was a functional Troop a few miles south of out town back in 1908, but it vanished in the Teens.


Our Troop in Canal Futlon will be 90 years old next year. We were the 5th chartered Troop to the old Massillon Area Council, and are the only one still functioning. Massillon merged the Wooster Council into the fold bringing in one of the 99y/o Troops. Massillon the merged with The McKinley Council bring in the other two old Troops.


On another note, Canal Fulton charted the first Cub Pack in the Massillon Area Council back in the 1930's, when Cubs first started.


I'm presently doing research on our first Eagle, 1936. I wonder how to find out what his # was.

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