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If you could change one thing.

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If I could change one thing, it would not be with the program, but with the organization, and it would be this:


That the organization be run by the volunteers, with the professions in their proper place as employees of the volunteers. This means the professions will have no say in what the volunteers do or what positions they hold, and can only 'fire' volunteers if this was approved and directed by other volunteers. Every professional would be on a year to year 'contract', and must be approved to continue their yearly contract each year by volunteers (council board at the council level, national board at national, etc).


This would also mean that the volunteers need to be the ones saying what happens in the organization, not the chartered organization reps (tho they can have a say). It really needs to be run similiar to most member-run non-profits out there.


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One thing?

I guess the biggest bang for the buck would be to allow a local option for everything. Membership, program, organization. Allow the charter orgs to run the program as they see fit. National will only publish program materials and support national scout camps.

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Are you talking about world Scouting?

I see a lot of merit in what emb021 posted and given the chance would love o sit down and chat with him about it.

But being as you are tucked away in that fair land (Man I'm now singing ELP songs!) across the sea. Maybe you might want too explain what you are really asking?



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I agree with what's been said. the organization needs to be more democratic, but I don't necessarily think the problem is volunteers vs. professionals. I see much more closed mindness among the ol' boy volunteers than with the pros.


There's far too much empire building in the organization. Innovation and new ideas are discouraged. At almost every level the people and committees who make decisions work to surround themselves with yes-men. Organizationally, that's not healthy. I've worked with a couple council committees from time to time. I'm no spring chicken, but I'm frequently the youngest guy in the room by quite a few years. Where are the younger Cub Scout leaders and parents?


The system of making Chartered Organization Representatives the voting representative to the Council is a joke. In the real world, most current-day CORs have arms-length relationships to Scouting at best. Our council annual meeting draws only a handful of CORs. Units should be able send someone who represents the people who really run the unit (whoever that may be) rather than the chartered organization.


The organizational structure of districts and councils compounds the problems. If a unit has a problem with a particular program area -- let's say advancement -- who do they call. The DE? Program really isn't his area. The District chairman? He likely doesn't have much to do with advancement but can refer you to the district advancement chairman. But your problem is one for the council advancement committee. Of course the council advancement chairman is brand new and blah, blah, blah. Is anyone responsible for anything???



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Did write sumptin bout accountability between National and local Scouters, decided to dump that so I don't get booted.


A little simple thing instead, ban wearing neckerchiefs under the collar, period. If the ladies have one of those scarfs made for wear that way thats fine, everybody else role that collar under first.

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Speaking of neckerchiefs, I'd make them all full size square ones again, so you can actually use them for something.


Require all registered scouters, from National to district level, to have a camping and hiking log, with minimum annual requirements.


I'll stop now as I'm one over.

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Sorry I should have clarified. Either world or national. I personally would like to see the various world Scouting organisations reconciled, I believe BP would be very dissapointed to see his movement fragmented. Sorry, does that sound a bit like a beauty pagent contestant wishing for "world peace".

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Wahooker, I think I typed National to district level...I meant to suggest that I would leave the troops/packs/crews/ships alone. Sorry for my lack of clarity, should have added the latter in my original post.


If hiking and camping are going to run off folks, let it be at the district level and above, as this will make room for men and women who like the outdoors and will focus their energies on the best aspects of our scouting movement.(This message has been edited by desertrat77)

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These are some really good ideas which I support, now for the reality, with the National structure the way it is professionals, especially top level one will never allow themselves to be accountable to volunteers and I seriously doubt that will ever change. Yet it is nice to dream isn't it.

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