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I want to thank everybody for the advice. I spoke with the guy yesterday. He was in street clothes. Kind of went like this:


Me: "Hey [Guy] I thought I saw you in a scout shirt the other day [did not mention the patch]. Does this mean you are interested in getting more involved?"


Guy: "Yeah, I talked it over with my son and I think its time I started helping out more."


Me: "Great - what are you interested in doing?"


Guy: "Well, I thought about helping you out as an ASM."


Me: "Sounds good, we can always use some extra hands around here. Why don't we get you trained and figure out where you would like to focus your energies."


Guy: "Sounds good to me."


Me: "And at the next COH, we'll induct you as an ASM - I'll take care of getting the patch."


Guy: [No comment]


In the end, I figured this guy was reaching out by wearing the uniform and I should reach out to see what he wanted to do. While it remains to be seen how involved he will become, I don't think I should stand in the way of the opportunity to help in whatever way he wants. As SM, I should be able to choose my own ASMs. He kind of forced my hand a bit (I would have preferred it if he would have just asked first) but hey, if he gets trained and actually does get involved then I don't care how it all got started.


Better that a person comes late to the party, then never at all. Overtime, I hope we will grow in friendship as we work side-by-side in scouting. Maybe I could have been more of a 'man' about this and gotten my way...but then that would have been at the expense of someone else.


The Scout Law sure comes in handle sometimes.


Thank you all again. This forum rocks!!!


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Great thread. I really enjoy learning how other units handle the same issues. I suspect we are constantly re-inventing the wheel, but Terry's forum is a great step in cross-unit communication!


Q: How many other units have ASMs chosen by the SM? In our troop, we encourage all new parents to register and then ask them if they want to be an ASM or on the committee. As a result, we have about 20 or 30 ASMs (with 5-10 on any given campout).

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glad it worked out!


Our troop, like wise, takes all comers, only question is ...ASM or CM? SM runs it all and is fully supported by CC but we find a use for 'every seat' in the house...

biggest problem I have seen with this is some of the 'newbies' question the BSA way and sometimes feel we don't 'listen' to their new ideas...like when one asked 'who was I to require all scouts on our canoe trip be recognized BSA swimmers and wear PFD's (after all isn't that a parents job?...no really he did ask that question) Mostly it works well and with some TLC you grow new adult leaders

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We ask every family, when their son joins the troop, to volunteer at least one parent to serve as either a ASM or a Committee Member. The vast majority choose MC over the ASM role. I think the reasons are (1)

they feel they don't have the time to make the commitment, (2) they see it as a "uniform" position and don't want to be that "dedicated", and (3) it's only a heartbeat away from SM. :)


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Most of our CM's have UNIFORMS...are we unusual?

A good number of them (our CM's) could step in as ASM's tomorrow, Many of us have taken SM fundimentals as well as the Committee challenge. We (as a troop) do not use SM/ASM's for BoRs so having a large uniformed corps of CM's is important to hold BoRs which reflect (to the scouts) the importance and honor of the proceeding..."not just a bunch of parent sitting around".


Our CM's include many 'life for lifers' and three Eagles (last two CC's were Eagles). We also feel in is important for the CM's to understand the scouting program, participate in camping and what know what the 'program' side is trying to do so that we can be sure "THE COMMITTEE" does it's job rather than try to second guess 'program' and the PLC. Do other troops handle this differently?

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