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I am the Lodge Adviser for Timuquan Lodge in West Central Florida Council. I served 2 years as an Associate Section Adviser for SR-4. I served as the adviser to the SR-4's version of ArrowCorps5: FourCorps 2010 and am serving in that position again for FourCorps 2014. By the way, that event will probably be open to any member of the Order of the Arrow.


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North Star adviser here, Colonneh Lodge SR2-3S. We had our conclave at Texas State two weekend ago. A.I.W.(American Indian Weekend) back on the lodge calendar weekend event Aug 15-17 at Bovay SR. Cehck out Colonneh lodge.org

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I have a good topic for discussion. Like so many lodges today council mergers have given us a vast area of cover. We do use a Tribe and Chapter system, which solves some issues, however the LEC still has to handle quite a bit of business.


What's the best answer to holding productive PLC's with members scattered across four states? What works for you?

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What's the best answer to holding productive PLC's with members scattered across four states? What works for you?

Do you mean holding LEC meetings? Perhaps rotating the meetings around the whole lodge region. This would give the various chapters an opportunity to host the LEC meetings. Also, using some sort of conference calling might be beneficial. You could even use some sort of virtual meeting type software to share documents such as MS Lync or even Skype.

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