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Ok my $.03 worth, yep it cost more 'cause of inflation. While i know how much work and dedication goes into staffing a JLT course (been there, done that, got my second smokey from it), I do not think the beads are an appropriate recognition for several reasons.


1) It degrades the meaning of those beads. Those third and fourth beads should mean training adults in the best leaders possible. Yes courses are similar, but there are some differences.


2) How do you recognize other adult staffers who may A) be working their tickets or B) never been through WB? I know the B catagory is rare, since it's my understanding that most councils want WBers on staff, but I know I was accespted to be SPL for the course I worked becasue 1)I completed the last Brownsea 22 course the council offered 6 years earlier and 2) I was a 20 y.o. SM and could still relate to the youth. If you recognize one group you gotta recognize all.


3) Most importantly how will you recognize the youth staffers? After all this is supposed to be a YOUTH RUN organization. These young men you agree to undego not only the originaly JLT, but EDGE (at one time TDC) the prep weekends, and the Philmont Training.


IdeaDoc, after working in supply, I can tell you that they don't always have good editors.

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I'm happy to see this subject coming up again.

I wonder how other councils are embracing this 3 and 4 bead thing. The comment regarding recognition of youth is a good one. Just for the sake of argument, why would we not award our youth staff members some beads? If so, how many?

I'm in agreement with those who say that Wood Badge beads should remain a Wood Badge recognition. It's a long-standing tradition, and a good one. NYLT could certainly come up with something else more appropriate (even a square knot perhaps). Does an NYLT staffer deserve as much recognition as a WB staffer? Sure does! It's a lot more work than Wood Badge. Should it be Wood Badge beads? If I had a vote, it would be no. I don't think this was thought out very carefully, or by the right people.





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Again my $.03 worth. back when I did Brownsea 22, the council made a special necker, and gave out Smokeys to those who completed the course, in addition to the temporary patch and the Brownsea Strip. Don't have the old uniform regs in front of me, But I was told the strip could be worn permanently on the unifrom on the left sleeve.


Staff had a nicer necker, and staff added to the patch if memory serves me correctly, don't quote as it's been 21 years.


How about a nice nationally recognized necker, staff patch, and hat pin to be worn on smokeys for staff recognition?

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I first began reading this forum by accident a few days ago and decided to wait before responding. Now I can respond with a clear head. It appears many of the posters have very set positions and thats OK. However my positions are:

1) A 3rd bead for an ASM who has completed 21st Century WB and is STAFFING the NYLT course is appropriate. That adult is talking on a responsibility for mentorship of the youth staff and making sure the course follows the syllabus. This is no different that serving as a Troop Guide, or in another required staff position, on a 21CWB adult course. Oh wait, one big difference is the time commitment. NYLT courses are generally a full week and although a 2 weekend option exists I don't know any council that does the weekend version.

2) For a NYLT Scoutmaster (a/k/a Course Director) to earn a 4th bead he/she MUST have served as a Troop Guide on a 21CWB course. They must also sign a Scoutmaster Pledge (same as a WB Scoutmaster).&nabs; The NYLT SM is responsible for staff recruitment, staffdevelopment, budget formulation, participant recruitment and final close out. Each of these steps or functions is the same as a WB Scoutmaster. So what is the difference? Only the age of the majority of the staff and all of the participants. The NYLT Scoutmaster and Wood Badge Scoutmaster have the same position description in reality.And both 21C WB and NYLT have the same required minimum and maximum participant levels (30 participants 30 day out,and a maximum of 48 participants).

3) Are some of these feelings concerning the beads back again from when Cub Scout Wood Badge came out?Didn't some feel that Cub Scout Wood Badge "wasn't really Wood Badge"?

4) Apparently no one has a problem with people earning a 3d bead for staffing a NAYLE (National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience) or a 4th bead as Scoutmaster for the NAYLE course at Philmont. Yes you can also earn the recognition for these courses.

I'm finished with my comments but they come from the perspective of having seen both sides. The programs are parallel and complement each other. The recognition should be the same.


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Hot Air,

Welcome to the forum. I don't disagree with you on the amount of time and energy spent on conducting NYLT. But what I do have a problem with is that while WB has a specific national (ok international)set of regalia that marks those who have completed and staffed courses, i.e. the WB necker, woggle, and beads, their is no such national recognition for the youth of comparable meaning, except a temp insig. While different council's do different things, my council awarded smokey bears upon completion on BA22 and JLT, their is such a wide divergence of recognitions. Heck just go on Ebay and look at all the different Brownsea neckers that are out there. So if you are going to recognize the adults who are involved withe NYLT, shouldn't the participants, the youth themselves who the program is geared for, also receive some sort of national recognition like the adult mentors?



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