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question re: can b.s. account be spent on eagle project?

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I've watched this thread and the responses. In the specific case that initiated the thread, I see no reason why a scout shouldn't be able to use money from his troop account for an Eagle project, any aspect of it. Presumably this money is there because the scout made an effort at some point to participate in fund raising. If he is willing to donate his share to an Eagle project, even his own, that benefits the community, well I think that is an honorable use of the money. More so than using the money on himself, so he can attend camp, a trip or buy himself equipment.


On another thought,


Boleta said the following:


"Is it reasonable to ask all Scouts to start from the same point? Yes.

Should a rich kid have an advantage of funding over a poor one? No.

Should funds obtained prior to approval of the projects be allowed? No.

Are any of these requirements? NO! "


These are nice thoughts, but how is a project that is funded from, as someone said, Bank AmeriDad, different with respect to the scout's ability to show leadership, from a project where funding is fully provided by a town Recreation Dept. or a Church? In both cases the scout does not have to deal with fundraising and must demonstrate leadership in other ways. Sure, a scout that developes and runs a fundraising campaign through donations shows a lot of leadership and initiative but, fundraising for the project should be a requirement for all candidates or none. As currently written, it is not a requirement and to hold any candidate back based on the funding source of their project is adding to the requirements and not fair to the scout.





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I think my reasoning for not allowing the use of the scout account is sound. I was also the one who said, "if I were the District Advancement Chair... I would not allow...". The beauty of the Forum is that through discussion of the issues we see what others do and why they do so.


There are no constraints regarding obtaining funds and therefore these other methods ARE acceptable. I do agree with the opinions of scoutldr and FScouter concerning judging the project. If there is any question concerning the level of leadership in the performance of a project, then certainly a high degree of leadership in obtaining the funds for the project would count greatly in the scouts favor.

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I've been wanting to reply to this for days, but haven't been able to post.


How the project is funded is not the issue of the Eagle project. The idea is for the scout to demonstrate leadership and provide service to the community. Can this be done when it is paid for by dad? Yes. Can it be done when it is paid by the recipient of the service? Yes. Can it be done with money raised as part of the effort? Certainly. Can it be done with money earned by the scout and set aside in his personal scout account? Why not? It really just boils down to troop policy on how individual accounts are used. I do not believe the district or the Eagle Board of Review has any say-so in the matter.


My Eagle project (over 20 years ago) was completely funded by the recipient (our CO). I did have to provide a proposal along with a budget. I had to set up an account at a local business that provided the goods. I had to turn in invoices to account for the expenses. All of this was great experience for me. The fact that I did not have to worry about fund raising did not take anything away from the project.


Denying a project because of how it is funded is adding to the rules - plain and simple.


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