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Rabbi Peter Hyman receives Bronze Wolf Award


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The World Scout Committee announced Rabbi Peter Hyman of Temple B’nai Israel in Easton, Md as the recipient of the Bronze Wolf Award, the highest Scouting award.

"Hyman became the 377th individual and  the first rabbi to have been honored and one of a handful of Jewish recipients worldwide. He is the first Jewish recipient of the Bronze Wolf Award since Alain Silberstein of France, the executive secretary of the International Forum of Jewish Scouts, who was named in 2016.

The rabbi was selected to receive the award for his work encouraging interfaith dialogue as the first chairman of the “Messengers of Peace” sponsored by the late King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia and King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden. He was even invited as the first rabbi to visit Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, where he spoke at the invitation of King Abdullah on Scouting’s values before a group of worldwide Scouting sponsors."

He has been named a Distinguished Eagle Scout and has served scouts as the national chairman and longtime national chaplain for the National Jewish Committee on Scouting and as head chaplain at several World and National Jamborees.

Much more at source links



Scout Salute,

Edited by RememberSchiff
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