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A bit of something positive to counter the negative

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We had our end of year Court of Honor last night. What a wonderful ceremony the Scouts put on. All but three of our Scouts (who had prior commitments) arrived in full official uniform, including our custom troop neckerchief. SPL led the ceremony and began with Pledge of Allegiance. Then the candle lighting to the points of the Scout Law - each Scout taking a turn to recite a point of the law while lighting a candle. The final candle for Reverent was lit by our Chaplain's Aid who then led our opening prayer.


SPL began the rank awards - highest first. In last night's case, 1st Class. New 1st Class Scout then awarded Tenderfoot rank. Tenderfoot Scout then presented the Scout badges. Wonderful!


Our JASM presented the merit badges earned and the Paul Bunyan Woodsman Award. Paul Bunyan recipient then gave out the Totin' Chip and Firem'n Chit awards.


Finally, it was my turn for a few special recognitions and SM Minute. While taking a moment to recognize those Scouts in PORs for the Troop, it occurred to me that all but one of them is in a position, but doesn't "need" it for rank advancement. What I mean is, our SPL for example is a Life Scout, has already been credited for his POR for Eagle, but nevertheless ran and was elected SPL.


I hear all the time "Johnny Scout NEEDS a POR for such and such rank" and here are these boys in front of me working hard at PORs that are not needed for rank advancement, but will surely count in their growth as Scouts.


Sorry, I digress...


SPL then gathered the Scouts together in a circle to do our traditional closing "Day is done, gone the sun..."


Full gathering of parents, grandparents and siblings.


During our after-party of pizza and cake, I walked around chatting with the parents. I noticed that ALL of our Scouts were gathered together in a corner of the room, talking, laughing, comparing awards received and generally having a good time. ALL OF THEM! No one left out of the group. No separate groups. What an amazing Troop of Scouts I have.


Our Troop will take a little break now for the Holidays. I sure do look forward to when we return in January and another fanastic year of Scouting.


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gwd-scouter, your COH sounds like it was a wonderful experience for everyone involved. It's great when the scouts are dedicated, and you can perhaps see some of where they get it when you see the parents and other family members there with them to recognize their achievements.


If I may, I'd like to add my own little bit of positive news (ok, I 'fess up, to also indulge in a parent's pride). I'm attending my older son's COH tonight, and while he is not advancing tonight, he is receiving one merit badge--Communications.


This is his first Eagle-required MB, but more importantly, represents another major accomplishment for him. You see, he has Asperger's. For him to have gotten up and made a speech (wish I could have seen it), not to mention attending a town meeting and being able to write about it.... these things are a big deal for him. I'm so proud of him for choosing to work on this badge, and completing it. That is my present from him this season, as far as I am concerned, and it is a keeper.

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My gosh, I remember so well what you are feeling. And just imagine, your program only gets better.


>>I hear all the time "Johnny Scout NEEDS a POR for such and such rank" and here are these boys in front of me working hard at PORs that are not needed for rank advancement, but will surely count in their growth as Scouts.

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