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These are the good ol' days...

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Believe it or not, I think we are living in the 'good ol' days'...


Anyone want to hazard a guess as to those scouting adventures/experiences that the scouters of tomorrow will yearn for in 2030?


I'll start off with a few 'remember whens...'


1. Remember when the Order of the Arrow was based on Indian legend...before it was considered disrespectful of Native Americans.


2. Remember when we had only two adults on a trip...before we required a parent to attend all functions with their scout.


3. Remember when we used propane stoves...before the PNR (personal nuclear reactor) was invented.


4. Remember when the Pinewood Derby was fun...before NASCAR bought the property rights.


5. Remember when we used to camp down at ol' Bear Claw Reservation...before they built that shopping center.


6. Remember when it cost only $200 to go to summer camp...before they figured out what a great deal it was and raised the price to $2,400.


7. Remember when we used to sneak our Gameboys out at night in our tents...before the Virtual Reality Implant Chip made it possible to go camping lying on our couch.


Please join in...serious or humorous...you pick.


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Hmmm ... Semp ... those were the good ole' days. Yep, remember when ..


1) There were no girls in the troop? But my grandson and his friends don't seem to mind!


2) When Reverent was the 12th Scout Law? ... now the 12th Guideline is Commendable.


3) We used to use dutch ovens ... now its gamma radiation heating oven.


4) The Outdoor Code has changed:


Be clean in my outdoor manners.

Be careful with nuclear fuel.

Be considerate in the outdoors.

Be concerned with extinct species.

and Be conservation minded


5) The Motto used to be "Be Prepared." Now, it's "Be Certified."


6) Scout's Oath used to be: ...

On my honor, I will do my best, to do my duties, to God and my Country, to obey the Scout Laws, to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morraly straight.


Now it's ..


On my honor, I will do my best, to do my duties, to my Country, to follow the Scout Guidelines, to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and virtually true.


7) Used to be two-deep leadership, now ... six-deep leadership.


8) We used to have class-1 and class-2 health form. Now, we only have one and it requires full physical.


9) Used to be, we have certain physical restrictions for high adventures. Now we have definite requirements including chlolestrol level, liver enzyme level, ...


10) Used to be taht we were able to camp in State and National Parks and virtually everywhere. Now we can only camp in BSA provided facilities.


yep ... those where the good ole days ... remember when BSA stands for Boy Scouts of America? Now, it's Benevolent Scouts of America.



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Hey remember when Bob and Ed used to have those big blowups on the scouter forum...before...Bob's son married Ed's daughter and now they all go on cruises together, playing shuffleboard and ping pong and enjoying carefree romantic sunsets on the poopdeck, while debating the relative merits of wearing knee high black socks with their bermuda shorts.


(Come on guys...one little smile for the camera.)(This message has been edited by SemperParatus)

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Remember when Tiger Cubs were 1st Graders and had to be potty trained?


Remember those things called Councils before the Federation took their place?


Remember all those old men who were Presidents, before Queen Hilary?


Remember before the days of the Thought Police, some twits chose what socks they would wear?


Remember the fuss there was when the neckerchief was replaced with radio frequency identification badges and free thinkers would change the frequency?


Remember when kids didn't need a dose of Paxil to be happy?


Remember them old backpacks that didn't have GPS built in?


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Yes I can remember when....


Scouts and scouters actually walked at Philmont and carried all their gear in what was called a backpack. That was before the personal hoverpad and tagalong carrier.


One could actually go to Canada, just north of Ely, Minn and find true wilderness. Not built up areas of condos and business districts.


I remember those antiques called compasses and later the hand held GPS's. That was before the gps become part of the PIP. (personal implant package)


We cut firewood with sharp edged pieces of metal, ya know axes and hatchets? Now all the scouts use perlls. (personal range limited lasers)


And I sure was sad when I could not find replacement parts for my old tent and had to get one of those new fangled individual weather shields. (although I did get the extra full length ground effect sleep hover)


thanks for the chuckles



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I'll play this game later.


Someone please give me a rag! I have to wipe the results of my "spit take" from reading Semper's post from my monitor!


I think it was the image of the four black sox with the Bermuda shorts that set me off.


Thanks a lot, Semper! ;)



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By the way, Semp ... I forgot a couple of things that I wish that I have right now:


Remember the MRE? Man ... it beats these stinking burger pills, meat loaf pills, noodle pills ... At least back then, I got a chance to light the backpacking stove to heat those MREs up! They tasted bad then but now ... ugh ... one swallow and you're full! Where is the fun in that? Nutritious ... yes ... but gone are the days of cooking outdoor. I still try to cook, but my dutch oven doesn't work well with the heating by induction method using the gamma collector. Bring back those coals! I forgot ... we used them all when the petro ran dried!


