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FScouter said, "This should be easy, but the Scout requirements should still be demonstrated as a Scout."


Huh! How can you demonstrate requirements for Scout as a Scout? The requirements need to be completed before one is a "Scout."


There nothing in the handbook that states that the requirements for Scout must be done after "joining" Boy Scouts. In fact, one could argue that they are the requirements for joining Boy Scouts. If you look at the handbook, it says, "Here's what you need to do to become a Boy Scout."


Nothing says, "Complete and submit an application first, then do the rest of these things." There is no order to the items. I'd argue that if an SM, ASM, or troop instructor participated in the AOL process and ensured that the Webelos did everything, the Scout badge should be awarded upon crossing the bridge.


More evidence is in the Handbook (the precious and holy Handbook that states all truth). On page 5, the photo's caption states "A graduating Webelos Scout who has Earned the Arrow of Light has completed most of the joining requirements. With the approval of his Scoutmaster he will recieve the Boy Scout badge upon joining the troop."


After earning AOL, the only thing left to do is turn in the application for Boy Scouts.

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The boy and his parents have to complete the Child Abuse booklet exercises before being awarded their Scout rank. They also have to have an SM conference. I'm not sure if the SM conference they have for AOL counts towards the Scout rank or if it means another SM conference after registering.

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" I'm not sure if the SM conference they have for AOL counts towards the Scout rank or if it means another SM conference after registering."


Since no order is specified in the requirements, the SM conference can occur at any time.



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Actually, if I remember correctly; the boys filled out a registration form and gave to the SM at their SM conference as a requirement for AOL. I don't have my books in front of me or I could check.

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Actually, from what little I've seen (meaning a few Boy Scout applications) the requirements for Scout are called "joining requirements." They do include reading the child abuse tear out in the handbook, and a Scoutmaster conference. I think the Scoutmaster conference should be conducted right away and the boy awarded the Scout badge as soon as feasible.


Our district Boy Scout Chairman showed us the advancement report from the council at the last commissioner meeting. Scout isn't shown as a rank.



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Beaver, you are correct that the old Webelos requirements required that a boy complete and turn in a Boy Scout application during his Scoutmaster's conference. The book says that the application won't be processed until the boy is ready to join the troop and that the requirement was only intended to encourage the boy to continue with Scouting. I think it was generally accepted (at least around here) that the was no requirement to join a troop.


While I don't have a book in front of me to quote, the new requirements clarifies this by plainly saying that joining a troop is not a AoL requirement.

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The old trick was to fill out the form to fulfill the requirement and hold it. After the AOL was earned, the form was torn up for those who chose not to continue in Scouting.

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If you're dealing with your feeder pack and you know you're getting these lads, as opposed to the "just looking" types who show up unannounced, I use the AOL SM conference, held in conjunction with the AOL Troop meeting visit, as partial fulfillment of the joining requirements. When I have my parents' meeting after crossover, while the SPL is with the Scouts, I show them the pamphlet, ask them to go over it with their sons within a week, and ask them to call or e-mail me when they've completed the exercises. We award the Scout badge at the next COH. It works well for us.


You're right, the Scout badge isn't a rank, it's a badge that shows the Scout completed the joining requirements. That's how I answer when asked why there's no BOR for Scout...



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