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CNN/NYT reports BSA votes to allow gay scouts

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Vote went the way I wanted, the forum is fixed, good day all around.
Forum is better, not fixed. Still problems with editing occasionally. (Text box is blank). Sometimes end of line characters ore omitted. Posting on an iPad is a problem as the text box only appears at the bottom of the page and keyboard covers it.


But yes, it was a good day.

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I wonder how many people actually leave. I hope not many. Those that do probably should, and those that stay will make us better.
Leaving for other activities is one thing. Leaving for this upcoming new OnMyHonor.Net hate group, that would just be especially sad.
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I wonder how many people actually leave. I hope not many. Those that do probably should, and those that stay will make us better.
EmberMike, didn't your write that if the vote didn't go your way, you were going to take your kids and put them in the BPSA or something?
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Packsaddle, I guess I would say I too wish the pro's in Irving would have had the guts to make the call themselves. However, at the same time - putting it to a vote does a couple things (in addition to deflecting some of the heat from themselves): 1) It gets buy-in from the councils... it was THEIR votes that changed the policy... no one can argue the point much when its majority rules. 2) For once, Irving can be viewed as actually LISTENING to the units they are supposed to be serving!! One of the largest complaints I ever hear (and that I level on my own against pro's of every stripe) is that there is far too much top-down decision making in BSA. Be it G2SS and red wagons or membership policy... at least they took the local councils feedback and opinion in to account BEFORE making the decision. 3) I'll give big props to Mr. Terry - his Op-ed piece is a brave new step for a leader at national... and a good example of corporate leadership. I don't see Mazzucca ever doing anything like that in a million years.... that is a good thing.


The fact that the policy statement also addressed concerns about same sex attraction bodes well and shows forethought as well. And, its correct - sexual conduct of ANY type hetro or homo does NOT belong in scouting or scout outings... the YPG is more than sufficient to cover the do's and don't regardless of gender or proclivity.

No argument here. I guess that's the silver lining.
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