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Unit, District, Council Webmasters

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I have a few questions for the Council Webmasters out there.... District and Unit webmaster I am interested in your responses too...


1) Do you maintain your council website by yourself or as part of a web team?


2) If part of a web team, how is the team organize and how does it meet?


3) What have you found to be the favorite sections of your Council web site from the average users point of view?


4) Are there are any thing you wish you had at hand, to make things easier on you or to make a better council website site?


5) does your council have guidelines for Districts our Units, besides what National provides? Does it provide hosting to Districts?


Please forgive me for the cross post between ScoutL, Scouter.com and the rec.scouting.usa newgroup. Thank you in advance for all your responses.


Wacky Scouting




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I am a Troop Webmaster


1) I maintain the site by myself. The content comes from the entire Troop.


2) No team.


3) The Clip Art & other resources.


4) More time for improvements.


5) National has unit guidelines. As far as I know, my council doesn't have any guidelines. No, my council doesn't offer hosting and actually this is not encouraged by National.


Ed Mori

Troop 1

1 Peter 4:10

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The Webmaster for BSA has contacted me, and would like to share the results of this survey with him. I am still interested in having more surveys taken. If you do not want to post answers here feel free to email me at scott@insanescouter.org.





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1) Do you maintain your council website by yourself or as part of a web team?


I designed and maintain the website on my own.


2) If part of a web team, how is the team organize and how does it meet?




3) What have you found to be the favorite sections of your Council web site from the average users point of view?


Unit web site: Our fact sheet has guided 3 families in the area to Cubs, not necessarily to our pack though. The scrapbook is popular, and the calendar is useful to leaders and those families that use the computer.


4) Are there are any thing you wish you had at hand, to make things easier on you or to make a better council website site?


Unit web site: My only wish would be to be able to ensure that links were child friendly; checking up on them is time consuming and therefore things may be overlooked.


5) does your council have guidelines for Districts our Units, besides what National provides? Does it provide hosting to Districts?


Unit webmaster: To my knowledge, no guidelines are available. I asked and did not get an answer; however, during roundtable, I learned from the DE that many units have sites. Districts are hosted by council; however, the news on each district is the same as that found in council news. It is a site under construction, so hopefully this will change.


Hope this helps.

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