Remember GPS how some of the Scouter Forum made such a big fuss about them because they were not as useful as the traditional compass? Well .. GPS went out the wayside as did its predecessor the compass. I hate those implanted chip on our forehead! They itch in the winter time and they are very uncomfortable after you hit 60. Mine started to act up when the annoying 3-d map keeps poping up at unwanted time, especially at night! ... and they called it artificial intelligence. Worse yet ... the thing goes hay-wired every 90 minutes when the sun spots hit our area. In the middle of Philmont, it showed that I was in middle of Billings, Montana. Boy ... a GPS would be wonderful ... alright ... I'll take the compass too. Although, ever since the ozone hole got bigger in southern Argentina, it affected the magnetic field! That magnetic field shifted every other day it seems. Imagine that ... we used to worry about declination value!


Whatever happened to real life guides at Philmont? I hate those flying things called LiLiGu (... yeah ... the Life-Like Guides). They are so impersonable and they don't get tired like the rest of us!


One thing that I love about the new technology is the Eureka's new InstaTent. Have you gotten one yet? It's the one that has the built-in force field that would shield even the worst part of the gamma radiation time (noon). Yeah, I got the one that comes complete with environmental control and simulated mosquitoes sound! Uh huh ... I could just put myself back to the days when I was a Tenderfoot sleeping under the stars at Camp Strake ... in the middle of the 110% humid Houston summer! Too bad ... those skitters didn't make it through the ozone leak a few years back! Kind of missed them.


Remember when we used to laugh at the fact that they sell bottled water and joke about how they would bottled air ... I just wish that I had bought some stock in Airvian or Airzorka.


So ... between Ed and Bob ... who won the shuffle board match? Did they take that new cruise to Alpha Centauri or did they take the short trip to Pluto? I heard that there is some good high adventure there on Pluto!


Well ... thanks Semp for the trip back to memory lane! Yep ... those were the good ole days.




Hey Eamon ... for 83 years old ... Queen Hillary is still very active! Long live the queen ... I guess (still trying to say that line)! Didn't she drop her Clinton name right after he passed away after his fourth heart attack? Yeah ... I missed those Republican vs Democrat debates. I heard that Laura Bush ... (remember her?) ... is trying for that vacant presidential position in the Republic of Texas! She used the same line as her father-in-law ..."Thousand points of light" in every household as her campaign slogan and of course the infamous "no new taxes!"


Man ... being 66, I'm still have another 44 years to work before I reach my early retirement age. That stinks! Remember when one could retire when one gets to 59.5? With my luck and the so-called community security package payout, I will have to take a third job. When that time comes, I will have to bow out from scouting.


Imagine that ... they still use that line to get people to volunteer in scouting ... "It only takes 1 hour!" ... and they still have suckers all over the universe!


1Hour(This message has been edited by OneHour)

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Remember when we used to write messages on our home computers to each other? Now we have virtual Roundtables via our tele-watches. We used to write things that we would never say to another's face. This new invention has made us polite and friendly but still with lively conversations. Remember O.G.C. and Hops cutting us off in mid-stream because we got a little worked-up over some finer point of Scouting? That's all gone. "Yes, I know and I think we have lost something because of it." It makes me long for those good ole days." Hops is now a SM and his Troop will be going to the next Jamboree on the moon. I heard that there is a judgment out against Scouting using the moon because it belongs to several nations. Yea, but Scouting is now worldwide and allows most in as long as they arent married to an alien race. O.G.C. is also in Scouting and has taken a group on a trek to Phil-Mars. They will be hiking the 6,000 mile cavern that is 2 miles deep. I took a group last year and it really is Gods country.


How about when we used to play like we had a campfire and we invited everyone to sit with us but now through holographic imaging, we really do have a campfire and it actually puts out warmth and food can be cooked on it. We can share it by physical transmission through Quantum movement. It sure brings us closer together for an evening of fun and fellowship but I am looking forward to the new Body Quantum transmission coming out soon. It really will bring us closer together. It will reduce the world to having everyone or anyone the same as your next door neighbor.


Scouting is more important now than ever. Those rules, regulations and guidelines really keep us from infringing on others and helps us to get along. I can remember us writing about their importance and if we should bend them or ignore them. "If we had only known then what we know now." I feel sure things would have been different."




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