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How Did Scouting Impact Your Life?


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Since this really does involve Scouting History (YOUR history!),  I put it here.   I hope a lot of you avail yourself of this opportunity to talk about some memories.... 


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To all adults who were Boy Scouts: I am an Eagle Scout from Capitol Hill  Troop 500 in Washington, DC. I am making a video of adults talking about how Boy Scouts impacted their life in positive ways. I'm trying to get video clips of as many people as I can before September 1, 2015. I will be making a compilation of the clips to post on YouTube. If you'd like to participate, send me a 5-minute (at most) video of you answering this question:   How did Scouting impact your life?  When you email me your video, please send me a signed release form as well. You can send your video and form to me at   greysonacquaviva@gmail.com.    Because of the BSA's youth protection rules, please   cc: my mom at   kdacqua@gmail.com, and include the release form below.      Thanks so much for your help. Please share this post with your friends! Thanks - I really appreciate it.   Greyson Acquaviva and his mom, Kim Acquaviva.



(note:   Greyson is already an Eagle.  This is a "personal" project).

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