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100th Annivesary Logo

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I find the logo a bit... dull.


I'd like to see the top 5-6 runner up designs. For instance, my lodge issued as a year set of patches the proposed designs for our state quarter that weren't used. Might make a neat year set for a council or lodge to use the proposed designs that didn't make it.


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It is a very safe logo design- very corporate slick- very dull.


It neither offends nor inspires.


An old heavily pitted scout axe next to a GPS devise or some other juxtaposition might have been more interesting.


A WWI scout helping a fallen soldier next to a current scout tape recording an aging vet would have gone to a deeper level of what scouting has been and continues to be..


And if you do go with an eagle- make it one bad ass eagle- not an abstract albino one that looks like it just smashed itself into a 2010 etched plate glass window.


It's slanted to "all modern" and scouting is TIMELESS.


I was against the idea of having the contest open only to scouts . We should have asked the best artists on earth to volunteer us their ideas. Instead- we have tens of thousands or more of scouts who lost out to a scout who's design they will probably hate or at least resentfully scrtatch their heads over.


Wouldn't it have been interesting to see what former scouts would have come up with as well? Seemed like a serious logo to make into a scout project.


Pappy(This message has been edited by Pappy)(This message has been edited by Pappy)

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For an Organization that purports itself to be "Youth Lead" who else would you get to design the 100th Anniversary Logo except a youth?


We had a professional designer, quite popular at the time, come up with the current uniform, how well is that style working out?


The contest was open to any scout, if you had a better design, it was up to you to get it submitted. The kid took on a challenge and was judged the winner, he should be congratulated, not taken to task for what his design isn't. It's much harder to construct than criticize


I think the uniform should be redesigned as well. Open it up to the youth to dessign what they want to wear. Have the top 5 designs published in Boys Life and placed on the BSA website and have the youth vote for what they like.


Lets see, how many youth do we have in the program? About 1,000,000 and 4,000 entries? Thats .04 percent of the membership, I guess the others figured they would get ripped new ones if they tried. Well done all


Boy Lead, what a concept!

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Old Grey Eagle- Good thoughts. Perhaps after considering what you just expressed I'll modify what I wrote and say that perhaps it should have been voted on by the scouts-- But the design competiton for the logo as well as the uniform could be submitted by any body (that way the bset idea may come from an adult and or non-scouting quarter).


THe images and concepts could be posted on a website and it could be voted on by active scouts.


I offer my congratulations ot the winner. I'm sure he can handle a critique of his work if he is an eagle scout.


(If he plans on going to art school hell have a rude awakening if he isn't.)


I'm all for getting Irving out of the equation of BSA's image-making department- here I think they really drop the ball.


Pappy(This message has been edited by Pappy)

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Hops, you need to go back to arithmetic class.


4,000/1,000,000 = 0.004. To find that as a percentage, shift the decimal two places to the right, .4%.


For example 10/100 = .1 = 10% or 100/200 = 5. = 50%


You see, per cent comes from the Latin per centum, literally meaning "by the hundred." So 10 per cent (or percent) is "ten out of one hundred" which is 1/10, or .1. 4 out of 1,000 would be .4 out of each hundred or 4/10%.



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