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COPE ad campaign--ATTN: SE's and marketing folks!!

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Well, I am back again requesting the help of the group. My name is OX and I'm an...oh, wait..wrong forum :)


Seriously, as my council's COPE Chairman, I am tasked with overseeing and guiding the council's COPE programs. Part of that job is to "pitch" the program to various groups in an attempt to let them know the benefits of such a course.


I am about to try to create an advertising program and need some guidance. Let me tell you my idea and you folks tell me what you think (good, bad, etc.). Keep in mind that money is (always) tight and any plan MUST be as cost effective as possible.


I want to establish a "tiered" plan. The first part is the creation of a mass mailed brochure. Thinking about printing basic COPE information on a standard sheet of paper (front and back). We would leave a space blank so we could tri-fold it, staple, stamp and mail. It would contain a couple pics and very basic info about COPE and a contact person. We are planning on getting the local Chambers of Commerce to give us mailing lists for corporations to send this to. If the corporate contact is interested, they can call the contact person and request more information. This takes us to the second tier.


The second level is the mailing of a more detailed information packet when requested. Inside this packet would be a letter from me pitching COPE, course price lists, a CD-ROM containing a PowerPoint presentation, digital pictures and a short 3-4 minute movie/commercial about our program. If they are still interested after seeing all that, they call and schedule a face-to-face meeting with a member of the COPE committee. This moves to level three.


At the personal meeting, which can be a one-on-one or with the entire potential group, they can ask questions not covered in the materials, etc.


My thinking with this setup was that we could cheaply print up the mass mailers knowing that not every company/ school will respond. We won't have to create as many detailed packets (level 2), thus saving money. The blank CD-ROMs can be bought in bulk cheaply and burned by members of the COPE staff. The personal visit is the most "costly" as it requires someone's volunteered time. No need to make that the first step by any means.


Also to keep costs down, I am thinking about trying to contact the local University's Marketing Department and see if maybe an upper level class would like to take on the task of creating the mass mailer and CD movie/pics for a class project. COPE would have the class come out and participate in a weekend COPE course at NO COST to them. That way they get the footage they need and can do COPE for free. We would give them "free range" to create an ad campaign that they like. I would be able to assist them with gathering information and presentation materials only and would leave the design and creation up to them.


So, what are your thoughts on this plan? Anything you would change? Something that could be done better?


Sorry for the long post and thanks in advance!




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Welcome back!


I like the idea that you're actually planning how to go about this, rather than going at it half baked. You're already halfway to success!


I like the idea of involving a college marketing class. I think that sounds like win - win.


My only criticism is the initial mailing. Although less expensive than the other tiers, it is VERY expensive per response for the results you'll get. You could probably reduce the cost per hit by having the marketing class do some target marketing to limit who gets your mailing to those who, for instance, are known to spend money on team building events.


Good luck!



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This all sounds pretty good OX; got an interest in COPE myself actually...

In our Council, we're trying hard to get more folks out to check out our facility by incorporating small pieces at Camporees and Jamborees and inviting the local OA lodge to come and play and return to their units with good reports. Also hope to present the Climbing MB and help out small Troops with their JLT sessions.

Promote everywhere that you can reach within the Scouting community; District program kickoffs and Roundtables are good venues as well. Making your course available to Church youth groups doesn't hurt either.

This isn't addressing the corporate world however; that's a little tougher sell and looking for some ideas myself. But if you get the word around where you can easily reach you're making a good start at least!

I think the idea of using a university marketing class is a pretty good one.

And must agree with MK that the cost of mailings will add up, could you partially offset that cost for the second tier by using a website instead of the CD ?

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You talked about getting the mailing lists from the chambers. You might take it a step further. I have worked with chambers that allowed us as to include our materials in their mailings. They generally charge the member businesses a much reduced fee to do this. You may be able to latch onto a member business that would be willing to eat the cost as a donation to scouting.


I have also been able to get free mailings by working with banks, untilities, etc. This isn't as easy as it used to be since so many businesses are no longer local but it's still something to check into.


Good luck.

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I understand the costs of mailings. I estimate that we may have 200-250 initial mailers at first.



I was in Sam's the other day and found a 50 pack of blank CD-R discs for $12. I am thinking that we would get no more than a 1 in 4 response for more information making that 50 pack enough (for now). In my area, it would be considerably cheaper to make the CDs than pay for a webpage and have someone keep it updated.


My targets are going to be corporates, church groups then schools. I recently found out about a company 25 miles from my course that sent 12 staffers to Oregon at $1400 each for a 4 day challenge course identical to our COPE course. The company was upset that they did not know such a course existed locally.


We tend to make our money of the non-scouting groups. Granted, we don't make a killing, but this allows us to offer the proram to scout groups at a VERY reduced rate (usually $5 per scout for a weekend course).


I am meeting with my SE soon to get his blessing and hopefully his finanical support.


Keep the ideas coming!



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Ox, because you are a Scouter and without you and others, we wouldnt have this program which I enjoy so much.....


I would be willing to help you set up a website. Probably ending up with NO costs to you whatsoever. for starters at least:)

I say that because you could sooner or later go deeper and pay like 6 bucks a month for no ads or even get a .com or .org, etc


You can check out these sites to see what I can do and how I do it. Any questions, let me know...


http://hops19.tripod.com --- my site




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I like most of your plan. The marketing class idea is GREAT!


I see only one flaw in your plan... The Three tier system. It requires your customers to say yes three times before you see a dime. That's also three chances for them to lose interest. One "No" and your out. I'd start out with sending the 25 cent CD in the first place. I know cash is short, but if sending the CD brings in one extra customer it would be $50 well spent. Don't give them an extra chance to get busy and never get back to you.

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hops scout-

I will check with the SE. All websites related to council activities (excluding troop sites) must be approved by the council office. I like the idea though.



That is a very good point. One I had not thought of from that angle. I will pitch that idea and see what happens.





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