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Our troop is one of the oldest and most active in our district. As a result, we have some great traditions. And pretty soon, one of our Scouts will become the 100th Eagle in our troop. I'm thinking that's a milestone we as a troop should recognize and celebrate in some way. Does anyone have any ideas on this?






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As an Eagle myself the big thing that comes to mind make sure you do not take over the Scouts Eagle Court of Honor to celebrate him be the 100th rather then his achievements to make Eagle.


Maybe a good way the Troop can recognize this honor is some kind of plaque the Troop hangs up where they meet that lists all 100 Eagles with room for those who make it in coming years.


Also maybe at your next regular Court of Honor after the Scouts Eagle court you have a celebration of the Troop having 100 Eagles, not that Scout being the 100th.


I would also like to congratulate the Troop on having 99 so far, and the to be Eagle for all his achievments!


Scott Robertson


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##Have a seperate, appropriately solemn ceremony for the Scouts, let the Scouts and family have their day, but make the rest of the world aware...


This is an occasion, after all, doesn't happen every day... What an opportunity.... RUN WITH IT!!


##Make sure your DE and Council Scout Executive are aware.


##Media attention. Call/write/email every tv station, newspaper in the county and state.Dun them. Appoint a "Media Chair".

Don't forget the Scout Media... Boy's Life... Scouter Mag... Local Council screed...


##Contact every Eagle from years gone by you can. Group picture. Elicit congratulatory letters from them. Any famous or nearly so among them? Heck, Make it a reunion... Put ads in the papers, articles in advance, to scare up 'old Scouts'.


## The White House loves to hear about these things... Who knows who might show up if you invite him/her???


##The local Town Politicos, State Legislature/ Federal Senator, Congressman...Their attendance will guarantee media attention... Scouts do good, yes?


##Scout around for a local "Scales and Tales" program from the local State Park service. Can you get a REAL Eagle (or Hawks, at least?)to be present?. A Falconer?


Hoo boy.


Congrats to the nascent Eagle(s).










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