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Ventura County Council and Troop 102 of Ventura


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In 2021 Ventura County Council, number 57, will celebrate its centennial, the date coming in June of that year.  Related, Troop 102, originally Troop 2 of Ventura will also have their centennial, officially on December 21st.  It is officially because they broke off from Troop 1 of Ventura, about a split down the middle, in Spring of 1921 and began meeting as Troop 2.  But because they did not get their sponsor officially on paper until December 21st, they were sort of in limbo and I guess technically still part of Troop 1.

I seem to have inherited the Historian hat, and as also SM of 102, I am constantly digging as my patience allows.  Since the onset of the wide open Net, we have discovered a great amount of new information on our histories here, and also gotten a number of great historical pictures.  I am posting this here to simply ask that if any of the readers may have had a connection to our council or my troop, that you consider putting together some short synopses of your experiences and recollections and contact me.  

Our local active camp here is still Camp Three Falls in the Lockwood Valley area.  So we also are looking for material on it.  


Thank you for your time.  Perhaps I may get lucky and find some new materials.


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