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Somehow I knew you guys would focus on shot glasses....


This is indicative to the level of management we have. YP training has been around, for what, nearly 20 years? So why the fire drill now? Lisa is right, requiring YP training isn't a big deal and could have been implemented quickly. But retroactively?


How much more rational would it have been to set September 1 as the effective date? New adult applications could be printed reflecting the requriement. eTraining could be set up to give you a confirmation number for completing the course which include on the application which would tie back in to your Scoutnet record when it is created.


There are 100 things which could be done to make the policy change smoother and more effective. The way it is being handled, they're going to tick off a bunch of brand-new volunteers by handing them their applications back, they're going to throw the council registrars in to a tizzy, they're disrupting rechartering for the next two months. And for what? To stroke someone

s ego because they can slam their hand on the desk and say "I want it done now."


This will probably all shake out and settle down in a couple months either way. But in a couple months, they could have implemented a rational rolled out. But what fun is that?


Break out the Cub Scout shot glasses!


(This message has been edited by Twocubdad)

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How many of those do you have OGE & how many are you selling ;)


Yeah BSA communication from the top down is poor. And in this day and age there is really no excuse. If the supply division can do it, so can Irving. Or maybe it is they don't want to????????????



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"Yeah BSA communication from the top down is poor. And in this day and age there is really no excuse. If the supply division can do it, so can Irving. Or maybe it is they don't want to????????????"


Of course not! This is why the "innovation engine" is not open to volunteer submissions, and it is why it is very difficult to contact anyone from National on most topics. It is because our input is neither required nor desired. As for communication from the top down I can only guess that the information is provided on a "slightly later than you actually need to know" basis.


Perhaps I sound a bit jaded and cynical on the topic, but it is with good reason.

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In ref to Supply's ability to communicate, for whatever reason, they have people with actual marketing, sales, and IT experience working for them. Grant you they are not perfect, i.e. look at some of the catalogs literature, esp the one with the dog in a centennial necker and female leaders needing MB sashes, but overall they do a good job. Wish someone with actual scouting experience could point out some of the errors though.

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