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Required positions: please clarify for me

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I thought that within a pack the required adult positions consisted of CR, CC, CM, 2 MCs, and DLs for each den. I also thought the CR could sometimes be the same person as the IH, but now I'm not sure and I can't put my hands on a particular reference.


We just got our charter renewal packet, and we have until Feb. 7 to have it turned it. This looked easy until I saw the list of required adult positions. Is the following correct? If so, we will have trouble, for we sure had a tough enough time getting any adults to begin with:


CR, CC, CM, CC, DL, TL, WL, CA, Pack Trainer (not one of the MCs), IH


We will be sitting down with the UC, but for now, we've got to get a move on this because of the numerous corrections needed for the roster and the potential to have to recruit. Thanks!

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Your first thought was correct. You must have CR, CC, CM, 2CM's, and a Den leader for each den. The IH can be the CR as well, and can also be the CC because neither the IH or CR are classified as unit positions. The CR cannot be a unit leader at the same time ie. CM ACM, DL, etc.

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I believe you have listed the positions incorrectly. You have listed the Committee Chair twice. I believe what you are looking at is a list of all the position codes and not the list or required positions. I do not believe that Pack Trainer or an Assist Cubmaster are required for charter renewal (the Asst. CM is needed for the Quality Uit Award).


The IH can be the COR. The COR can also be the CC.


Other than that, your original list seems accurate to me, a cubmaster, a committee chair, a COR, 2 committee members, at least one Den Leader for each rank for which you have a cub.


Re-read your paperwork and repost the list of rerquired positions.





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Yes, I did list CC twice; the second one should have been CA. I have the paperwork in front of me now:


"Adult Member Listing

1. Required adult leader postions

*Chartered Organization Representative (CR)

*Committee Chairman (CC)

*Cubmaster (CM)

*At least two Committee members (CC) I believe this s/b "MC"

*At least one Den Leader (DL)

*If the pack has Tiger Cub boys, at least one Tiger Cub Den Leader (TL)

*If pack has Webelos age boys, at least one Webelos Den Leader (WL)

*Assistant Cubmaster (CA) -- needed to qualify as a Quality Unit

*Pack Trainer--a committee position, not one of the two required MC's

*Chartered Organization Executive Officer (IH)

2. ...new adults...."


This is what I have to work from, and there is no indication that any of these are optional, except maybe for CA which has a qualifier after it (to get Quality Unit).

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This appears to be a locally generated list of pack positions and they have incorrectly coded the Committee members (they should be MC), and incorrectly included the Pack Trainer and Assistant Cubmaster as required for chartering.


Unless they were added in the last few months these are not required for charter renewal but are need for Quality Unit Award.


A call to your council registar should solve the confusion. Ask them to send you a photo copy of the national instructions.


Bob White

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Hi Paul,

Someone misunderstood. The rule is the COR can also be the CC. It's not that the CC can hold a second position. It's that the COR can.

BW(This message has been edited by Bob White)(This message has been edited by Bob White)

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Thank you Bob. I will call to follow up, but I just wanted to be sure I wasn't misunderstanding what was required. We worked very hard this past year to get required people into place and trained, and to have to add to that would tough--at least in this timeframe.

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acco40--thanks for the reminder. I actually am a multiple, as is my husband. In fact, this past year, once I learned that we could have multiples, recruiting got easier. Instead of saying goodbye to Webelos II leaders, I asked them to serve on the committee of the pack even though they registered with the troop. It's been neat to do this; it helped build up both the troop and the pack, and it provided for clearer communication between the two. So for those who didn't know, you don't have to let your Webelos den leaders go; you can just ask them to serve differently; they'll most likely have much to contribute :)

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Laurie, while I'm pleased that having the Ex- Den Leaders on your pack committee is working out for you. I have to admit to not being keen on the idea.

My thinking is that they ought to be focused on the job at hand. Also that the pack will change as the boys in the pack change and new leaders come on board. If these Ex-Den Leaders are no longer part of the pack they won't be part of this change. The pack needs to have as many family members as can be had on the committee if these people are there with no family in the pack we are starting to get away from this.


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Eamonn, I wasn't clear. First, those who are registered with the troop for their primary registration and led Webelos last year still have boys in the pack. Instead of taking on a new den for their younger sons (they did not want to), they were willing to work on the committee. As of this month, the den leader with the most tenure has been involved for 1.5 years. This time next year, only 2 adult leaders won't have sons bridging into a troop--with the exception of the committee members who were once Webelos den leaders. We have some serious recruiting to do, but for now, having some leaders stay on provides continuity, keeps them involved in a different way with their sons, and helps those of who are newer to learn what worked and what didn't from them. They are open to change, by the way, so it's not as though we have to do things they are always were done. With this info, does that concern you? One more question to toss your way: I was considering staying on after my son bridged, perhaps as Pack Trainer. What are the pitfalls in this? It is very hard to keep leaders, and it especially hard to recruit. Though I recruited 4 leaders from within our pack last year, there is not one other parent interested in helping in any way. I know for I'm the one who approached them all.

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We do a similar thing. We often include leaders from the past 1-2 years who have moved on to the troop as part of the pack committee. While not overly active, they do help provide the connection from the pack to the troop. Sometimes, they have younger sons coming up, so it helps with continuity on that as well.

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