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Tomah,WI Boy Scout Cabin on National Register of Historic Places


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The Wisconsin Historical Society has announced the listing of the Tomah (WI) Boy Scout Cabin on the National Register of Historic Places.  National Register designation provides access to certain benefits, including qualification for grants and for rehabilitation income tax credits, while it does not restrict private property owners in the use of their property.

The Tomah Boy Scout Cabin, built in 1934, was constructed as a community project and upon completion, provided a clubhouse and meeting space for the Tomah boy scouts.  These cabins reflect the social history of the larger Boy Scout movement, which began in this country in 1910 and continues today.  The Boy Scout organization’s mission is to provide a civic-minded, mentoring environment to boys and young men.  The Boy Scouts advocated cabin building as an ideal project fostering real life experiences of fundraising and teamwork. At the conclusion of construction, the boys, who may have earned a badge for their efforts, undoubtedly basked in the satisfaction of succeeding in such a large project.

Restoration funding is currently being sought.

How many other Nationally Registered Historic Places are scout related?



Edited by RememberSchiff
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