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To Gonzo: Putting Down New Woodbadgers by Putting Down their Course

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I've read your posts in the thread "What is WB All About?" What follows is my opinion, derived from my assessment of your posts.


Im sorry you perceive the current Wood Badge curriculum being a failure. By reasonable extension, the message I have received from you is that myself and other Woodbadgers of the past 6 years are not acceptably trained Scouters.


Sir, neither you nor I, on this Forum, can change the course content of 21st Century Wood Badge. It was developed by folks down in Irving, with input across the Nation. If you want to change the curriculum and course content of Wood Badge, get on the National Training Committee, or one of the Regional Training Committees. You might even be able to do it (but I'm skeptical of this) from being a Council Training Chairman.


Right now, my perception of the message THEME received from you is "None of you who've taken Wood Badge in the past six years have anything worthy to contribute to Scouting." Yes, from everything I've read, you do not think my six days of coursework, 4 evenings of meeting with my Patrol, and year plus of working my (first) ticket are worth anything.


Feedback is a gift. Read the above closely, Sir. Look at those of us who've given time and effort to Scouting, to serve our youth, to improve ourselves by taking time for WB. Do you really mean to denigrate us and what we do by denigrating the training Scouting makes available to us?



(This message has been edited by John-in-KC)

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I've said it before I'll say it again.


We could not take the old course if we wanted to.



I do see some of Gonzo's points about outdoor skills.


The level of Knowledge in scout skills is an individual pursuit. Just like religion, fitness, whatever. What you do with the knowledge after you get it is most important.


Do you take intro to Outdoor leadership and figure you're done learning? You are a fool.


Do you earn your beads as a Den leader(which I did) and think that Boy Scouts is adult led? You are a fool.


Do you not abide by the G2SS? You need to be out on your backside.


Do you serve as an infantryman for years and think you can take Boy Scouts camping without learning the rules?

You are dangerous.


I try to continue to learn whatever I can, I can't lash for beans but I'm learning.


Are there leaders that took the old course that have nothing to do with Scouting?



Are there leaders that took the new course that are busting their tail?



It's not the beads, it's what you continue to do with the heart that's behind them and the bony knob on your shoulders that they hang on, that's what counts

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While this is the place to discuss Scouting and BSA Training's and it's fine for us to have differences of opinions.

I do feel if you want to have words with another forum member the way to do it is by using the private message.

I for one am happy to spend many happy hours talking about Wood Badge. I am not happy when it seems as if we are attacking a fellow forum member.

With that said I'm closing this thread.


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